Thursday, December 31, 2009

Year-End Updates from the Prisoners


BPP/BLA PP/POW Robert Seth Hayes

PP/POW Maliki Shakur Latine

Puerto Rican Struggle: PP Avelino Gonzales Claudio, POW Carlos
Alberto Torres

Angola 3 Coalition

Indigenous PP Oso Blanco

Grand Jury Resister Carrie Feldman

Released POW Ojore Lutalo

Indicted Activist Steve Murphy

Make 2010 a year to remember!

In Solidarity,


Robert Seth Hayes Update

Dec. 26, 2009

We are happy to report that all disciplinary charges against Seth due
to his recent diabetic episode have been dropped. He is back on the honor
block and no longer in keep-lock. It is truly amazing to think that a diabetic
incident in which a person's blood sugar plunges to 32 and then soars
to 620 within a short amount of time can be classified as a disciplinary
incident, but all DOCS rules are made to be broken when it comes to our freedom

However, this fluctuation in blood sugar levels is a continuing
problem for Seth, as the prison does not provide a diabetic diet, although it is
classified as a medical facility. Fresh fruits and vegetables, so
important for diabetics, are practically impossible to find in either the visiting
room machines or the commissary, not to mention the mess hall.

Apparently NYSDOCS has never heard of whole grains or a heart healthy
diet. One has to wonder how dangerous a green pepper, a cherry tomato or some
spinach leaves must be in the hands of an inmate and what a threat
this is to the guards. An entire green salad would probably cause a total

Seth's wife Sheila is working hard on being given permission to bring
Seth fresh fruits and vegetables when she visits, but prisoners at Wende
are only allowed two 20 pound food packages a year. Obviously, Sheila cannot
do this alone and needs our help.

We still need to call both Wende and Commissioner Brian Fischer in
Albany and demand that a diabetic diet be provided to all inmates with
diabetes at all NYS Correctional Facilities.

The number to call at Wende is: 716-937-4000. Ask to speak with the
warden about this issue. Make sure you use Seth's DIN number: 74A2280

The NYSDOCS number is 518-457-8126. Ask to speak with Commissioner Brian
Fischer about this issue.

Obviously, due to the force of inertia, this will be difficult to
accomplish. At the same time, we should stress that Seth's wife
Sheila is more than willing to provide him with some fresh produce until the
dietary issue is resolved.

Write to Seth. It is very important that he receive letters at this
Robert Seth Hayes #74A2280, Wende C.F., P.O. Box 1187, Wende Rd.,
Alden, NY 14004-1187

Free All Political Prisoners! •


Update from Maliki Shakur Latine

December 20, 2009 [excerpt from a letter]

I want you to know that last week my counselor informed me that my
security classification has been changed from maximum to "medium" and
that I shall be getting transferred to a medium facility shortly (Insha
Allah). However, it is most likely (from what the counselor explained) that I
will be moved to a medium facility nearby Clinton for about 3-6 months
prior to being moved closer to NYC. I take it that DOCS' intention is to see if I
can adjust ( : to a medium security environment after 31 years in a
cage! Little do they realize that, for one, it's a piece of cake; even
though in a medium it's a "dorm" setting rather than an isolated individual
cell. In addition, my being in a medium facility enhances my chances of being
paroled in 2010 (Insha Allah). So we shall see (Insha Allah).

P.O. Box 2000
Dannemora, New York 12929
Clinton Corr. Facility

[address as of 12/30/09, check]


Puerto Rican Political Prisoner Avelino Gonzalez Claudo is being denied
medical treatment! Since his incarceration, he has developed a
neurological condition. In November 2008, Avelino requested, several
times, medical attention receiving only a “I do not know”, “I will read
some books” answer from the Doctor assigned to his facility.

Avelino has been mvoed to a new prison, so the campaign has a new
target: Peter J. Murphy, the Warden of Avelino's new prison, MacDougall-Walker
Correctional Institution

We cannot let our brother suffer! DOWNLOAD THE PDF LETTER AT THE TOP OF

Download the letter at:

Bureau of Prisons: relentless with Carlos Alberto Torres

As part of the Bureau of Prison’s delayed entry into the 21st
century, it is implementing TRULINCS (Trust Fund Limited Inmate Computer System)
throughout the federal prison system, to provide prisoners with
access to email through a special system allowing prison officials to monitor all
incoming and outgoing emails.

Puerto Rican prisoner of war Carlos Alberto Torres was looking
forward to the convenient, regular communication it facilitates, given that, since
his transfer to FCI Pekin, his postal correspondence is regularly
delayed from one to three months.

But it was not to be. On December 9, the SIS [prison intelligence
office] lieutenant called him in to notify him that— unlike the rest of the FCI
Pekin population— he will no t be allowed access to email. Why?
Because of “his case and his background,” offered the lieutenant, who had no
response to Carlos Alberto’s inquiry as to why, after 29 years of impeccable
conduct, they would treat him this way, pointing out that his release
might be just around the corner, citing the USPC hearing examiner’s
recommendation for April 2010 release. Nor did the lieutenant provide
the required written explanation for his exclusion from the program.

Show your support for Carlos Alberto by writing to the U.S. Parole
Commission to encourage them to adopt the recommendation and order his

Sample letters available at or


Angola 3 Alert: Join us in helping to send Sister Althea on her
journey home

The Angola 3 Coalition suffered a tragic loss this Christmas. Althea
Francois, one of Angola 3’s earliest supporters and a life-long
activist for peace and social justice, crossed over to the ancestors on December
25th at the far too early age of 60.

Althea spent her life actively engaged in the struggle for justice,
starting with her involvement in the Black Panther Party, where she began her
efforts to help political, economic and racial prisoners. She embodied the
finest and most basic ideals of empathy and generosity and inspired all of
us that had the privilege of coming in contact with her.

As Angola 3 member Robert King struggled to find words to express the
depth of his sorrow, he invoked the biblical reference…"I was hungry and
you fed me, was thirsty and you gave me drink, was in prison and you visited me.
Althea fed us with hope. She had an enormously giving spirit that we
will all deeply miss."

In the late ‘90’s, Althea and Marion Brown, together with Malik and
Mwalimu, Shana and Brice, Anita Yesheaux, Vicky Wallace, and Ed (Alton Edwards),
solidly grounded the efforts to free the Angola 3 and create a base for
political prisoner work in New Orleans. When King was released in
February of 2001, he moved to the home that Althea and Marion were staying in on
Bartholomew St. in the 9th Ward. For the first few years of visiting the
prison and organizing the effort, Althea’s home was the base that all
of us worked from. There was always food and room for another mat on the

Althea was finally able to purchase a home-base for her daughters and
grandchildren in the Gentilly area of New Orleans. Katrina ripped
apart the security she had at long last established and the years since 2005
were a tense balancing act between work in Atlanta, work in New Orleans, her
children and her grandchildren. Though Al rarely complained, she was
beset with a number of crippling maladies- asthma, high-blood pressure and the
incessant pressure of keeping a family together in these difficult times
with never enough support.

She loved her daughters with the ferocity of a lioness and was so
proud of their accomplishments. They were the center of her being and I know that
what would worry her most now is the pain they will feel at her loss.

Sadly, Althea had no insurance and no savings, thus leaving her
daughters not only with the grief of losing her, but with the challenge of raising
funds for her funeral. If you can help with a donation to the family,
please send what you can to defray the funeral costs to:

Rhodes Funeral Home
3933 Washington Avenue
New Orleans, LA


Olga Francois
c/o Todd Taylor
7704 Benjamin St.
New Orleans, LA 70118

The Service will be Saturday, January 2, 2010 at 10AM at Rhodes Funeral

Additional information will be posted as received.

--View the photo presentation from Althea's January, 2009 birthday party
here <>. Al loved
her some Nina Simone. We've included two selections below for you to
listen to (at

Carrie Feldman to Remain Jailed Pending Appeal
Wednesday, December 30 2009 @ 01:57 PM CST

December 26, 2009: As mentioned previously, an appeal of Judge
Jarvey's ruling denying Carrie's release has been filed. The initial
schedule would have taken more than 30 days, and so Carrie Feldman's
attorneys filed a petition for her release pending the appeal. In
response, it was merely rescheduled to be wrapped up within 30 days,
and so Carrie will remain in custody at least until this is resolved.
We have been informed that everything in her case now is sealed, and
so do not have written motions to share. However, we will continue to
update as things happen.

Carrie and Scott DeMuth, both of Minneapolis, were summoned to appear
before a grand jury in Davenport, Iowa on November 17th. They both
refused to testify and were taken into custody for contempt of court.
Scott was charged with conspiracy under the Animal Enterprise
Terrorism Act (AETA) a couple days later and was subsequently
released after about two weeks. He is currently working on his
defense and trial is tentatively set for March. Carrie has been in
custody since Nov. 17th and is courageously continuing to resist the
state's repressive use of the grand jury.

Please continue to write her, send her books, and to fundraise for
her and Scott's defense fund. Info on all of those and more is
available at davenportgrandjury [dot] wordpress [dot] com.

Carolyn Feldman
Washington County Jail.
2185 Lexington Blvd. PO Box 6
Washington, IA 52353


Lawyer for Political Prisoner Oso Blanco

Jericho is asking for help in raising funds for a lawyer for Oso
Blanco (aka Byron Shane Chubbuck), a Native American political
prisoner being held and abused at Lewisburg federal prison.

He has been attacked by guards three times within the last few months
and, after consulting with a lawyer, we decided we need to send a
lawyer to visit him sooner rather than later. It will cost about a
thousand for the trip there and a day visit/retainer, as well as
getting the necessary documents for the lawyer.

By sending the donation through I.F.C.O., you will be able to have a
deduction for your income tax. So please help us get this done, as we
are concerned about not only Oso's safety, but his mental health under
this abusive treatment.

1. make out check to IFCO/NYC Jericho
2. on memo line: Oso Blanco's lawyer
3. send check to the Jericho Movement, P.O.Box 1272, New York, NY 10013
4. We will take the checks to IFCO
5. Drop Oso a note or card to let the prison know folks outside are
concerned about our brother.

Byron Shane Chubbuck (Oso Blanco) #07909-051
USP Lewisburg, PO Box 1000, Lewisburg, PA 17837

Thank you for your help
NYC Jericho
Free All Political Prisoners! •




Our warmest holiday wishes and solidarity to everyone who has
participated in helping Ojore settle into his new home and for your patience and
perseverance with all of the problems.

Orders are still not reaching Ojore's apartment, they are still being
returned to Target and being refunded. As far as we can tell this is not
anyone's fault but some problem between UPS and Ojore's building.

SO PLEASE, don't give up. You've come this far. If you're participating,

Point your browser to

and send your donation online to the email address
"" (Tim Fasnacht). Make sure to add in the notes section that your donation
is for "OJORE LUTALO". If you'd prefer to stay anonymous or are donating in
the name of an organization, let us know.

If you still haven't participated in the gift drive, here's one last
chance to be on the right side of history in regard to one particular

Direct questions and concerns to TimABCF [at] ABCF [dot] com. Unless of
course something IS going on with the online registry that you want
us to know about in which case you want to email nycabc [at] riseup [dot] net.

Thanks again!

Solidarity and Struggle!

Philadelphia ABCF

Registry Contact- nycabc [at] riseup [dot] net

Donation Contact- TimABCF [at] aol [dot] com
(ABCF- Philadelphia)

Dear Friends,

As of today, Steve has been in custody for 2 months and 20 days. He is
still at the Central Detention Center of the San Bernardino County Jail.
Two motions have been submitted by Steve's attorney on his behalf and
the government recently requested additional time to respond. The
government's responses to the motions are due by December 21 and the defendants reply
is due by January 4, 2010. The final hearing on the motions is set for
January, 11. Steve's trial date was originally set for January 12, 2010,
but a recent motion to extend has been filed and approved for February
9th. Again, none of these dates are set in stone and, as they tend to
do, they can and will change frequently.

Steve continues to maintain his innocence. His attorney has hired a
private investigator and a DNA expert. If you have any information that
might be helpful for Steve's case, please let us know so we can put
you in touch with his attorney (email us at info[at]supportsteve[dot]org.

Phone calls are extremely expensive and these expenses are adding up
quickly. In addition, Steve's girlfriend lives in Texas and traveling to
visit Steve is a huge expense. All indications lead to the unfortunate
probability that she will have to travel several more times before an
outcome is reached - which even then is only the beginning. These phone
calls and visits are incredibly important to Steve and help him keep his
spirits up in a horribly dark time.

Please consider giving a donation at to help
Steve and his partner defray these costs - perhaps in honor of a loved one, a
perfect gift. While people are celebrating the holiday season, Steve
will be alone. Even if you can't give monetary support, please keep writing
Steve and all political prisoners during this difficult time. Letters
are a lifeline to folks who are so physically cut off from their communities
and loved ones. You can write Steve at:


All incoming and outgoing mail is read by the authorities. Please
that, even if unsolicited, mail can still result in sanctions against a
prisoner. When writing Steve, please do not talk about his case or
anything related to it. For a list of mail restrictions, visit:

We'll keep you updated as things progress. Thank you all for your
continued support.

Peace, love, and solidarity,
supportsteve team

JUSTICE 4 OSCAR GRANT! LA MTG Sunday 1/3, Case starts 1/8!!

it is our duty to spread the word and unite.
all stolen lives!!!!!!!!! PRESENTE
JUSTICE 4 OSCAR GRANT! LA MTG Sunday 1/3, Case starts 1/8!!

**The Case is going to start on Friday January 8th, we need to get a big response
NOW! Everyone, please come to this meeting and invite everyone you know! WE ARE ALL


Oscar Grant was executed by Oakland BART police on New Year's Day, '09.

Oscar Grant Tribute-

The trial of former Officer Johannes Mehserle has been moved to Los Angeles after
prosecutors argued he would not get a fair trial in Oakland.

This is a challenge by the state to our ability in Los Angeles to ensure that this
killer cop is convicted. Let's get the job done.

Planning meeting for Justice for Oscar Grant:

Sunday January 3rd - 5pm
@ Chuco's Justice Center
1137 E. Redondo Blvd, at corner of West Blvd
Inglewood, CA 90302
On the border of South Central and Inglewood
(323) 235-4243


Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Robert Seth Hayes Update

Dec. 26, 2009

We are happy to report that all disciplinary
chargesagainst Seth due to his recent diabetic
episode have been dropped. He is back on the
honor block and no longer in keep-lock. It is
truly amazing to think that a diabetic incident
in which a person's blood sugar plunges to 32
and then soars to 620 within a short amount of
time can be classified as a disciplinary
incident, but all DOCS rules are made to
be broken when it comes to our freedom fighters.

However, this fluctuation in blood sugar levels
is a continuing problem for Seth, as the prison
does not provide a diabetic diet, although it
is classified as a medical facility. Fresh fruits
and vegetables, so important for diabetics, are
practically impossible to find in either the
visiting room machines or the commissary, not
to mention the mess hall.

Apparently NYSDOCS has never heard of whole grains or a heart healthy
diet. One has to wonder how dangerous a green pepper, a cherry tomato
or some spinach leaves must be in the hands of an inmate and what a
threat this is to the guards. An entire green salad would probably
cause a total lockdown!

Seth's wife Sheila is working hard on being given permission to bring
Seth fresh fruits and vegetables when she visits, but prisoners at
Wende are only allowed two 20 pound food packages a year. Obviously,
Sheila cannot do this alone and needs our help.

We still need to call both Wende and Commissioner Brian Fischer in
Albany and demand that a diabetic diet be provided to all inmates
with diabetes at all NYS Correctional Facilities.

The number to call at Wende is: 716-937-4000. Ask to speak with the
warden about this issue. Make sure you use Seth's DIN number: 74A2280

The NYSDOCS number is 518-457-8126. Ask to speak with Commissioner
Brian Fischer about this issue.

Obviously, due to the force of inertia, this will be difficult to
accomplish. At the same time, we should stress that Seth's wife
Sheila is more than willing to provide him with some fresh produce
until the dietary issue is resolved.

Write to Seth. It is very important that he receive letters at this time:
Robert Seth Hayes #74A2280, Wende C.F., P.O. Box 1187, Wende Rd.,
Alden, NY 14004-1187

Join us in helping to send Sister Althea on her journey home

 Monday, December 28, 2009 Angola 3 News

The Angola 3 Coalition suffered a tragic loss this Christmas. Althea Francois, one of Angola 3’s earliest supporters and a life-long activist for peace and social justice, crossed over to the ancestors on December 25th at the far too early age of 60.

Althea spent her life actively engaged in the struggle for justice, starting with her involvement in the Black Panther Party, where she began her efforts to help political, economic and racial prisoners. She embodied the finest and most basic ideals of empathy and generosity and inspired all of us that had the privilege of coming in contact with her.

As Angola 3 member Robert King struggled to find words to express the depth of his sorrow, he invoked the biblical reference…"I was hungry and you fed me, was thirsty and you gave me drink, was in prison and you visited me. Althea fed us with hope. She had an enormously giving spirit that we will all deeply miss."

In the late ‘90’s, Althea and Marion Brown, together with Malik and Mwalimu, Shana and Brice, Anita Yesheaux, Vicky Wallace, and Ed (Alton Edwards), solidly grounded the efforts to free the Angola 3 and create a base for political prisoner work in New Orleans. When King was released in February of 2001, he moved to the home that Althea and Marion were staying in on Bartholomew St. in the 9th Ward. For the first few years of visiting the prison and organizing the effort, Althea’s home was the base that all of us worked from. There was always food and room for another mat on the floor.

Althea was finally able to purchase a home-base for her daughters and grandchildren in the Gentilly area of New Orleans. Katrina ripped apart the security she had at long last established and the years since 2005 were a tense balancing act between work in Atlanta, work in New Orleans, her children and her grandchildren. Though Al rarely complained, she was beset with a number of crippling maladies- asthma, high-blood pressure and the incessant pressure of keeping a family together in these difficult times with never enough support.

She loved her daughters with the ferocity of a lioness and was so proud of their accomplishments. They were the center of her being and I know that what would worry her most now is the pain they will feel at her loss.

Sadly, Althea had no insurance and no savings, thus leaving her daughters not only with the grief of losing her, but with the challenge of raising funds for her funeral. If you can help with a donation to the family, please send what you can to defray the funeral costs one of three ways:

1. Call Rhodes: Jasmine Navarre, Director. 504-241-5556;

Please let them know you would like to give funds for the services of Althea Francois.

2. Donate Online directly:

You do not have to have a pay Pal account to use this option. Look for link on bottom after you enter your donation amount.

3. Mail funds to:

Olga Francois c/o Todd Taylor, 7704 Benjamin St. New Orleans, LA 70118

Please join the family for a celebration of her life and service:

Saturday, January 2, 2010 @ 1:00PM

Rhodes Funeral Home

3933 Washington Avenue

New Orleans, LA

(504) 822-7162

Additional information will be posted as received.

--View the photo presentation from Althea's January, 2009 birthday party here. Al loved her some Nina Simone. We've included two selections below for you to listen to.

prisoners of COP15: address, what to send

Urgent ELP! Bulletin (30th December 2009)

Dear friends

ELP has just learnt about the imprisonment of seven anti-climate change activists in
Denmark. Please see the below e-mail.


7 people are still held back. Show that you're in there with them!
Please write the ABC team, and they'll print your
letter and bring it to your friends. You can also mail them directly:

Postbox 604
2200 Copenhagen N

ABC can't deliver books, zines or foods to the prisoners. It is only
allowed to bring letters, drawings, original cds, money and clothes.

Climate prisoner update

News note, December 28th

On December 22nd, Danish spokespersons Tannie and Stine were released
but still face charges for inciting for shouting push, ie. inciting
violence against police (!). Tannie and Stine were even kept 6 days
after Reclaim Power ended to prevent further riots! The charges and
imprisonment are all absurd and there are still people in prison in
the same situation.

Petitions are active (see above); a solidarity demo happened on
December 18th; and on Christmas Eve, a little gathering was held
outside a prison in Copenhagen, making noise and playing Christmas
music for those still held.


Earth Liberation Prisoners Support Network

BM Box 2407

Sentence of Yuri Mishutkin overturned – funds are needed for the new court

15th of December of 2009 regional court of Primorsky overturned sentence of anarchist anti-fascist Yuri Mishutkin, who was given a one-year probational sentence for manslaughter due to exceeding necessary limits of self-defence

15th of December of 2009 regional court of Primorsky overturned sentence of anarchist anti-fascist Yuri Mishutkin, who was 12th of October given a one-year probational sentence according to statute 108 part 1 of the Russian criminal codex (manslaughter due to exceeding necessary limits of self-defence).

Yuri never denied his guiltiness, and was given a sentence according to this. However one should pay attention to context of the case – Yuri was attacked 22nd of November 2008 by two fascists, who were stronger than him, and who had also assaulted him in the past. Yuri also suffered heavily from Nazi attack to the ecological protest camp in Angarsk in 2007, after which he was in coma due to his wounds. In 2008, Yuri hit Nazi only once with his knife, but this one hit was a lethal one. Due to these circumstances, original sentence of Yuri, that is propabitonal sentence and requirement to pay big compensations to family of the relatives of
the Nazi should not be considered too lenient.

Once again we witness persecution of anti-fascists by authorities. If in Moscow, anti-fascists are murdered (last murder took place 16th of November 2009, when a known anarchist anti-fascist Ivan Khutorskoy was shot), in Russian periferia authorities attempt to punish anti-fascists in any suitable circumstances. Overturning of the sentence of Yuri is a proof of political interference to court process.

Right now Yuri is once again in a need of funds in order to guarantee him a proper legal support during new court case. In the beginning phase, lawyer has agreed to work for 20 000 roubles (around 500 euros), which we (Anarchist Black Cross of Moscow) are currently gathering.

For instructions how to donate, you may visit
or write to us by e-mail to ask for other opportunities except a bank
transfer ( abc-msk(at)riseup(dot(net).

For any money transfers, please notice to us to
abc-msk(at)riseup(dot)net so that we will know which money is for Yuri.

Anarchist Black Cross of Moscow


Monday, December 28, 2009

PRican PPs Avelino and Carlos Alberto Need your Help


Puerto Rican Political Prisoner Avelino Gonzalez Claudo is being denied medical
treatment! Since his incarceration, he has developed a neurological condition. In
November 2008, Avelino requested, several times, medical attention receiving only a
¡°I do not know¡±, ¡°I will read some books¡± answer from the Doctor assigned to his
Avelno has been moved to a new prison, so the campaign has a new target: Peter J.
Murphy, the Warden of Avelino's new prison, MacDougall-Walker Correctional

We cannot let our brother suffer! DOWNLOAD THE PDF LETTER AT THE TOP OF THIS

Download the letter at:

Bureau of Prisons: relentless with Carlos Alberto Torres

As part of the Bureau of Prison¡¯s delayed entry into the 21st century, it is
implementing TRULINCS (Trust Fund Limited Inmate Computer System) throughout the
federal prison system, to provide prisoners with access to email through a special
system allowing prison officials to monitor all incoming and outgoing emails.

Puerto Rican political prisoner Carlos Alberto Torres was looking forward to the
convenient, regular communication it facilitates, given that, since his transfer to
FCI Pekin, his postal correspondence is regularly delayed from one to three months.

But it was not to be. On December 9, the SIS [prison intelligence office] lieutenant
called him in to notify him that¡ª unlike the rest of the FCI Pekin population¡ª he
will no t be allowed access to email. Why? Because of ¡°his case and his
background,¡± offered the lieutenant, who had no response to Carlos Alberto¡¯s
inquiry as to why, after 29 years of impeccable conduct, they would treat him this
way, pointing out that his release might be just around the corner, citing the USPC
hearing examiner¡¯s recommendation for April 2010 release. Nor did the lieutenant
provide the required written explanation for his exclusion from the program.

Show your support for Carlos Alberto by writing to the U.S. Parole Commission to
encourage them to adopt the recommendation and order his release!

Sample letters available at or


Saturday, December 26, 2009

Carmen Valentin: 10 years after release

English translation follows Spanish

Carmen Valentín: “El momento histórico que viví
me presentó esta opción de lucha, yo la acepté”
Por Vanesa Baerga
22 diciembre 2009

“Hay que cuadrar el tiempo bien para poder hacer
todo,” explica Carmen Valentín, ex prisionera
política quien lleva 10 aZos en libertad desde la
conmutación de su sentencia por parte del ex presidente Bill Clinton en 1999.

Los días de Carmen están calculados para así
poder cumplir con su rutina de trabajo y de
ejercicios. Por el día, trabaja como educadora en
el Colegio Universitario de San Juan, donde
trabaja desde hace 9 aZos. Se integró a esta
institución educativa al aZo de salir de prisión.
“Yo estoy haciendo lo que siempre hice mejor,
trabajar con jóvenes.” En este centro imparte
tutorías de inglés a estudiantes con lagunas
académicas en esta materia. Explica que la mayor
parte de los estudiantes de este centro
universitario llega a la institución con grandes
lagunas académicas especialmente en las materias
de inglés, matemáticas, ciencias y espaZol.
“Nosotros tratamos de ayudarlos para que se
puedan graduar de la universidad. Ellos vienen
mayormente de escuelas públicas de Puerto Rico,
que lamentablemente no creo sean las mejores. A
mí me gusta mucho mi trabajo como educadora, y
quisiera trabajar aquí eternamente.”

Cuando sale de trabajar por las tardes hace una
rutina diaria de ejercicios que consiste en
caminar y correr con un círculo de amigos
alrededor de la Laguna del Condado. Cuando hace
ejercicio medita y se siente muy feliz. “A veces,
cuando me ejercito me elevo. También estoy muy
pendiente de lo que como; vegetales, frutas, bebo
mucha agua y eso tiene buenos resultados. Nunca
me enfermo. En la cárcel leía y hacía ejercicio
todo el tiempo. Cuando salí, mi ritmo de vida
cambió y dejé de hacer ejercicio por un tiempo.
Pero ya después he podido volver a hacer mi rutina.”

Luego de su rutina de ejercicios, se baZa y se
prepara para su segundo trabajo. Además de su
trabajo principal como orientadora, también
trabaja a tiempo parcial en las noches en una
farmacia. Ha mantenido este trabajo porque fue en
esta farmacia donde le abrieron las puertas
inmediatamente de su liberación y con quienes ha
desarrollado una gran relación fraternal.

Su decisión de venir a Puerto Rico luego de su
liberación fue sobre todo familiar y de amor
patrio. Quería estar junto a su nieta, Karina,
quien en ese momento era una niZa de 8 aZos y ya
ahora es una jovencita que acaba de empezar en la
universidad y de la cual su abuela está muy
orgullosa. También quería estar junto su mamá,
quien tenía Alzheimer y murió en 2004. “Sentía
que tenía una labor aquí de cuidar de mi mamá y
de mi nieta. Además, siempre quise volver a vivir
aquí. Nunca quise vivir en Estados Unidos, nunca
me gustó nada, ni el clima, ni la comida, ni el
ambiente. La única razón que me quedé allí fue
que me involucré en la lucha por la independencia de Puerto Rico.”

El único hijo de Carmen, Antonio, y sus demás
nietos, viven en Chicago, donde ella los visita
con frecuencia y siempre pasa sus vacaciones de
verano y de navidades junto a ellos.

Pero ahora que su madre murió y que su nieta, con
quien vivía, se fue a estudiar a Estados Unidos,
a veces se siente un poco sola. Carmen siempre
recuerda una frase que el también ex prisionero
político, Rafael Cancel Miranda, le dijo alguna
vez: “Las personas buenas nunca están solas.”
Pero admite que ahora que tiene más tiempo libre,
lo usa para dedicárselo a ella misma y para
organizar más actividades para los presos políticos.

Cuando Carmen era niZa, en los aZos 50, sus
padres emigraron a Chicago, pero en ese momento
ella no comprendía el por qué de su traslado a
esa ciudad. “Cuando niZa, siempre tuve
resentimiento por esa mudanza. Más tarde, me di
cuenta del por qué de esa emigración masiva que
hubo por necesidad de mejorar la situación y
naturalmente los perdoné porque me di cuenta que fuimos parte de eso.”
Carmen hizo un bachillerato en educación con
concentración en espaZol de la Northeastern
University en Chicago, y una maestría en
orientación de la Roosevelt University también en
Chicago. Fue maestra, orientadora y asistente
administrativa en la Roberto Clemente High
School, que en ese momento se llamaba Tuley High School.

“Para mí estar en la administración de algo es
ser responsable de lo que se ofrece al público,
en este caso estudiantes. Por lo tanto, se me
ocurrió hacer muchos cambios porque había tantas
cosas que no reflejaban las necesidades de los
estudiantes de esta escuela. Hicimos (un comité
de padres y estudiantes) cambios drásticos y
revolucionarios, como por ejemplo, le cambiamos
el nombre a la escuela de Tuley a Roberto
Clemente porque la mayoría de sus estudiantes
eran puertorriqueZos. Queríamos que los
estudiantes se sintieran identificados e
integrados al sistema. También queríamos que se
enseZara historia de Puerto Rico, pero para la
administración estábamos exigiendo demasiado y la
junta de educación nunca ha sido muy favorable
para aceptar recomendaciones. Al mismo tiempo, me
estaba involucrando con el Partido Socialista
PuertorriqueZo (PSP) que se estaba organizando en
Chicago y ellos me introdujeron al asunto
colonial y a la política de Puerto Rico. Había
mucha militancia, especialmente en la educación.
Luego de esto, fui orientadora de estudiantes
universitarios en la Central University en Chicago.”

Carmen se siente esperanzada acerca de la
autodeterminación del pueblo puertorriqueZo y su
futuro político. Dice que últimamente el fervor
patriótico que ha sentido por parte del pueblo la llena de esperanza.

“Aquí nunca jamás habrá estadidad. Ahora lo
siento, lo veo y lo estoy viviendo. Este aZo que
viene la situación va a estar buena porque se
están dando unas políticas tan desastrosas, como
las miles de personas cesanteadas y los planes
siniestros que tiene este gobierno para el
Corredor Ecológico. Están tratando de
desestabilizar y destruir todo, y Puerto Rico se
va a levantar,” puntualiza Valentín.

Carmen Valentín: “The historical moment I was
living in presented me with this option of struggle, and I accepted it”
By Vanesa Baerga
December 22, 2009

“You have to schedule well to be able to do
everything,” explains Carmen Valentín, former
political prisoner who has been out of prison for
10 years, since ex president Bill Clinton commuted her sentence in 1999.

Carmen’s days are calculated in order to be able
to do her routine of work and exercise. By day,
she works as a teacher at the Colegio
Universitario de San Juan, where she has worked
for the past 9 years. She started at this
educational institution one year after leaving
prison. “I’m doing what I always did best­
working with youth.” At this center, she teaches
English to students deficient in this area. She
explains that the majority of the students at
this college come to the institution with great
academic gaps, especially in the areas of
English, math, science and Spanish. “We try to
help them so that they can graduate from the
university. They come mostly from the public
schools of Puerto Rico, which unfortunately I
don’t think are the best. I really like my work
as an educator, and would like to work here forever.”

When she leaves work in the afternoon, she does
her daily exercise routine, which consists of
walking and running with a circle of friends
around the Condado Lagoon. When she exercises,
she meditates, and feels very happy. “Sometimes
when I exercise, I get that exercise high. I am
also very careful about what I eat: vegetables,
fruits, and I drink a lot of water, which gives
great results. I never get sick. In prison I read
and exercised all the time. When I came out of
prison, the rhythm of my life changed, and I
stopped exercising for a while. But later I was able to return to my routine.”

After exercising, she bathes and gets ready for
her second job. In addition to her full time
teaching job, she also works part time at night
at a pharmacy. She has kept this job because this
pharmacy opened its doors to her immediately
following her release, and she’s developed great
fraternal relations with the owners.

Her decision to come to Puerto Rico after her
release was above all about family and love for
her homeland. She wanted to be with her
granddaughter Karina, who at the time was a
little 8 year old girl, and who is now a young
woman who just started college... and of whom her
grandmother is very proud. She also wanted to be
with her mother, who had Alzheimers, and who died
in 2004. “I felt like I had work to do here,
caring for my mother and granddaughter.
Additionally, I always wanted to come back to
live here. I never wanted to live in the United
States, which I never liked anything about­ not
the climate, not the food, not the atmosphere.
The only reason I stayed there was my involvement
with the struggle for the independence of Puerto Rico.”

Carmen’s only son Antonio and the rest of her
grandchildren live in Chicago, where she
frequently goes to visit them, and she always
spends her summer and Christmas vacations with them.

But now that her mother has died and her
granddaughter, who lived with her, has left to
study in the United States, she sometimes feels a
little lonely. Carmen always remembers what
former political prisoner Rafael Cancel Miranda
once told her: “Good people are never alone.” But
she admits that now that she has more free time,
she uses it for herself and to organize more
activities for the political prisoners.

When Carmen was a child in the ‘50's, her parents
migrated to Chicago, but at the time she didn’t
understand the reasons for the move to that city.
“As a child I always resented the move. Later, I
realized that the reason for that massive
migration was the necessity to improve the
situation, and naturally I forgave them because I
realized we were part of that.”

Carmen received a bachelor’s degree in education
with a major in Spanish from Northeastern
University in Chicago, and a masters in
counseling from Roosevelt University, also in Chicago.
She was a teacher, counselor, and assistant
administrator at Roberto Clemente High School,
which at the time was called Tuley High School.

“For me, being in the administration of something
is being responsible for what is offered to the
public, in this case, to students. Thus, it
occurred to me to make many changes, because
there were so many things that didn’t reflect the
needs of the students of that school.

We (a committee of parents and students) made
drastic and revolutionary changes. For example,
we changed the name of the school from Tuley to
Roberto Clemente because the majority of the
students were Puerto Rican. We wanted the
students to feel identified and integrated into
the system. We also wanted Puerto Rican history
to be taught, but in the eyes of the
administration, we were asking for too much, and
the board of education was never very disposed to
accept recommendations. At the same time, I was
becoming involved in the Puerto Rican Socialist
Party (PSP) which was organizing in Chicago, and
they introduced me to the colonial question and
the politics of Puerto Rico. There was a lot of
militancy, especially in education. After that, I
was a college student counselor at Central University in Chicago.”

Carmen feels hopeful about the self-determination
of the Puerto Rican people and our political
future. She says that lately the patriotic fervor
that people have felt fills her with hope.

“There will never be statehood here. Now I feel
it, I see it, and I’m living it. This coming
year, the situation will be good because there
are so many disastrous policies, like firing
thousands of people and the sinister plans this
administration has for the Ecological Corridor.
They’re trying to destabilize and destroy
everything, and Puerto Rico will rise up,” emphasized Valentín.

Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110

415 863-9977

Questions and comments may be sent to

Friday, December 25, 2009

Fittja 10 Update

Update: The one person from Fittja10 still remaining in jail appealed her
continued incarceration and was, much to everyones' surprise and joy,
released! Now she spends time with her loved ones.

In Solidarity
/ABC Stockholm

more information about the Fittja 10
from anarchist

A police intervention at a youth center in Fittja, outside of Stockholm, resulted in three nights of unrest. Now ten people are charged with preparing an arson and one with rioting, as well.

During the last year, riots and arsons have spread through urban areas in Sweden. Youth in poorer communities have started fires and attacked firefighters and cops on arrival. The unrest is clearly linked to a discontent with the situation they face; the segregated cities, the poor living conditions in their areas, the discrimination they face in mainstream society. Wherever they go they carry their areas’ reputation with them.
[Are you ready to rep your hood!]

But the answer politicians come up with is always the same — heavy policing and maybe, maybe some social programs to keep youth busy and off the streets.

In Fittja, an underprivileged community in the outskirts of Stockholm, unrest and riots broke out and went on for some nights after a police intervention at a youth center on Sunday 25th October.

The Tuesday after, one person was arrested and the following day riot police raided the apartment the person shares with others in Fittja, arresting another nine people. The following weekend they were all detained, charged with preparing an arson and one also for rioting.

Police and media from the beginning claimed that the arrested were "known members of Antifascist Action" who had traveled to Fittja after the unrest begun. The ten are described as "criminal adults" and "troublemakers from the outside" and depicted as the ones responsible for the riots and the damages in the area.

Repeatedly parallels are drawn to the riots in Rosengård in Malmö last winter, following the eviction of a center run by various neighborhood initiatives. Some people came there to get help with their homework, others came there to pray. Now, the company owning the building said the center was to be replaced with a school to teach the residents how to live in an apartment(!). For a while, the center was squated by youth from the area. When they got evicted, anger and frustration mounted. Activists living close by, joined them to show their solidarity with the evicted youth, like they had before with autonomous social centers like the Ungdomshuset in Copenhagen.

And indeed the picture drawn up by the media then shows many similarities to the one that is displayed today, the one of autonomous activists from outside the area causing unrest and destruction in an already vulnerable area.

It’s simple media logic — a scenario with easily identifiable scape goats makes for a good story. Reality doesn’t have much to do with it, it’s more of a backdrop to the story. However, the people behind the headlines are real and they need our support.

You can write letters of support to them. A letter means a lot to someone incarcerated, it punctures the isolation of the detainees. You can send letters through ABC, Box 4081, 102 62 Stockholm and we’ll hand them on or send messages to abc-stockholm [cinamon roll] Remember that everything will be read by the prosecutor.

You can support them financially.
IBAN SE12 9500 0099 6034 0873 8973
Nordea, Sweden
(To: ABC, Fittja)

You can help spread the word, by putting up a banner on your webpage linking to this text.

And if you’re in Stockholm, you can donate books, magazines, clothes and CDs at Kafé 44 (Tjärhovsgatan 46, T-Medborgarplatsen) and we’ll forward it to the detainees. In that case, remember not to write anything in the books, since a dedication in a book can result in the person not being handed it.

In Solidarity
/ABC Stockholm

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

El Salvador: Anti-Mining Activist Ramiro Rivera Assassinated in Cabañas

RamiroFrom CISPES:

Demand an investigation and an end to the murders!

Ramiro Rivera Gómez, vice-president of CAC (Comité Ambiental de Cabañas/ the Environmental Committee of Cabañas) and a local leader in the community struggle against the environmentally-destructive gold mining projects proposed by Pacific Rim, was assassinated on Sunday, December 20, 2009 in the Trinidad neighborhood of Ilobasco, in the department of Cabañas where he lived.

Héctor Berríos reports that Ramiro Rivera was killed by hitmen carrying M-16 rifles. Ramiro’s thirteen-year old daughter who was with him on Sunday afternoon was also injured but is reportedly in stable condition.

On August 7 of this year, Ramiro Rivera was shot 8 times, but survived the vicious attack. Oscar Menjívar, previously implicated in physical attacks on anti-mining activists, was arrested and charged with Ramiro’s attempted murder. Community members report that Menjívar had previously worked for Canadian mining company Pacific Rim; Pacific Rim denies that he has ever been an employee.

Since his recovery, Mr. Rivera had been under the protection of two police officers from the Witnesses and Victims Protection Unit of the National Civilian Police. On the afternoon of December 20th, they were apparently unable to protect him.

Since June of 2009, when anti-mining and FMLN activist Marcelo Rivera (no relation to Ramiro) was found tortured and killed in Cabañas, there have been continued attacks, death threats and attempted kidnappings of community members and activists who have vehemently opposed the proposed El Dorado gold mine. The Ministry of Environment denied mining exploitation permits to Pacific Rim, a Vancouver-based mining company, which subsequently announced a $77 million dollar lawsuit against the Salvadoran government under CAFTA, the U.S.-Central America Free Trade Agreement (watch the News video here).

Despite the overtly political overtones of this wave of violence, local police authorities and the former Attorney General’s office have classified these cases as common crimes. Salvadorans are fearful and outraged by the continued violence but also by the inability or unwillingness of the police and the office of the Attorney General to protect community activists like Ramiro Rivera and to halt the violence.

Join the international response to this repression of anti-mining organizers in Cabañas TODAY. Call on the Salvadoran authorities to carry out an exhaustive investigation of these crimes and their motives.


1) E-mail Rodolfo Delgado, head of the Organized Crime unit of the Attorney General’s Office (Sample e-mail text at the end of this alert) This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it Please copy Human Rights Ombudsman Oscar Luna to your email, via his front desk:

2) Please forward a copy of your sent email to This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it.

SAMPLE E-MAIL (English translation below):

Estimado Señor Rodolfo Delgado:

Como miembro de la comunidad internacional, quiero expresar mi profunda preocupación por lo más reciente hecho de violencia contra un líder social en Cabañas, el asesinato de Ramiro Rivera Gómez. Después de que él fue baleado ocho veces en agosto del 2009, fue bajo la protección de la Unidad de Protección de Víctimas y Testigos de la Policía Nacional Civil.

El asesinato de Ramiro Rivera parece otro hecho de violencia sistemático que ha traspasado en Cabañas desde el junio de este año: el secuestro y brutal asesinato del activista Gustavo Marcelo Rivera; las amenazas de muerte a periodistas de Radio Victoria, al director de la Asociación de Desarrollo Económico y Social Santa Marta (ADES) y a varios líderes comunitarios de Cabañas; el sabotaje al sistema electrónico de Radio Victoria; y los intentos de asesinato de los líderes comunitarios, Padre Luis Quintanilla y Ramiro Rivera.

Considero que existen suficientes evidencias para presumir que el asesinato de Ramiro Rivera y los demás crímenes están relacionados y forman parte de una campaña para intimidar a las organizaciones sociales en Cabañas. Es preocupante que la Fiscalía, bajo la dirección de Ástor Escalante, adjudicó a priori estos crímenes a la violencia común, ignorando las evidencias y antecedentes presentados que indican la naturaleza política de los eventos.

Por lo tanto como miembro de la comunidad internacional, hago un llamado para que ahora bajo la dirección del nuevo Fiscal General de la República Romeo Barahona, la Fiscalía realice una investigación imparcial, exhaustiva y efectiva en el caso del asesinato de Ramiro Rivera y de todos estos casos, para dar a conocer a los autores intelectuales y materiales de estos crímenes y garantizar así la protección de los líderes sociales en la región de forma verdadera.

Después del asesinato de Marcelo Rivera en junio, más de cien organizaciones de los Estados Unidos y Canadá mandaron una carta a la Fiscalía expresando su preocupación grave con los atropellos a los derechos humanos. También el Congresista Jim McGovern de los Estados Unidos expresó la misma preocupación en reuniones con el Señor Fiscal General, Romeo Barahona, y representantes de la Administración del Señor Presidente Mauricio Funes, durante su visita reciente a El Salvador.

También le estoy mandando una copia de este mensaje al señor Procurador para la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos, licenciado Oscar Humberto Luna, quien ha mostrado un compromiso fuerte para proteger la seguridad y los derechos humanos de los líderes sociales en Cabañas.

De quedar estos eventos en la impunidad, se estaría generando un clima de temor e incertidumbre para los demás líderes comunitarios, contrarrestando así los avances logrados en el proceso de democratización del país.

Agradezco de antemano sus gestiones para agilizar las investigaciones y espero que pronto se haga justicia en estos casos y se brinde protección a las víctimas y reparación a los familiares de Ramiro.

[Tu nombre/ Your name]


Translation of Email:

As a member of the international community, I want to express my profound concern about the most recent act of violence toward a community leader in Cabañas: the assassination of Ramiro Rivera Gómez. After being shot eight times in August, Mr. Rivera was under the protection of the Victims and Witnesses Protection Unit of the National Civilian Police.

The assassination of Ramiro Rivera appears to be another systematic act of violence that has occurred in Cabañas since June of this year: the kidnapping and brutal assassination of the activist Gustavo Marcelo Rivera; the death threats against journalists at Radio Victoria, the director of the Association for Social and Economic Development (ADES) and other community leaders in Cabañas; the sabotage of the broadcasting equipment at Radio Victoria; and the assassination attempt against the community leaders Father Luis Quintanilla and Ramiro Rivera.

I believe there is sufficient evidence to assume that Ramiro Rivera’s murder and the other crimes are linked and part of a campaign to intimidate community organizations in Cabañas. It is alarming that the Attorney General’s Office under the direction of former acting Attorney General Ástor Escalante attributed these crimes to common violence, ignoring the evidence and antecedents that indicate the political nature of these events.

Therefore as a member of the international community, I now call on the Attorney General’s Office under the leadership of new Attorney General Romeo Barahona to carry out impartial, exhaustive and effective investigations of the assassination of Ramiro Rivera and all of these crimes in order to bring to justice the intellectual and material authors of these crimes and guarantee the protection of other community leaders in the region.

After the assassination of Marcelo Rivera in June, over 100 organizations in the U.S. and Canada sent a letter to the Attorney General’s office expressing their serious concern about the human rights abuses. Representative Jim McGovern of the U.S. Congress expressed the same concern in his meetings with Mr. Attorney General Romeo Barahona and with representatives of the administration of Mr. President Mauricio Funes during his recent visit to El Salvador.

I am sending a copy of this message to the Human Rights Ombudsman, Mr. Oscar Luna, who has shown a strong commitment to protect the security and human rights of social movement leaders in Cabañas.

Leaving these crimes in a state of impunity creates a climate of fear and uncertainty for the rest of the community leaders, undermining the advances in the democratic process in El Salvador.

I thank you in advance for your efforts to speed up the investigations and I hope that there will soon be justice in these cases and that the victims’ lives will be protected and Ramiro’s family will be compensated for their loss.

[Your name]

Update on Jeff Luers and an exclusive interview

From:    "Political Prisoner News" <>
Date: Wed, December 23, 2009

Dear Friends,

We wanted to give you a brief update. Jeff has now been free for the past
week and is enjoying time with friends and family and actively working to
put his life back together. A couple of days ago, he was able to hike in
the forest for the first time in almost 10 years. He begins college
classes in less than 2 weeks.

This morning Jeff and attorney Lauren Regan gave an exclusive 40-minute
interview to Democracy Now! If you would like to watch the show, you can
view the on-demand video at
<> or on
Jeff's myspace or facebook page.

Thank you all again for the tremendous support you have given Jeff, you gave
him the strength to make it through prison. We have also posted a couple of
photos taken of Jeff since his release - you can view them on Jeff's
myspace or facebook page.

Best wishes for a happy new year to everyone!
-Friends of Jeff Free Luers

P.S. There are still many eco-prisoners that need your support - please
write to them, spread the word, or host fundraisers for these prisoners.
Although not an exclusive list, please check out the following pages:
Daniel McGowan <>
Marie Mason <>
Briana Waters <>
Eric McDavid <>
Jonathan Paul
Additional prisoners listed here:
Information on the Green Scare here:

Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110

415 863-9977 Questions and comments may be sent to

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

New Anti-Terrorist Law in Austria

ELP Information Bulletin (22nd December 2009)

Dear friends

ELP has received the following update from supporters of the Austrian animal rights
activists who were arrested and remanded at the start of the year.....

the date has been set for the animal rights trial in austria. it will
start on 2nd of march 2010 with the questioning of the 10 charged
people. in the following, 115 witnesses of the prosecution will be
heard. after that, an so far unknown number of witnesses of the defence
might be heard.

the judge said she will sit on trial for 3 days per week to reserve the
remaining days for typing up the protocolls. she wants to go for
holidays in august, so that month the trial will be on hold. it is
estimated by her that the court case will last at least 6 months and
possibly a year.

in the meantime, the government is intending to introduce new
anti-terrorist laws. a new bill has been introduced, which makes it an
offence to
- speak or write in support of terrorist activity
- indice to terrorist activity
- teach others in terrorist activity (10 years prison)
- be advised in terrorist activity (5 years prison)
- publish especially on the internet anything that can be seen as
advising on terrorist activity (2 years prison)
- download from the internet anything that can be seen as advising on
terrorist activity (2 years prison)
- speak in person or via email in front of at least 30 people in
support of terrorist activity (2 years prison)
- speak in person or via email indicingly in front of at least 30
people about terrorist activity

this new bill is intended to become law by june 2010. it might make it
an offence to wear pro alf t-shirts or speak or write positively about
the alf, give workshops on any ar activity, which can be seen as
terrorist or download such information from the internet or participate
in such workshops.

an activity is considered "terrorist", if it is any criminal offence,
which is either severely disrupting the economy or disrupting it lightly
but for a longer time, with the intention to pressure somebody into
doing or not doing something.

if you committ an offence which is considered "terrorist", then the
normal penalty should be increased 1,5 times.


Earth Liberation Prisoners Support Network

BM Box 2407

Monday, December 21, 2009

March for Resalto in Keratsini

public display of daily objects considered "tools for explosives" by the greek state

More than a thousand march in Keratsini in solidarity to the 21 comrades arrested during the police raid on Resalto, the anarchist social centre of the proletarian suburb of Peiraeus.

More than a thousand protesters marched on Saturday afternoon in the industrial proletarian suburb of Peiraeus, Keratsini, against state terror and the police invasion of Resalto, the local anarchist social centre two weeks ago which resulted in the arrest of 21 people who are being accused of preparing explosives for…some empty beer bottles and a few litters of heating kerosene found in the remises. Initially the state accused the arrested for terrorism but the state interrogator subsequently dropped the charges. The invasion of the 4th of december had resulted to a sponteneous local attack against the police forces guarding the centre a few hours later and to the occupation of the Keratsini city hall which was too invaded by the police with 42 people arrested despite the opposition of the mayor, the local council and the lawyer association of the town who have subsequently published official decisions condemning the repression.

The march gathered at People’s square and after reading texts through the microphone stressing that “the arrested are the physical and political discendents of the guerrillas executed by the Nazis at the blockade of Kokkinia”, the protesters marched around the working class suburb enjoying overwhelming popular support: people chanting anti-police slogans from balkonies and clapping in approval from the sidewalk, despite strong police presence.

The march was part of a 3-day call against state terror by Resalto whose case has become a symbol of the socialist government’s ruthless strategy of counterinsurgency. A hefty monetary guarantee has been imposed on the 21 accused which is being covered by donations and free-donation gigs and parties throughout the country.

On Sunday locals of Exarcheia realised a demo at the square of the area protesting against the persecution of the Resalto comrade. To put the point across regarding the ridiculous claims of the persecuting authorities, the demonstrators made a public display of the exact number of empty beer bottles, hammers, and litres of heating kerosene considered “tools for constructing explosive” – surprisingly the antiterrorist bureau did not try to arrest them…

The march took place within a tense climate across Greece:

In Salonica, the social center of the west territories, opened after the December Uprising, came under attack by parastate thugs who invaded the premises beating people inside and smashing everything on their way. Earlier the same day a police patrol car had come under attack by radicals in the centre of the city, while the night before a security systems shop had been torched.

In Kavala, police detained a group of fly-posting radicals near the autonomous centre and the anarchist squat of the city. The unusual detention could be a sign of collective retribution for the large-scale attack last Thursday when the city centre’s banks were smashed and burned by radicals who have identified themselves in a communique as “anarchists of praxis”.

In Athens, on Friday afternoon the political office of a PASOK (Socialist Party) MP was attacked with an arson mehanism, a further attack after the Thursday night half hour barrage that destroyed half a dozen PASOK offices across the city. Also the PASOK offices of Agioi Anargiroi outside Athens were smashed on Saturday evening.

On a less angry side of things radical, the union of Wind workers has published a communique condemning the police invasion of university grounds during last week’s riots, and the efforts of rectorial authorities and the state to render the asylum a symbolic institution.

German Solidarity with Mumia

From:    "Political Prisoner News" <>
Date: Mon, December 21, 2009

From -
From: Sis. Fatirah!

Life Hanging by a Thread – actions for Mumia in Germany, December 2009
Around the sad and outrageous anniversary marking
28 years behind steelglass and concrete people
all over Germany to the streets for Mumia. The
encouraging news is that hundreds and thousands
of people are showing up for Mumia's support now
after years of a low activities.

Demonstrations with huge transparents took place
in Stuttgart, Oldenburg, Kiel, Muenchen,
Nuernberg, Hamburg, Heidelberg and Berlin.

During the weeks and months before new and old
groups against the death penalty and for Mumia's
freedom in many towns had organized evening
events with speakers who know the case well, most
of them with screeings of 'In Prison My Whole
Life" the 2007 documentary by British filmmaker
Marc Evans. People discussed the planned actions
for Mumia in case the death penalty should be
re-installed. Three days after the announcement
there will be a national day of action in many
towns – mobilizing to a national demonstration in Berlin.

The action in Heidelberg on December 12th was a
little different from all other demonstrations.
We had planned to stage a scene for a photo with
our town's most famous brands – the castle and
the old bridge. Millions of tourists, most of
them Americans, are visiting and photographing it every year.

The theme was "A Life Hanging by a Thread –
Against the Execution of Mumia Abu-Jamal" – and
so we covered the bridge towers and the handrail
with crime scene tape, decorated a big part of
the balustrade with our huge transparent, and
hung a life size doll in an orange jumpsuit down the bridge – by a thread.

After a while we saved the death row candidate by
pulling him up again – and then took the 20 meter
long transparent to a spontaneous demontration
through Europe's longes pedestrian mile,
Heidelberg's main road, 2 kilometers long and full of shoppers and visitors.

Although just about 85 people we made it to a
spectacular pic – not only for all tourists and
other passengers on Saturday but into our daily paper on Monday!

We are especially proud of the fact that a lot of
different groups took part in the action – from
Amnesty Interntional Students to the Red Help.

We will keep working together, going for a
city-council-statement in Heidelberg and for a
big demonstration on January 30th.

Heidelberger Buendnis für Mumia
Also see: indymedia Germany:

Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110

415 863-9977 Questions and comments may be sent to

Sunday Dec 27, OC Dinner Fundraiser for Palestinian Refugees Coming from Iraq

Al-Awda Orange County Chapter
The Palestine Right to Return Coalition

Emergency Fundraiser
Help Palestinian Families Arriving From Al-Waleed Camp in Iraq

19,000 Palestinians have fled Iraq
2500 have been stranded in three camps located in the middle of the desert,
far from any population centers some
For More Than Five Years!!

Now after years of waiting, many of the refugees are being relocated to the U.S.

They Need Our Support!

Sunday December 27, 2009 - at 5 P.M.

Victory Bakery and Restaurant
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Sunday, December 20, 2009

Honduras: Gay Revolutionary Murdered By Nationalist Government Swine

Infoshop News Dec. 18, 2009

25 year-old activist Walter Trochez was murdered Monday in Tegucigalpa. He
was a gay rights advocate and a member of the National Front of Resistance
Against the Coup in

Trochez, who had publicly reported the abuses of Roberto
Micheletti’s de facto regime was shot in Tegucigalpa’s
downtown. A few days before his death, he had been
brutally beaten by officers of the dictatorship while
they were interrogating him to extract information
about the leaders of the peaceful resistance.

The activist had recently published an article exposing
the de facto regime for its human rights violations.
The article, titled “Increase in hate crimes and
homophobia towards LGTB as a result of the
civic-religious-military coup in Honduras”,
was about how what is currently going on in Honduras
is a step backwards for the most inclusive processes
that have been taking place in Latin America
in the recent years.

“It is worth stating that the explicit support
of the church in Honduras to the military coup
of June 28, 2009 prevented holding a referendum
organized by the legitimate constitutional government,
while it put dictator Roberto Micheletti in power”,
reads the article. It also explains that homophobic
hate crimes have increased since the coup, promoted
by the Honduran church, with the complicity of the
oppressing groups.

“Once again we say it is NOT ACCEPTABLE that in
these past 4 months, during such a short period,
9 transexual and gay friends were violently killed, 6
in San Pedro Sula and 3 in Tegucigalpa”, said the
activist in his article, following several press
releases of the gay, lesbian, transexual and
bisexual community.

The young activist finished his article saying “As
a revolutionary, I will always defend my people,
even if it takes my life”.
Walter Tróchez assassinated
Mon, 12/14/2009 - 11:30 — AP

It breaks my heart to translate this.

Tegucigalpa, Honduras
December 14, 2009

El artículo de Walter

Incremento de los crímenes de odio y homofobia
hacia la Comunidad LGTTB a raíz del golpe de
Estado cívico- religioso-militar en Honduras

El golpe de Estado cívico-militar sucedido en
Honduras el 28 de junio pasado ha dado un vuelco
brutal a la nueva perspectiva que se había abierto
en el siglo XXI en América Latina. En efecto, la región
estuvo sellada en los últimos diez años por la
instauración de gobiernos de diferentes
características cuyo denominador común es que
significaron un cambio de rumbo respecto de las
políticas neoliberales que alcanzaron su apogeo
en la región en la última década del siglo XX.
En muchos casos la forma parlamentaria asumida
por los gobiernos de la región enmascaró hasta
cierto punto la continuidad e identidad de las
políticas sociales y económicas del neoliberalismo
con las instauradas en la época de las dictaduras
La situación en Honduras vuelve a hacer manifiesta
esa indisociabilidad entre las políticas sociales y
económicas neoliberales y los intereses a
cuyo servicio se perpetraron los crímenes de lesa
humanidad por gobiernos de facto.

También vuelve a hacer manifiesto un dato más o menos
disimulado por la retórica del “consenso” y la
“tolerancia” a que se pretendió reducir la noción
de democracia en el período subsiguiente a las
dictaduras militares y guerras civiles que devastaron
la región: no sólo la persistencia sino el rearme de
los sectores civiles que recurrieron en otra etapa a
las fuerzas armadas y de seguridad para imponer sus
intereses, y que ahora combinan hábilmente su
adaptación a los procedimientos democráticos con la
conocida prepotencia e ilegalidad con que se imponen
a poblaciones seminermes, semi cómplices. Sin ir más
lejos, no es difícil ver en las fuerzas que sacaron
ventaja en las elecciones legislativas en Argentina
el mismo 28 de junio el apoyo, en algunos casos
explícito, al golpe de Estado en Honduras, y una
comunidad de intereses con el empresariado, las
corporaciones mediáticas y la Iglesia Catolica y
Evangélica que lo promovieron. A nuestros efectos es
de destacar el explícito apoyo de la cúpula religiosa
de Honduras al golpe cívico militar que el 28 de junio
de 2009 impidió la realización de un plebiscito organizado
por el gobierno legitomo constitucional y colocó en
el Poder Ejecutivo a el Dictador Roberto y Micheletti.

Un comunicado de la Conferencia Episcopal de Honduras,
firmado por los once obispos de la Iglesia Católica,
justifica con supuestos fundamentos constitucionales
el secuestro, la transitoria desaparición y expulsión del
país del presidente constitucional: “las instituciones
del Estado democrático hondureño están en vigencia y
sus ejecutorias en materia jurídico-legal han sido
apegadas a derecho…”. Además define la situación
actual como “nuevo punto de partida para el diálogo,
el consenso y la reconciliación…” Por otra parte, en
consonancia con la reacción y declaraciones de los
movimientos sociales, especialmente LGTTB, campesinos,
indígenas, del país, no se hicieron esperar las
reacciones de las distintas organizaciones, Lésbicas,
Gay, Bisexuales, Transexuales, Travestis (LGTTB),
organizaciones, redes y movimientos juveniles,
organizaciones Afrodecendientes,organizaciones de mujeres,
activistas y defensores de derechos humanos,
organizaciones y redes de derechos humanos condenando el
golpe de Estado y llamando a la solidaridad regional e
internacional con el Estado de derecho y con las víctimas
de la represión del gobierno de facto.

Las organizaciones, redes y movimientos LGTTB en
resistencia por ejemplo; condenan “el golpe político
militar contra el estado de Honduras con el
apoyo financiero de los empresarios de la ultraderecha
latinoamericana y norteamericana, la promoción de las
corporaciones mediáticas nacionales, la
protección del Ombudsman mercantilista Ramón Custodio
del Comisionado Nacional de los Derechos Humano de
Honduras (CONADEH) y la bendición de las Iglesias católica y
evangélica” atraves de sus máximos representantes como
es el mismo Cardemal Oscar Andres Rodríguez,monseñor Darwin
Andino, Pasquel Rodríguez, Monseñor Garachana de la diócesis
de San Pedro Sula, el pastor Oswaldo Canales actualmente
presidente del Consejo Nacional Anticorrupción CNA, el pastor
Evelio Pistero de la Iglesia Vida y pisto Abundante, el
Pastor René Peñalba y el pastor Alberto Solórzano y los ancianos
cofundadores de la Iglesia Evangélica CCI . Expresan su
“apoyo irrestricto al regreso del orden constitucional en
Honduras que pasa por la restauración de la democracia”,
y exige “el cese de la represión que vivimos las y los
activistas y defensores de derechos humanos, las
organizaciones que nos manifestamos contra el golpe por
parte de los cuerpos militares y policiales retirados
responsables de los desaparecidos y desaparecidas de
la década del 80 en Honduras comandados por el asesino
Billy Joya.

“Por su parte la Asociación LGTTB Arcoiris y el
Colectivo TTT de la Ciudad de San Pedro Sula,
activistas y defensores de derechos humanos,
denuncian que desde el pasado 29 de junio del año en
curso horas anteriores que se había generado el
Golpe de Estado se incrementaron los crimes de odio
y Homofobia promovidos por la Cupula Religiosa
Hondureña en complicidad con los Grupos Opresores
como son la Fuerzas Armadas, la Secretaria
Nacional de Seguridad, la Empresa Privada,
los Grupos Próvida, el Opus Dei, Estos delitos
ponen una vez más en evidencia los
altos niveles de odio, estigma y discriminación
contra personas de la diversidad sexual, lo que
llamamos, homofobia, lesbofobia, bifobia, y sobre
todo transfobia, de los que somos objetos las
personas que tenemos una orientación sexual o
identidad de género diferente a la del
patrón de la norma heterosexual. En la ocasión de
la pérdida de dos amigas más esta última semana,
reiteramos que NO es ACEPTABLE que en estos últimos
4 meses, durante un tan corto periodo, hayan muerto
de forma violenta cruel e inhumana 9 compañeras
trans y compañeros gay, 6 de ellas/os en el sector
de San Pedro Sula y 3 en la ciudad de

Las y los mártires de la Comunidad LGTTB.

1. Viki Hernández 29 de junio, San Pedro Sula
2. Martina Jackson 30 de junio, Choloma
3. Fabio Zamora 05 de julio, Tegucigalpa
4. Héctor Maradiaga 11 de agosto, Tegucigalpa
5. Michelle Torres 30 de agosto, San Pedro Sula
6. Salomé Miranda 20 de septiembre, Choloma
7. Saira Salmerón 20 de septiembre, Choloma
8. Marión Lanza 09 de octubre, Tegucigalpa
9. Montserrat Maradiaga 11 de octubre, San Pedro Sula.

“Sépanlo bien: ni los corrompidos (corruptos) ni los
impuros, ni los explotadores y explotadoras, que sirven al
dios Dinero, tendrán parte en el reino de Cristo y de Dios”.
“Como revolucionario, estaré hoy, mañana y siempre en
las primeras filas de mi pueblo, aún estando consiente
que se nos podrá ir la vida”.

Walter Orlando Trochez
Activista y Defensor de los Derechos Humanos de Honduras
Y Latinoamérica sector (VIH y Sida, LGTTB, Juventud
y Adolescencia, Niñez)
Móvil: + 504 – 95038128

*Escalation of hate- and homophobic crimes against the
LGBTT Community rooted in the civil-religious-military
coup d'état in Honduras.*

The civil-military coup executed in Honduras last
June 28 has brutally overturned the new approach
that had flowered in the 21st century in Latin
America. Indeed in the last ten years the region
was marked by the establishment of governments of
various characteristics whose common denominator
had been to bring about a change of direction
different from that of the neoliberal policies
that reached their apex during the last
decade of the 20th century. In many cases the
parliamentary structures assumed by the governments
in the region masked to a certain extent the
continuity and identity of neo-liberalism's
socioeconomic policies by covering them up with
policies established in the age of military
dictatorships. The Honduran situation once more
highlights the inseparability of neoliberal
socioeconomic policies from the interests of
those in whose service the crimes against humanity
by de facto governments were perpetrated.

It also reveals again a factor more or less
concealed under the rhetoric of "consensus" and
"tolerance" that tried to diminish the concept of
democracy during the period following military
dictatorships and the civil wars that devastated
the entire region; to wit: not only the persistence,
but the effective rearmament of those civil sectors who
in a previous era had resorted to the armed and
security forces in order to impose their own
interests, and who now adeptly combine
their embrace of democratic procedures with
the well-known overbearing hubris and unlawfulness
with which they dominate semi-defenseless,
semi-complicit populations. Without looking far,
it is not difficult to see in the forces that
gained the advantage in Argentina's legislative
elections also on June 28, the support—at times
explicit—for the coup in Honduras, and a commonality of
interests with the business sector, the mainstream
media and the Catholic and Christian Evangelical
churches that promoted the coup. As evidence we
can point to the explicit support given by Honduras'
religious hierarchy to the civil-military coup that
on June 28, 2009 prevented the implementation of a
plebiscite organized by the legitimate constitutional
government, and placed the dictator Roberto Micheletti
in the executive branch.

A press release issued by the Honduras Episcopal
Conference and signed by the Catholic church's
eleven Honduran bishops, justifies upon supposedly
constitutional grounds the kidnapping, disappearance
and expulsion from the country of the constitutional
President: "the institutions of the Honduran democratic
State are valid and in force, and its juridical
resolutions have abided by the law..." It
additionally defines the current situation as "a
new starting point for dialogue, consensus and
reconciliation..." In contrast, the reaction and
statements of grassroots movements in the
country, particularly LGBTT, peasants, and
indigenous groups, was the
immediate response from the various Lesbian, Gay,
Bi-Sexual, Transexual and *Travesti* organizations
(LGBTT), youth networks and movements,
Afro-Honduran groups, women's movements,
human-rights activists and defenders and
human-rights organizations and networks,
condemning the coup and calling for regional
and international solidarity both with the rule
of law and the victims of the de facto government's

For example, LGBTT organizations, networks
and movements in resistance, condemn "the
political-military coup against the Honduran State
financed by the Latin American and U.S. ultra-right
wing business sector, promoted by the national
mainstream media, covered up by the mercantilist
Ombudsman of the Honduras Commission of Human Rights
(CONADEH) Ramón Custodio, and with the blessing of
the Catholic and Evangelical churches" through their
top representatives such as Cardinal Oscar Andrés
Rodríguez himself, Monsigno Darwin Andino, Pasquel
Rodríguez, Monsignor Garachana of the San Pedro Sula
Diocese, Pastor Oswaldo Canales, the current President
of the National Anti-Corruption Council (CNA), Pastor
Evelio *Pistero* "Money-grubbing" [Reyes] of the Abundant
Life (and cash) Church, Pastor René Peñalba and
Pastor Alberto Solórzano and the senescent co-founders of
the Evangelical Church CCI. These resistance movements
express their "unconditional support
for the return of constitutional order in Honduras,
of necessity through the restoration of democracy,"
and demand "the end of the repression that
we—human-rights activists and defenders and the
organizations through which we demonstrate against
the coup–are living through, carried out by the
retired military and police forces responsible
for the disappearance of men
and women during the 1980s commanded by murderer
Billy Joya."

“For their part, the LGBTT Rainbow Association,
TTT Collective of San Pedro Sula and human-rights
activists and defenders, publicly express their
outrage that since June 29 this year, [and even]
in the hours prior to the coup, there has been an
increase in hate- and homophobic crimes promoted by
the Honduran religious hierarchy in collusion with
oppressive groups such as the Armed Forces, the National
Security Secretariat, private enterprise, pro-life groups,
and Opus Dei. These crimes once again make evident the high
levels of hate, stigmatization and discrimination
against sexually diverse people—what we call homophobia,
lesbophobia, bi-phobia and especially transgender-phobia
—targeting those of us who have a sexual identity or
orientation different from the conventional heterosexual
norm. On the occasion of the loss of two more women
friends this past week, we repeat, IT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE
to have had, in these last 4 months, in such a brief
period of time, 9 trans *compañeras* and gay *compañeros*
murdered in such a cruel and inhuman manner, 6 of them
in the San Pedro Sula sector and 3 in the city of

The martyrs of the LGBTT Community:

1. Viki Hernández, June 29, San Pedro Sula
2. Martina Jackson, June 30, Choloma
3. Fabio Zamora, July 05, Tegucigalpa
4. Héctor Maradiaga, August 11, Tegucigalpa
5. Michelle Torres, August 30, San Pedro Sula
6. Salomé Miranda, September 20, Choloma
7. Saira Salmerón, September 20, Choloma
8. Marión Lanza, October 09, Tegucigalpa
9. Montserrat Maradiaga, October 11, San Pedro Sula.

“Know this well: neither the corrupted nor the exploiters
who serve Mammon [god of Wealth] will take part in the
Kingdom of Christ and of God."

"As a revolutionary I will be today, tomorrow
and forever in the first ranks
of my people, all the while knowing that I may
lose my life."

Walter Orlando Trochez
Human-Rights Activist and Defender for Honduras
and Latin America (sector HIV/AIDS, LGBTT, Youth and Adolescence, Childhood)
Mobile: + 504 – 95038128