Sunday, August 30, 2009

Guilt Ridden Catch Phrases


I'm beating the living crap out of someone you Love, and for some reason you cannot stop me. I beat your Loved one so severely, they are left unconscious on the ground, possibly dead, and for whatever reason, there is nothing you can do about it.

Imagine a car pulls up and a man in a suit jumps out and examines the bloody body I left on the ground.

"There is no relationship between this bloodied human and that human that claims to Love them. In fact, as a scientist, I claim there is no relationship at all between this person and the one who claims to Love them, nor have they ever had a relationship. I should know! I'm a scientist, and scientists never lie. I have letters after my name and an office in a university."

He pulls out a pad and starts scribbling. "Thus," he says as he continues scribbling, "I am as infallible as the Pope. Heck, if the Pope can declare he can say and do no wrong because he is the Pope, then I, as a scientists, given the laws of universality, can claim that I can say and do no wrong and thus you all have to believe me without question.

"Now," he says as he finishes writing, "I claim this bloody mass as my own in the name of science and have just written a grant in which I will collect millions to do a study to prove that this person has NO connection to the person that claims to Love them."

I stand, overjoyed at this crazy justification of my bloody brutality.

Just then, another car pulls up. A person who knows something bad, something mean, just happened jumps out of their car, runs up and tells us all, "Can't we all just get along?"

GREAT! I smile to myself, further justification for my horrific and brutal actions. It doesn't get any better than this. Science man gets his money, guilt man gets to have his guilt alleviated by making his simplistic catch phrase. I get away with my crime. It just doesn't get any better than that!

The above story is motivated by a post I made almost two years ago on this blog about the fallacy and the bullshit of the Kennewick Man case. Folks just plain believe that: a) science does not lie, b) Kennewick Man was aged at 9,300 years old with radio carbon dating which is the most accurate dating system known to man, c) that Jamie Chatters did archaeology at the site, d) that Kennewick Man was white.

In a previous post with a link to the article there has been a study that states people are willing to believe big lies much more than small ones. Example: Many people did, and still do, believe that Saddam Hussein had something to do with the commercial jet liners being flown into the two towers of the world trade centers in 2001. People will take the first statement made, usually for propagandist purposes, and believe it until the day they die. The Hitler Youth are another good example. They couldn't believe that their beloved lord and master would do such horrible things to the Jews, Sinti, Roma, gays, lesbians, trade unionists, insane, etc. But, Hitler did.

Science, like everyone and everything else, is ran by folks we like to call...human beings. Humans have a tendency to be fallible. Humans make mistakes. Humans lie for their own gain. Humans believe lies even when they find out they are lies. Humans Love. Humans create beauty. Humans can be factual. Humans are curious. etc. Science is not the great omnipotent god so many folks enjoy believing it is and thus either corroborating or replacing the great infallible christian style god with another.

The truth about Kennewick Man is that THERE WAS NO SCIENCE DONE AT THE SITE! There were no careful digs, no mapping, no site report, no layer by layer study to corroborate the RC dating, nor any of the other glorious trappings required for the science of archaeology. Chatters did none of that, nor did anyone else. (Would you like to talk about the FELONIOUS permit Chatters was issued by the Corps of Engineers?) Vast amounts of evidence have thus been DESTROYED or CONTAMINATED by this man folks hold up as an archaeologist, when he is, if I remember correctly, a pre-historic climatologist or something like that. Tell me, all those who believe that this has been a TRULY scientific experiment, have you seen the photos of the dig? Have you seen the site report? Have you seen drawings of all of the other artifacts and the layers of sediment that went along with the remains? If you have, then you are dreaming and having some sort of fantasy life as NONE OF THIS SCIENCE HAPPENED! HELLO! SMART PEOPLE! HOW CAN YOU BE SO FUCKING STUPID?

What was the science done around Kennewick's race? Well, the science with the study that has been done, which included three DNA tests, has come up INCONCLUSIVE! Hello, stupid fucking smart people! How can you all still CLAIM, alleging through SCIENCE, that Kennewick Man is white? HOW? Truth is...YOU HAVE NO FUCKING IDEA! What was Chatters science? Chatters was watching Star Trek: Next Generation, saw Patrick Stewart, and thus concluded that K-Man was white. How is that for some fucking science smart people? (By the way, the bust Chatters did that is commonly accepted as Kennewick Man was not done using the actual skull nor a replica of the actual skull, it was done, as Chatters admits, as a replica of none other than Patrick Stewart). What has been shown to be desired, here, is a scientific backing of the THEORY that is out there stating that white folks came to this continent first and were killed by us Red Niggers when we invaded from Asia. There is NO scientific evidence for this theory, but the K-Man case will be bantered about by such types as proving this theory true. What if Chatters saw a bald black man, asian, aborigine, indian, or some other race of person on the TV instead of a bald white guy? Have there been any scientific studies done around that theory?

I did something any critical thinking type of person would do. I asked a buddy of mine who was a former Ph.D. candidate in the field of archaeology. Six months from his dissertation, he resigned from the program at the University of Oregon (where he worked with Bonnichsen, the head scientist in charge of the Kennewick Man case) because of what he called the blatant racism around the Kennewick Man case. So I asked him, how can one tell the race of a person by the shape and size of their skull. You know what he told me? He said that skull variance in shape and size VARIES MORE within the group than between the groups. In other words: Skull shape and size within Indian country would vary more amongst its peoples than between those of other nationalities or races. Hmmm. Ask a scientist. Not all of them lie to protect their grant money.

If one reads such books as "Red Earth, White Lies," by Vine Deloria, Jr., one learns that radio-carbon dating is highly inaccurate. It dated a living tree at 9,000 years old. Why? Because the tree was near an area with a high carbon output, an airport. Whaddya know? Science ain't infallible afterall. However, I know you stupid fucking smart people will prove me wrong, enit? Several things come out in the Patrick mean Kennewick Man case: The site had already been disturbed at least once prior to Chatters. It was near where boat racing was taking place (high output of carbon). I have no idea but maybe the carbon output of years of aluminum smeltering in the area could have increased the carbon rate. The Columbia River is second only to the river going through Chernobyl in its radioactivity (another factor in "radio"carbon dating), the site being down river from Hanford. Combine these factors with the fact that radio carbon dating is highly inaccurate, and whaddya know, another scientific inconclusive report. However, again, stupid fucking smart people will just accept the dating as fact, even without the corroborating scientific evidence of an actual site report. Again, I asked my former archaeological candidate friend about radio carbon dating. Know what he said, something like, "There is no real way to measure the accuracy of any dating system." Stupid fucking scientists. What the fuck do they know, anyway?

Do I have to mention the millions in grant money that Bonnichsen and others received to do the study, which came up INCONCLUSIVE you stupid fucking smart people? "Gold," my sister mentioned in reading the log of Christopher Columbus, which I keep a copy of. "It's all about the gold!"

I am watching Terry Jones' "Barbarians." It is a documentary about the Barbarians that the Romans slaughtered to further their great and glorious civilization. Turns out, using ACTUAL archaeology, that the "Barbarians" were rather intelligent and human folks with their own cultures and societies. However, they lost the war and their history was thus written by the victor. The victor, of course, stated that these folks were cruel and in-human, and thus needed civilizing. Sound familiar? I think I heard that about Iraq and Afghanistan recently, except the word civilizing wasn't used, I think it was "democratizing." Still, it was/is all really about the gold (not necessarily a scientific study).

You should see the column about the genocide the Romans committed against Dacia (now Romania). Dacia, it turned out was rather civilized by Roman standards and fairly peaceful (unlike the Romans). But they had something the Roman emperor wanted. Can you guess what it was? That's right. GOLD! Thus, the Dacians became Barbarians in the history books and were brutal, cruel, slavers and slaughterers, even though the column in Rome GLORIFIES Roman attrocities committed against the Dacians in order to steal Dacian gold. Huh, whaddya know? This proven through archaeological digs where scientists have done actual science.

So, there is actual science, and then there is Kennewick Man style science.

It doesn't matter what I say here, there will ALWAYS be folks who BELIEVE that Kennewick Man was "proven" white by the great science god and their theory that Whites were here first and that we imperialist Red Niggers wiped them off the face of the earth and stole what is really white land are true. All this proven by what is ACTUALLY INCONCLUSIVE science. But there are so many stupid fucking smart people out there who will tell me otherwise no matter how much I explain the facts of the case.

Then, some asshole with their white guilt will come along and say something like, "Can't we all just get along?" I thought we were. We're not killing or fighting each other. We're not stealing from each other. We aren't trying to conquer each other. We aren't rioting in the streets. We are having a discussion. Folks are telling me their great science god has stated whites were here first and we reds slaughtered them and stole their land. Thus, the more recent whites slaughtering reds is scientifically justifiable and whites no longer have to feel guilty. A complete lie, but that's beside the point, it helps alleviate that great white guilt. And I'm telling them that the science they "believe in" has actually come up inconclusive and that there are tremendous inaccuracies and misinformation happening around the case. It gets rather intense as I present science god believers with scientific fact and they refuse to listen nor investigate. Much easier to believe what they've been told by fellas with lotsa letters behind their names and offices in universities and colleges.

Do you want to know something else? I don't give a fuck about your guilt. Your guilt is not my responsibility, nor the responsibility of Indians, nor the responsibility of the assholes that have and continue (with kinder gentler hands) to slaughter Indians and MANY OTHERS including their fellow whites world wide. As I'm sure my therapist would say: "Your guilt is your responsibility. It is not the responsibility of any one else. You can't control others and others can't control you." Your guilt is not my fault, it is yours, and it is, in my opinion, FUCKING STUPID!

I don't want you to feel guilty, as I've been told face to face by a white person that I do. Guilt is useless. It is stupid. It is an excuse, in my opinion, for you to sit around and feel sorry for yourself instead of actually doing something. Not necessarily something for us reds, maybe even something for women, the poor, other oppressed folks, etc. Fuck your guilt! Not my problem. It's your problem.

I know there are folks who won't stop attempting to feed me the bullshit that Kennewick Man was white and that it has been scientifically proven, even though the ACTUAL science has come up "inconclusive." What has been PROVEN is that there was no science at the site, radio-carbon dating is inaccurate and there are possibly high levels of radiation and carbon at the site with no studies done about that either. The DNA studies on K-Man came back INCONCLUSIVE. So, unless you have ACTUAL scientific evidence surrounding this case, and not just the words of Bonnichsen and Chatters or something you pulled out of your very own anus, I'd like to see the proof. I'd like to see the evidence. Because the evidence I have actually seen states, "INCONCLUSIVE." That is an actual scientific FACT!

I'm hoping that what Ward Churchill stated in an interview on "Mitakuye Oyasin" collective radio program on KBOO radio is true. Ward stated he plans on writing an expose about the world of academia. That should be pretty interesting, and pretty scary to you science god believers.

Here is an interesting quote from Tacitus putting words into the mouth of a Briton back in the good old days of Rome. I gleaned it from Terry Jones' "Barbarians:"

"If you want to rule the world, does it follow that everyone else welcome enslavement? To robbery, slaughter, plunder, they give the lying name 'freedom.' They make a wilderness and call it peace."

Now, where the hell have I seen that before?