Friday, November 27, 2009

Have You Seen This Indian?


On the "Genocide Cover-Up Day" program yesterday, Russell Means mentioned that the day after alleged thanksgiving is "Native American Recognition Day." Russell said something like, "Just like America, giving the Indians the leftovers." I said something like, "Is Native American Recognition Day the day they identify the bodies."

Research be done, I found out that in March of 2008, the U.S. passed or at least thought about passing a bill calling the day after alleged thanksgiving "American Indian Heritage Day." There are no specifics about it, the whys and wherefores, but there you go.

American Indian Heritage Day that allegedly recognizes Indians. ...for what? Allegedly the bill is supposed to make the day after alleged thanksgiving a paid holiday for state and federal employees. How is that recognizing American Indian Heritage?

To be honest, the only way I have known the masses of Americans honoring American Indians, Native Americans, whatever the f*** you want to call us, is with racist imagery like that above.

Other than a paid day off for federal and state employees, what the f*** does "American Indian Heritage Day" mean? Will reservation Indians suddenly find themselves out of forced poverty? Will the U.S. government get their boot off of the necks of our economies? Will our health care improve so that we don't have the largest per-capita death rate in diabetes? Will our children stop committing suicide?

Until yesterday, I didn't even know there was such a day. I don't even know for sure if the bill passed in 2008 or if it passed at all. So all I have to say about is this...