Shakedown, Dreams Walking in Broad Daylight

May 3, 2013

Hey “radical” political people, still talking crazy, still sitting on your asses, kiss kiss folks.

Burning Down the House / Talking Heads

I love the way the Heads took real music with guts but then robotized it, gave it Terminator bones. A lot of the music I really like all has that kind of sound to it. There’s some distance & maybe some menace. (Say New Order, Bob Marley, the Chili Peppers, LTJ Bukem, some of the newer dubstep stuff. That bubblegum sounding Pumped Up Kicks thing. Sweet Home Alabama has it, though the Lynyrd Skynyrd recordings definitely need a slower tempo, a haircut, and nicer shoes.) Like it’s played by an alien living intelligence system who is deeply into Earth-style popular music but allows its plans for world domination to spill over into the music a little bit.

Ok, in a sense I guess I called Bob Marley an alien robot. But it’s there, you can hear it. That distance.

This Must Be the Place

March 26, 2013

This Must Be the Place / Talking Heads, 1983

Thirty years ago now.

That’s Bernie Worrell of Parliament on the couch & playing keyboards.

I’m suddenly thinking maybe David Byrne wasn’t just acting strange, or just imagining strange characters in his songs. I think maybe he really is kind of different.

Good Stuff

March 17, 2013

Blue World / Eiffel 65

Days Go By / Dirty Vegas

R&B — Where Are People As Good As This Hiding Now?

January 20, 2013

They must be out there but I sure don’t know how to find them.

Wait Here / Al Green

Fell from the Sun

January 19, 2013

Fell from the Sun / Clay Allison

Bloomberg Increasingly off the Fence

January 18, 2013

Bloomberg Increasingly off the Fence

Photo from the Bloomberg News web site (click on picture for link to article).   As a matter of fact it’s a pretty good news site, but I find the picture just a little bit over the top.


Says here, Latin for Barak is Benedict (shown above).


January 13, 2013

Ceremony / New Order, 1981

A Million Lies to Sell Yourself Is All You Ever Had

December 29, 2012

See rant in previous post. Awesome 1990s music is out there, dude just apparently doesn’t know about it & can’t be bothered to learn.

Here’s Sonic Youth on fucking Letterman! Hey, dude, you have one thing straight, there was good stuff going on in pop in the 1990s, and it was out in the mainstream. People should listen to it. Starting with you.

Bull in the Heather / Sonic Youth, 1994

Stupid Girl / Garbage, 1996

Out There / Dinosaur Jr, 1993

Ahistorical. You Think This Shit Just Dropped Right Out of the Sky

December 29, 2012

Teh unrestrained joy of ahistoricality!–were the 1990s a golden age of US popular music? Via Subrealism.

It’s not only something we do for personal gain. People love to make shit up and then nuke the evidence until it fits the bullshit. It’s the Creative Drive!

So if you do read the link, I have no freaking clue how to answer his question: Was there was more high-quality music selling at huge volumes during the period he calls “good music” than during the periods he calls “bad music.” (Don’t buy top 40 stuff, is my solution to that & has been since around 1977. Never mind what’s been selling. It’s what you’re buying. But he wants to talk financial vengeance, so fine, whatever.)

The problem is his supporting data is completely out to lunch. He seems to have no idea what time period his musical examples actually come from. He says the 1990s were more awesome than the 1980s because in the 1990s they had REM, INXS and Guns ‘n’ Roses. Uh? Is he trolling on purpose? Those are quintessential 1980s bands! He says the 1990s were much more awesome than the 1980s, because in the 1990s they had a Dead Kennedys tribute band. Tribute band? RUFKM? People who don’t already know that the DKs THEMSELVES were PLAYING throughout the early 1980s would have to look it up or else assume (wrongly) that the guy isn’t blowing the entire article out of his ass.

It’s time to harvest the crust from your eyes, dude.

Bulldog Front / Fugazi

Blueprint / Fugazi

That’s What You Always Say

December 28, 2012

That’s What You Always Say / Dream Syndicate, say 1981?

I can’t stress enough how important it is to play this song through headphones or big speakers, and to play it as loud as possible.


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