Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Afghan Question[s]

Looks like Obama is gonna get his wish for increasing the death rates of Afghani's in the months and years to come with an increase in troops and bribes of Afghani war lords and war lord types. With this increased effort a few questions come to my mind: Will the corporate owned U.S. government be able to break the backs of the Afghani's and the Afghan Nation? Why does the U.S. wish to break the backs of the Afghans and the Afghan Nation? Could it be the Central Asian oil pipeline to get the oil to the markets so oil wealthy billionaires can have more money at the expense of thousands upon thosands of Afghans being murdered and a few American soldiers? With the U.S. economy in a potential free fall because of masses of debt both of its citizens and its government and the increased billions of debt this increase in slaughter will cause, how will it effect the economy here with job loss on the rise? When it is found that the Afghan backbone doesn't snap under the U.S. military might, and we still have a prolonged war, what will be happening to the people of Afghanistan? Hearing stories of U.S. troops being terribly demoralized in the Iraq and Afghan wars, how will this effect them and how will it effect them? When I wake up in the morning after a mass slaughter of Afghanis, will I find a raise in my paycheck and an increase in my hours back to a little over 40? Will I feel more free? Will the movie prices at Regal cinemas be cut in half? Will there be a lightness in my step? Will the jobless have jobs? Will the homeless have homes? Will those suffering from cancer whose insurance carriers refuse to allow them to have life saving operations suddenly find themselves under the knife and saved without any money coming out of their pockets? Will marijuana be legal? Will all the folk in prisons for marijuana offenses be released and find jobs? Will no Americans ever go hungry again? Will tobacco prices drop? Will breast cancer rates fall? Will Indian reservations receive funding for decent housing and development? Will the U.S. get their oppressive hands of of Indian economies? Will Indian suicide rates fall? Will Indian health increase? Will the Olympic committe and the government of Canada stay off of Indian land?

These are only a handful of questions I've been asking myself since hearing about the glorious increase of Afghani deaths about to be obtained by the Obama government.