Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Solidarity Action with Belarus Activists in Hamburg


Today we hang two banners in Hamburg in Solidarity with the Activists in Belarus, who are facing the arbitrariness of the police state of lukashenko. First banner we put in St.Pauli close to Hafenstraße on a bridge where many cars pass. The banner says “stop repression in belarus. social movements not state violence”

After this we put the second banner at our squat Rote Flora in the Sternschanze quarter, where there are allready many banners, f.e. for the prisoners in hunger strike in switzerland and against the speculation about the eviction of Rote Flora next years spring. This one says “solidarity. free all activists in minsk and everywhere”. It was allready a bit late so the second picture is a bit dark.

All the best to Minsk and down with all governments!

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