Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Pardon my arrogance, folks, as I, like so many other americans, sometime see the world only through my own country's eyes.

A friend of mine is moving to Mexico, and Shusli and I have been the recepient of many fine gifts from this wonderful man. One of those gifts was a 2004 (approx.) documentary film from Ironweed Films by Arturo Perez Torres and Heather Haynes called "Wetback: The Undocumented Documentary." It is a film about immigrants from Central America and Mexico trying to cross the border into America to "live the American Dream."

Their nations, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Mexico, have been devastated by trade agreements like NAFTA, GATT, CAFTA and others. These trade agreements, billions to billionaires programs, have created conditions for the poor that leave virtually no opportunities in their own countries. Thus, the devastation of immigration.

In this film you watch these folks leave their friends and families in a desperate attempt to come to the U.S. and get work. Many people are murdered along the way for any money they may have, women are raped, they have to face gangs and police who rape and rob, etc.

There is a train called "The Train of Death." It is a train that runs from South to North in Mexico and thousands of folks hop the rails everyday in an attempt to get to the border and get their chance to cross where there is work. Many folk get sucked under the train where often they are killed. Most, however, get their legs ran over and thus, lose one or both of them in the process.

These folks are determined to come to the U.S. because their nations are economically depressed thanks to billions to billionaires programs that help take the wealth of nations and put it in the pockets of the wealthy.

I have a GREAT RESPECT for these people, much more than your average American born into this privilege. These folk face horrific perils and uncertain futures. They risk it all to get to this nation so they can have some sort of opportunity.

Then you get these stupid redneck MOFO's who say shit about these folks and they have no idea what the fuck they are even talking about. Youz all can kiss my flat been here for thousands of years ass.

One of the most STUPID statements I heard from those fuckin' minutemen assholes was that these folk are the dregs of Mexico and Central America. He even said many are child molesters. However, no talk about how most child rape happens from relatives within the home, nor the FACT that many religious organizations have pedophiles galore, I mean, afterall, most of those folk were born into this privilege.

See this film. I have always had a great respect for many of the immigrant folks, but now that is even greater. I haven't always had a great amount of respect for those born into the privilege of the U.S., now I have even less.