Saturday, November 28, 2009

Soft Targets 2

Urban Scout is under attack again.

Knowing Peter, I find him to be a very pleasant clear minded young fellow.

Folk in the community, especially alleged anarchists, really enjoy attacking him because, at least in my opinion, he gets more attention than they do. I could be wrong, but these folk who no doubt think they are brave are NEVER brave enough to come out in the open and discuss their understanding of the world with others and communicate openly and honestly. Coming out from behind the shield of anonymity does not seem to be the method of these folk. However, what does seem to be true about these folks, as well as the peace community and veganism, is that most will demand to be your king if they had the chance.

Take for instance the current attempt at an anonymous terror campaign against Urban Scout. Someone sends him a 23 pound rock using The Gap to pay for it (most likely EMPLOYED there). Scout files a police report, and all the ALLEGED anarchists now go on the attack of urban on his blog and on Portland ("We Don't Censor") Indy Media. They don't use their real names. They don't sit down with Urban Scout and talk and try to find common ground. They take the route of an attempt to terrorize him to shut him up. Terror? Isn't that a tool governments and other organizations enjoy using? Aren't alleged anarchists supposed to be against government and organization? Well, it is apparent they certainly know how to organize when it comes to terrorizing a single person.

Take, for example, what I've been hearing lately. Because of John Zerzan and probably others, there is a current campaign to go after Derrick Jensen...'s MOTHER! That's right. Many brave most likely anarchist types are attacking soft targets like Derrick Jensen's mother because Derrick Jensen refuses to see the alleged anarchists, or as the self-proclaimed great John Zerzan would put it, "anarcho primitivists" as his own personal savior. In other words, Derrick is garnering more attention and therefore must be attacked...through is order for folk like John Zerzan to be our great and glorious king.

One thing I NEVER trust is someone who tells me they have the only way to save the world, and John Zerzan has done that stating that the only way to save the world is if you are an anarcho primitivist, which he is, and is the king because he coined the phrase. Any time anybody tells me anything is "the only" way, I immediately know they are liars. There are many ways as there are people to save the world. Those ways may change at any moment. And quite possibly, ain't none of it gonna save the world.

Unite! Help one another! WTF! Those things won't happen until we recognize someone like John Zerzan as our king, or a vegan, or an alleged peace activist, or put your favorite ruler type here.

Vegans as well give themselves the great dictatorial right to rule over the lives of meat eaters. I'm told that many alleged anarchists are vegans, thus making them ultra holy by simple political ideals (which they often do not practice) and dietary choice. Vegans will often talk of the glories of millions dying because they eat meat. More directly, they often talk of meat eaters being killed. Mind you, like most American citizens, they won't do their own killing themselves, they'd rather others do it for them.

Here is a funny story about anarchists. Ward Churchill was talking on Genocide Cover-Up Day how he was approached by an anarchist. Of course, they got to talking politics, and Ward expressed his appreciation that the anarchists would be going after the new smoking ban (him being a smoker and all). Afterall, the government is targeting a specific group, smokers, and regulating their behavior, which goes completely against alleged anarchists principles. "Oh no!" exclaimed the alleged anarchist, "I like that rule."

Will we ever unite and help each other? I doubt it. There are just too many people who want to be our kings and are willing to terrorize others (not using the U.S. definition, but using the dictionary definition of purposely striking great fear [or attempting to] into the hearts of one or many) in order to gain a foothold onto their path of being our king.

Example, Israel used a lot of terrorism in order to become the nation state they are today. Now they continue to terrorize others to maintain that position. The U.S. uses terrorism all over the world in order to insure that any and all nations remain subservient to their master, the corporate owned U.S. government. Since terrorism is governmental, and this current attack can be alleged to be micro terrorism, wouldn't that make such folk who are going after Scout and Derrick Jensen's mom like the U.S. government?