Saturday, August 15, 2009

While listening to Democracy Now on Thursday, the discussion went to health care and health care reform. There was discussion on how all those morons are disrupting the town hall meetings being held around the nation about health care reform. My favorite stupid quote from the audience when asked why the person atteded was they wanted to make sure that "the government didn't touch their Medicare!"

Anyway, it is almost transparent that this alleged health plan coming from the Obama administration is going to fail. It was designed to fail to begin with in my opinion. It is not enough. It is not single payer like Canada, France, etc. Nothing will really change. If it passes (which it won't), it would be enough of a failure to make even more stupid and intelligent Americans alike think that single payer must be the most horrific health care plan ever and will never be implemented. Thus, like usual, all our health care dollars will being going to insurance company execs. Got to keep those billionaires rolling in all that free money note matter how horrific health issues get for folks ("beasts" as James Madison would refer to us).

I know I know I know, this comment will most likely open a ton of useless arguments, but I'm telling you that in my opinion, in having paid attention to the general patterns of the U.S. government, this plan is doomed to fail EVEN IF it passes, which it won't. We will not get single payer in this nation. It is just not going to happen. It will be business as usual and folks will die uselessly and even more will go bankrupt. But the good news is, BILLIONAIRES WILL HAVE MORE MONEY!