Monday, October 04, 2010

Truth To Power: Guerilla Projection on FBI Headquarters Highlighting Suppression of Dissent

Press and Video Release: Truth to Power: Guerilla Projection on FBI
Headquarters in Washington DC


Contact: Vlad Teichberg 347-688-8523

Video available here:

October 2nd, 2010 - Washington D.C. - Glass Bead Collective in
conjunction with Indymedia Minneapolis, Indymedia Pittsburgh and
DARTT executed a direct action projection on the J Edgar Hoover
Building/FBI Headquarters.

"We are shining a bright light on the F.B.I. and it's unlawful
COINTELPRO style nationwide attack on the antiwar movement", said
Vlad Teichberg of the Glassbead Collective. He continued "The latest
Grand Juries in Chicago and New York have targeted the homes and
families of solidarity activists. These latest attacks are
effectively criminalizing the support of global social movements and
is a blatant attempt to take away the freedom of association from
American citizens."

"These F.B.I. raids are a recent reminder of the constant attacks our
communities face every day" said Teichberg. He continued, "we wanted
to bring truth to power by projecting images of the victims of F.B.I.

These recent raids only emphasize the importance of organizing for
equal justice for all: people, animals, and the earth. This action
was in honor and solidarity with political prisoners around the world.