Monday, November 9, 2009

Soft Targets

The recent shootings at Fort Hood will not doubt spark backlash from racist American's looking bravely for soft targets to kill. Many already believe that the reason Hasan killed those people because he is a terrorist. BULLSHIT! Besides being harassed regularly for being Muslim, not doubt from the Christians, his brother mentioned the following which I gleaned from Democracy Now:

MOHAMMED HASAN: About a week before the incident, he hired a lawyer in order to leave the Army, get married, and live his life. But they rejected his request and asked him to go to Afghanistan. This was the biggest shock for him. So, there’s another reason why he did what he did, not just because of the harassment of the soldiers. There is another reason.

America Loves soft targets. Insurance companies get away with killing thousands of people across this nation, and your average white male racist isn't gonna take up his gun and start shooting insurance company execs. They have security guards and people who will fire back. The court systems protect wealthy folk who kill and not the poor bastards who should be killing them. Too much bravery required for that action. Best to kill blacks during a hurricane like happened in Katrina. Best to attack Muslims who don't have guns.

Instead of looking into what really happens in the world, such as the U.S. government illegally slaughtering millions of Iraqi's and Afghani's. The U.S. military oppression of said peoples. The U.S. military male raping his female comrades, and Iraqi children like Abeer Qasim al Janabi.

But the U.S. honors folk like Phil Sheridan who stated about us Indians to "kill the women and children first, they are easier to kill and it strikes terror into the hearts of the men."

So, as the stupid stupid stupid americans find more soft targets to hit, what are we gonna do about it? Me, I'm brining attention to this. Stupid Stupid Americans are gonna kill and oppress easy targets to prove to themselves, and themselves alone, they are allegedly brave. They will not bravely fight hard targets, like insurance companies. They won't take up arms and join the military, they would rather other folk do their killing for them because, really, they ain't nothin' but racist chickenshits who would NEVER go up against a target bigger than them. It's a little difficult to rape a 250 man on steroids, got go after the easy ones. Then go home and praise themselves up for the brave glorys of hurting unarmed or undefended folk.

Still, insurance corporations are gonna continue to kill Americans at approximately 100,000 a year. GET 'EM RACIST SOFT TARGET CHASING TYPES... I didn't think so. Ain't so brave afterall, are ya, ya racist types?