Showing newest 18 of 41 posts from November 2008. Show older posts
Showing newest 18 of 41 posts from November 2008. Show older posts

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Prison Labor: Made in the U.S.A. FSRN audio donumentary

Nov. 28, 2008

Prison Labor: Made in the U.S.A.

listen to the audio documentary at :

Prison labor is every US Corporation's dream: cheap labor, no sick leave, no time off, no holidays and employees that can be easily replaced. For human rights activists however, it's a nightmare for the very same reasons - but on the other side of the coin: forced labor, no unions, low pay and no protection for employees. The US has used or currently uses prison labor for anything from holiday coffee for Starbucks, cutting airplane components for Boeing, Game Boys for Nintendo, equipment for the war in Iraq, shrink wrapping mousses for Microsoft, making dentures, down to sewing lingerie for Victoria's Secrets. It's a multi-billion dollar business. Today, FSRN brings you an exclusive documentary, Prison Labor, Made in the U.S.A., with reporter Karen Miller.

Support the Good Time Bill and Push for Change in the Federal Prison System!

Support the Good Time Bill and Push for Change in the Federal Prison System!

Americans inside US federal prisons have had no prospect of early release for decades thanks to the Sentencing Reform Act of 1984, which abolished federal parole. Since the early 1980’s federal prisons have become increasingly crowded. No provision has been made to decrease the burden to the federal prison system and the expense to the American taxpayer, and there is no incentive for prisoners to work towards changing their behavior while they are incarcerated – no amount of rehabilitation or good behavior will, under the current rules, bring any of the over 200,000 people in the federal system home to be reunited with loved ones and community.

The estimated yearly cost to house one prisoner in the federal system is over $40,000, and lengthy incarcerations are an increasing drain on the health of the US economy. The Federal Bureau of Prisons is more than forty percent over capacity, and prison overcrowding presents real dangers to prisoners as well as staff. Some facilities are one hundred percent above capacity, and there is no plan to relieve the strain on the system. The vast majority of people held in federal prisons are non-violent low-level drug offenders with very long sentences, and there is significant over-representation of people of color – forty percent of inmates are African-American and sixteen percent are Mexican citizens. Do we want to continue to dump money into an overburdened, dysfunctional federal system, or do we want to give people a second chance to be part of our communities?

A bill about to be re-introduced to Congress would reduce the sentences of people in federal prisons by increasing the "good time" credit all federal prisoners receive. This would apply to all federal prisoners except the ones serving life sentences. Re-establishing good time credit would save US tax-payers more than 2 billion dollars per year. Representative Danny Davis of Illinois introduced H.R. 7089 – the Federal Prison Work Incentive Act of 2008 – in the last session of Congress, and it is expected to be introduced again when Congress reconvenes. You can read the full text of the bill or download it as a PDF at

There is a good chance this bill will pass if it becomes a priority on the congressional agenda. Making this bill a priority for Congress will require a concerted push from all corners of the prison reform, political prisoner support, and progressive social justice communities nationwide.

* Write, call, and email you Congressional Representatives! Urge them to reintroduce and then vote for this bill. You can find out who your Congressional Representative is at or by typing in your address and zip code. If you write, write them at the local (not DC) address. Calling is easy and effective. You’ll speak to an aid briefly and they’ll take down your name and your position. The bill is currently in the Judiciary Committee of the House of Representatives. If you have a representative on this committee (, urge them to vote it out of committee and support it. In your letter, let your representative know if you know and care about a federal prisoner but you can also bring up crowding issues and the economic drain federal prisons are on the health of the country. You can read more talking points on or by contacting

* Set up a meeting with your Congressional Representatives! Especially if you have a loved one in federal prison or if you are part of a progressive organization with a stake in a better future for this country, make this issue real for your representative in the way it is real for you.

* Become an info point for the Campaign to Support the Good Time Bill! Download this info sheet, make copies, and distribute to everyone you know. Speak on this issue publicly and privately.

Copies of letters sent or questions can be addressed to

Thank you for your time and support. Best wishes to you and yours.

For anyone in or around NYC, don't miss the event this Friday:

A Good Time for the Good Time Bill: Dinner, A Movie ("Hoot") and Conversation
Friday, December 5th, 7pm
6th St Community Center
6th St. btwn Avenues B and C (F/V to 2nd Ave., exit 1st Ave.)
Donations Welcome!

Three years ago, our dear friend Daniel McGowan was among the first people arrested as part of an FBI offensive against environmental activists and others. Daniel began serving his seven-year sentence in July 2007. In August 2008, Daniel was moved to the Communications Management Unit in Marion, IL, a facility that bypassed the usual review process and severely restricts inmates' communication with the outside world.

To mark the three-year anniversary of Daniel's arrest, please join us to learn more about Daniel's situation, the Communications Management Units, and our campaign to pass the Federal Prison Work Incentive Act (or "Good Time Bill") - a bill to restore good time allowances toward service of Federal prison terms.

Jeff Luers' Birthday and Events for Daniel McGowan

Dear Friends,

A reminder that Jeff's 30th birthday, and 8th birthday in prison, is this
coming Friday December 5th. Please send him a card, or donate to his prison
commissary account or education/release fund. (Donation options here: Or purchase merchandise and all proceeds
will go towards Jeff's fund:
Send Jeff a card at:
Jeffrey Luers # 13797671
9111 NE Sunderland Ave
Portland, OR 97211-1708

In other news, political prisoner Daniel McGowan's 3rd anniversary of his
arrest is December 7, and a few events are taking place to mark the occasion as
well as bring attention to the Federal Prison Work Incentive Act (or "Good Time
Bill") - a bill to restore good time allowances toward service of Federal

If you are in the Eugene Oregon area:
Saturday, December 6th

A Benefit for Oregon Environmental Prisoner Daniel McGowan
With Folk/Old-Time/Acoustic Musicians:
The Underscore Orkestra (
Brenna Sahatjian (
& The McKenzie Riverboys (LocalBluegrass Band)

$3-5 Suggested Donation
@ the Morning Glory Café
4th and Willamette, Eugene, Oregon

In New York City:
A Good Time for the Good Time Bill: Dinner, A Movie ("Hoot") and Conversation
Friday, December 5th, 7pm
6th St Community Center
6th St. btwn Avenues B and C (F/V to 2nd Ave., exit 1st Ave.)
Donations Welcome!

Three years ago, our dear friend Daniel McGowan was among the first people
arrested as part of an FBI offensive against environmental activists and
others. Daniel began serving his seven-year sentence in July 2007. In August
2008, Daniel was moved to the Communications Management Unit in Marion, IL, a
facility that bypassed the usual review process and severely restricts inmates'
communication with the outside world.

To mark the three-year anniversary of Daniel's arrest, please join us to learn
more about Daniel's situation, the Communications Management Units, and our
campaign to pass the Federal Prison Work Incentive Act (or "Good Time Bill") -
a bill to restore good time allowances toward service of Federal prison terms.

Learn what you can do to support these endeavors for liberatory social justice
and toward bringing friends and families together.

Please ask your congressperson to support the "Good Time Bill". (Find your

Thank you again for all your support!
-Friends of Jeffrey Free Luers

to join this list or manage your subscription go to

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Coming Up in NYC and Beyond!

Friday, December 5th 7pm, 638 6th Street- A Good Time for the Good  Time Bill!

Saturday December 6th, 12pm Philadelphia- Stop the Murder of Mumia!

Saturday, Dec 6th **7pm** Philadelphia- Solidarity with PP's,
Remembrance of Bashir Hameed

Sunday, December 14th, 3pm on, at 263 Eastern Parkway- Send Love
through the Walls!

Every Wednesday in December is Phone for Parole Day for Herman and Jalil!


A Good Time for the Good Time Bill: Dinner, A Movie ("Hoot") and Conversation
Friday, December 5th, 7pm
6th St Community Center
638 6th St. btwn Avenues B and C (F/V to 2nd Ave., exit 1st Ave.)
Donations Welcome!

Three years ago, our dear friend Daniel McGowan was among the first
people arrested as part of an FBI offensive against environmental
activists and others. Daniel began serving his seven-year sentence in
July 2007. In August 2008, Daniel was moved to the Communications
Management Unit in Marion, IL, a facility that bypassed the usual
review process and severely restricts inmates' communication with the
outside world.

To mark the three-year anniversary of Daniel's arrest, please join us
to learn more about Daniel's situation, the Communications
Management Units, and our campaign to pass the Federal Prison Work
Incentive Act (or "Good Time Bill") - a bill to restore good time
allowances toward service of Federal prison terms (substantially
reduce one's time in prison).

Learn what you can do to support these endeavors for liberatory
social justice and toward bringing friends and families together.

Spread the word!

And, as always, please write to Daniel:

Daniel McGowan
Columbia County Jail
403 Jackson Street
Portage, Wisconsin 53901

We can't know for sure, but our best guess is that he will be in
Columbia County for at least a couple of weeks. County Jail is
difficult and lonely, especially during the holidays, and letters can
really help. Please write Daniel as often as you can.


Before it's too late, Stop the murder of MUMIA!

Join a day of
International Solidarity

Saturday, DEC. 6 at **12 Noon**

District Attorney Office
2 South Penn Square (**East Side** of City Hall)
March to Federal Courts 5th St. & Market

*Actions will be held in cities across the U.S. & the World.

Millions across the world have marched and protested for Mumia's freedom.
But, while Amnesty International, the NAACP, the Congressional Black Caucus,
the International Association of Democratic Lawyers, the Harvard University
Racial Justice Institute and dozens of other legal entities around the world
roundly denounced the trial and appeals process conducted by Hanging Judge
Albert Sabo, every court since, using the Anti-Terrorism and Effective Death
Penalty Act restrictions, has refused to address the issue of innocence, and
has simply affirmed the Sabo court's verdict of guilt. The tremendous body
of testimony and evidence that points to Mumia's innocence has
systematically been excluded from his legal record. From the Pennsylvania
Supreme Court to the Third Circuit Federal Court of Appeals, from Pamela
Dembe to William Yohn , each level of the judiciary system has collaborated
with the DA, the FOP, and their allies to assure that Mumia never leave
prison and, preferably, that he be executed and permanently silenced. They
are getting set to murder Mumia as they did with Shaka Sankofa and
Stanley"Tookie" Williams, and as they are trying to do with Troy Davis
! Mumia is an innocent political prisoner who has been framed in
order to silence his powerful revolutionary voice. We say Stop the
Frameup! No to execution! No to life in prison! Free Mumia Now!

*Buses leaving NYC for Philly at 9 a.m. from 33rd St. & 8th Ave. Post Office
or from Washington Heights at San Romero Church, 2410 Amsterdam Ave.
(between 179th & 180th Sts.)

Bus Tickets can be purchased for $22 for round trip between **1
p.m.** & **8:30
p.m. **(Mon.-Fri.) & between **12 p.m.** & **4 p.m.** (Sat.) at the **
Solidarity** **Center**, **55 W. 17th St.**, 5 fl. (between 5th & 6th Aves.)
212-633-6646. Buses will return in **New York** in the late
Contact in Phila: Int'l Concerned Family & Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal
215-476-8812 and the Int'l Action Center, 215-724-1618
In NY: Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition (NYC), 212-330-8029 <> and<>

*Premiere of new Mumia documentary film,
'In Prison My Whole Life'
Sundance Channel, Mon., Dec. 8.
( Check local listings for times.)

* Saturday, Dec 6th **7pm**
*International Day of Solidarity with Political Prisoners
in memory of Bashir Hameed
*LAVA **4134 Lancaster Ave, Philadelphia, PA**

Remembrance of Bashir Hameed

Update on case of Mumia Abu Jamal

Special Guest Speakers

Update on Russell Maroon Shoatz

Literature Tables & More
Sponsored by Philly Jericho &
Philly Anarchist Black Cross Federation

*$5 Suggested Donation — no one turned away*

Send Love Through the Walls!!!

The Annual Holiday Card-Writing Party for the Political Prisoners and POW's!

brought to you by Resistance in Brooklyn and NYC Anarchist Black
Cross Federation!

December 14th, 3pm on, at 263 Eastern Parkway, between Classon and
Franklin in Brooklyn. Take left elevator to apt. 5D. 2-3 to Eastern
Parkway, S to Botanic Garden, or 2-3-4-5 to Franklin Ave Station.

Make and sign home-made cards to the Political Prisoners and
Prisoners of War in the jails of this country, incarcerated for their
love of justice and their militant resistance to the US government.

Refreshments will be served. We'll offer you updates on the campaigns
around Political Prisoners and Prisoners of War. And we'll provide
paints, markers, crayons, and envelopes.

For more information, call (718) 783-8141 or contact nycabc[at]

EVERY WEDNESDAY IN DECEMBER is Phone for Parole Day for Herman Bell
and Jalil Muntaqim!

Call NY Governor David A. Paterson between 10AM and 3PM Eastern Standard
Time this Wednesday and every Wednesday in December.


Urge him to sign the amended Executive agreements which will allow NY
inmates Herman Bell (#2318931) and Jalil Muntaqim (s/n Anthony Bottom/
#2311826) to return to New York State to attend their rightful parole
hearings. We're calling him every Wednesday morning of '08 until he signs
off on the transfer.

The transfer of SF8 defendants Herman Bell and Jalil Muntaqim from the San
Francisco County Jail back to New York State for their rightful parole
hearings has been blocked by both state governors for weeks and NYS now
wants to deny this right for good. This comes despite previous agreements
in the courtroom between the California State prosecutors, the presiding
judge and, of course, the brothers and their attorneys.

Judge Philip Moscone signed an order in May allowing Herman Bell and Jalil
Muntaqim to return to New York State for their parole hearings. All
parties agreed at that time that the move would be temporary; Herman and
Jalil waived their rights to fight extradition back to California.

In Solidarity,
contact- nycabc[at]riseup[dot]net

Background. . . .
Free the San Francisco Eight!

More on the New York 3 (Herman Bell and Jalil Muntaqim) at

-- *Get Involved at the 1-2-3 Community Space!
123 Tompkins Ave btw Myrtle and Vernon, Bedstuy BK

Post Office Box 110034
Brooklyn, New York 11211


Free all Political Prisoners and Prisoners of War!
For the Abolition of State Repression and Domination!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Dec 5th: A Good Time for Daniel McGowan

A Good Time for the Good Time Bill: Dinner, A Movie ("Hoot") and Conversation
Friday, December 5th, 7pm
6th St Community Center
638 6th St. btwn Avenues B and C (F/V to 2nd Ave., exit 1st Ave.)
Donations Welcome!

Three years ago, our dear friend Daniel McGowan was among the first people arrested as part of an FBI offensive against environmental activists and others. Daniel began serving his seven-year sentence in July 2007. In August 2008, Daniel was moved to the Communications Management Unit in Marion, IL, a facility that bypassed the usual review process and severely restricts inmates' communication with the outside world.

To mark the three-year anniversary of Daniel's arrest, please join us to learn more about Daniel's situation, the Communications Management Units, and our campaign to pass the Federal Prison Work Incentive Act (or "Good Time Bill") - a bill to restore good time allowances toward service of Federal prison terms (substantially reduce one's time in prison).

Learn what you can do to support these endeavors for liberatory social justice and toward bringing friends and families together.

Spread the word!

And, as always, please write to Daniel:

Daniel McGowan
Columbia County Jail
403 Jackson Street
Portage, Wisconsin 53901

We can't know for sure, but our best guess is that he will be in Columbia County for at least a couple of weeks. County Jail is difficult and lonely, especially during the holidays, and letters can really help. Please write Daniel as often as you can.


"Angola 3" Member to Be Released On Bail After 37 Years



Tuesday, November 25, 2008

202.302.6920 / emma [at]

"Angola 3" Member to Be
Released On Bail After 37 Years

Conviction Overturned, Judge Rules Albert Woodfox Must be Free During Appeals or Re-trial

Lawyers: Ruling Brings Hope for Remaining Prisoner, Also Spent 36 Years in Solitary for Guard's Murder

Albert Woodfox, who has spent 37 years in prison at Angola Penitentiary, must be released on bail, according to a ruling issued today by United States District Judge James Brady. On September 25th, Judge Brady overturned Woodfox's conviction for the 1972 murder of prison guard Brent Miller. Though the State has announced its intention to appeal that decision, until such an appeal is successful, according to today's ruling, there is no conviction on which to hold Woodfox.

In his decision, Judge Brady wrote:
"[Woodfox] is a frail, sickly, middle aged man who has had an exemplary conduct record for over the last twenty years. At the hearing before this Court on October 14, 2008, testimony was adduced that if released Mr. Woodfox would live with his niece and her family in a gated subdivision in Slidell, Louisiana. Mr. Woodfox has withdrawn that request because of fear of harm to his niece and her family by members... This change was brought about by counsel representing the State of Louisiana contacting the subdivision home owners association and providing them with information regarding Mr. Woodfox. The Court is not totally privy to what information was given to the association but from the documents filed it is apparent that the association was not told Mr. Woodfox is frail, sickly, and has had a clean conduct record for more than twenty years…this Court GRANTS Mr. Woodfox's motion for release pending the State's appeal."

Herman Wallace, who was also convicted in the murder, remains in prison at Angola. He has an appeal pending with the Supreme Court of Louisiana, which is similar in content to Woodfox's successful appeal. The two men were wrongly convicted based largely on the testimony of a fellow prisoner, Hezekiah Brown, a serial rapist who was promised and received a pardon in exchange for his testimony against them. Brown was the sole professed eyewitness to the murder, and none of the physical evidence put Herman or Albert at the crime scene.

Woodfox's legal team is now working with the court to reach an agreement on a suitable release location and plan for Woodfox; once they agree to a plan, Woodfox will be able to leave Angola. The lawyers anticipate the process to take several more days.

Woodfox and Wallace were each held in solitary confinement from the time of the murder until last March, after a federal court concluded that their suit alleging that such confinement for three decades constitutes cruel and unusual punishment could go forward. A third man, Robert King Wilkerson, was held in solitary at Angola at the same time for a different crime; he was released in 2001 after showing that he had been wrongfully convicted. The three are known as the "Angola 3." All black men, they had been organizing nonviolently for an end to gang-enforced sex slavery and for better conditions inside the prison. Angola at the time was known as the "bloodiest prison in the US."

"This is a major victory in a case where justice is long overdue. Albert went into Angola in his twenties, and he's walking out in his 60s. There is no conviction against him now, and the state should not take another day of his life," said Chris Aberle, Woodfox's lawyer.

"In 37 years, Albert never gave up hope that someday he would walk out the gates of Angola. We continue to hope that Herman will join him soon. Neither of these men should have spent a day in Angola for this crime," said Nick Trenticosta, also a lawyer in the case.

The case has attracted attention on the state and national level. Last spring, US House Judiciary Committee Chair John Conyers (D-MI) visited the men, along with Louisiana House Judiciary Committee Chair Cedric Richmond (D-101). Richmond has announced his intention to hold hearings on the case, and Conyers continues to monitor developments.

The state had sought a stay of Judge Brady's ruling ordering a new trial until the appeal process plays out. Judge Brady granted that request. The State must now either win its appeals, or will need to either release or retry Woodfox within 120 days of the end of its appeals.

Judge Brady held an initial bail hearing on October 14th; he postponed issuing a decision at that time to allow for additional depositions to be taken from Angola Warden Burl Cain and from a doctor who had examined Woodfox and his medical records. The State has now conducted both of those depositions.

For a copy of the judgment, to speak with the lawyers, or for any additional information on the case, please contact Emma Mackinnon, emma [at] or 202 302 6920.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

call for artwork by prisoners


Wisconsin Books to Prisoners would appreciate

donations of artwork about the conditions of

prisons and the daily drudgery and cruelties of

prison life. Artwork will be displayed the end

of January 2009 along with a powerful set of

posters created by printmakers from the

JUSTSEEDS Visual Resistance Artists

Cooperative in honor of the 10th anniversary of

Critical Resistance, a prison abolitionist


Please do not send anything that you want

returned or is not copyright free. Also, please

let us know how you wish to be (or not be)

identified. We welcome donations of critical

artwork year around and use this work for

public education.

Many thanks to those who make contributions.

Please send artwork to:

Wisconsin Books to Prisoners

Rainbow Bookstore

426 W. Gilman St.

Madison, WI 53703

Paul Wright, Editor

Prison Legal News

P.O. Box 2420

West Brattleboro, VT 05303


Seattle Office:

2400 NW 80th St. # 148

Seattle, WA 98117


Monday, November 24, 2008

Red Army Faction boss to be freed

Nov. 24, 2008 BBC

Christian Klar. Photo: March 1983
Klar was convicted of nine murders and 11 attempted murders

A German court has approved the release from jail of a leader of a radical leftist group involved in high-profile killings in the 1970s and 1980s.

Red Army Faction leader Christian Klar, aged 56, is serving five life terms but will have served the minimum required 26 years by January.

The court in Stuttgart said there were no grounds to keep him in custody.

The group, also known as the Baader-Meinhof gang, targeted bankers, businessmen, judges and US servicemen.

More than 30 people were killed by the gang, before it disbanded 10 years ago.

Gang's brutality

"A major consideration was the question of whether it could be feared that Christian Klar would commit significant criminal acts again," but the judges decided there was no evidence he would, the court said in a statement.

The Baader Meinhof Complex poster
Uli Edel's film was released in Britain earlier this month

It said that Klar would remain on probation for five years after his release.

Klar was arrested in 1982 and later convicted of nine murders and 11 attempted murders.

It is the brutality of the Red Army Faction's crimes which shocked the public, the BBC's Steve Rosenberg in Berlin says.

Along with the principal targets of their terror, bodyguards and drivers were gunned down.

In one case, the head of a bank was assassinated at his home, after being presented with a bunch of flowers by the killers.

This year's film - The Baader Meinhof Complex - by Uli Edel, has been named as Germany's official entry for the 2009 foreign language film Oscar

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Swedish Eco-defence prisoner

Information Request Bulletin (23rd November 2008)

Dear friends

ELP recently learnt that last month a 20-year old Swedish man was arrested
and remanded accused of eco-sabotage activity.

The police claim, that at the time of his arrest, the 20-year old man from
Älmhult had in his possession a number of items including guides on how to
make incendiary devices.

ELP understands that the 20-year old was, last week, indicted as a suspect
in an eco-sabotage investigation and is accused of four acts of criminal
damage, which includes damaging a radio tower, sabotaging a construction
site and damaging a vehicle used in the timber industry. The man was also
investigated for an arson against a newly built villa, but no charges have
been bought against him in that investigation due to there being no evidence
against him what so ever.

At this moment in time ELP has no further information on this man. We do
not know him name, we do not know where he is being held, and we do not know
how to get any messages of support to him.

If you know anything about this case; if you know of any other suspects; if
you are friends with the 20-year old man and can help set up a support
campaign for him so people can write letters of support to him; please get
in contact with ELP as soon as possible. The 20-year old man has already
spent at least a month in prison without any international support. Lets
try and get some support to him before another month goes by!

Earth Liberation Prisoners Support Network
BM Box 2407

Friday, November 21, 2008

Hunger strike ends as Greek government caves

Nov. 20, 2008

After 18 days 7,000 prisoners in greece stop their hunger strike after the ministry of justice concedes to a series of their demands, promising to release half the country's prison population by April 2009.

On Thursday the 20th of November more than 7,000 hunger strikers in greek prisons demanding a comprehensive 45-point program of prison reform have decided to stop their hunger strike, already on its 18th day, after the Ministry of Justice responded to their struggle and to the widening solidarity movement which in the last weeks has held several mass protest marches in the greek cities by declaring that by next April the number of prisoners in greek jails will be reduced to 6.815 from the present 12.315, thus effectively releasing half of the country's prison population.

The Ministry's declaration in detail states that:

1) All persons convicted to a sentence up to five years for any
offense including drug related crimes can tranform their sentence into
a monetary penalty. This will not be allowed in the case the jury
decides that the payment is not enough to deter the convict from
commiting punishable acts in the future.

2) The minimum sum for tranforming one day of prison sentence to
monetary penanlty is reduced from 10 euros to 3, with the provision of
being reduced to 1 euro by decision of the jury.

3) All people who have served 1/5 of their prison sentence for 2
year sentences and 1/3 for sentences longer than 2 years are to be
released, with no exceptions.

4) The minimum limit of served sentence is reduced to 3/5 for
conditional release and for convicts for drug related crimes. Those
condemned under conditions of law ?. 3459/2006 (articles 23 ??? 23?)
are excepmpted.

5) The maximum limit of pre-trial impironment is reduced from 18 to
12 months, with the excemption of crimes puniched by liife or 20year

6) The annual time of days-off prison is increased by one day.
Tougher conditions for days-off are limited for those convicted for
drug related crimes under ?. 3459/2006.

7) Disciplinary penalties are to be integrated.

8) Integration after 4 years into national law of the European Council decision of drug trafficking (2004/757).

9) Expansion of implementation of conditional release of convicts
suffering from AIDS, kidney failure, persistent TB, and tetraplegics.

What the Ministry failed to answer with regard to the prisoners' demands include:

1) Monetary exchange of prison sentences longer than 5 years,
especially for 6.700 prisoners presently convicted for non-criminal

2) Abolition of juvenile prisons

3) Abolition of accumulative disciplinary penalties

4) Abolition of 18 months pre-trial imprisonment for a large number of offenses.

5) Satisfactory expansion of days off, despite the fact that the
application of present liberties has been tested as succesfull during
the last 18 years.

6) Immediate improvement of relocation conditions of convicts

7) Holding a meeting between the minister of justice and the prisoners' committee

Thus in a press release, the Prisoners' Commitee announced that:

"The amendment submitted to the Parliament by the Ministry of
Justice tackles but a few of our demands. The minister ought to
materialize his promises for the immediate release of the suggested
number of prisoners announced, and at the same time implement concrete
measures regarding the totality of our demands. We the prisoners treat
this amendment as a first step, a result of our struggle and of the
solidarity shown by society. Yet it fails to covers us, it fails to
solve our problems. With our struggle, we have first of all fought for
our dignity. And this dignity we cannot offer as a present to no
minister, to no screw. We shall tolerate no arbitrary acts, no vengeful
relocation, no terrorizing disciplinary act. We are standing and we
shall stay standing. We demand form the Parliament to move towards a
complete abolition of the limit of 4/5 of served sentence, the
abolition of accumulated time for disciplinary penalties, and the
expansion of beneficial arrangements regarding days-off, and
conditional releases for all categories of prisoners. Moreover, we
demand the immediate legislation on the presently vague promises of the
minister of justice regarding the improvement of prison conditions
(abolition of juvenile prisons, foundation of therapeutic centers for
drug dependents, implementation of social labour in exchange for prison
sentence, upgrading of hospital care of prisoners, incorporation of
european legislation favorable to the prisoners in the greek law etc.).
Finally, we offer our thanks to the solidarity movement, to every
component, party, medium, and militant who stood by us with all and any
means of his or her choice, and we declare that our struggle against
these human refuse dumps and for the victory of all our demands
Prisoners' Committee 20/11/08.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Solidarity actions with Greek Prisoners' Struggle

November 16, Lisbon, Portugal

"Sunday night anarchists attacked the greek embassy in Lisbon (Portugal) with black paint-bombs. Greetings to the comrades. Solidarity to the prisoners in struggle!"


November 14, Lisbon, Portugal

"Friday, Nov.14, at 11h in the morning we distributed 200 A4-size leaflets in front and around the building of the Economy and Comerce Section of the Greek Embassy, in the center of Lisbon, leaving some of them inside the building also. The leaflets included a small introdutory text to the prisoners' struggle, a few of their demands, and a chronology of the events until that day. Besides, it also included the following text:

"Prison is everywhere, in all our life. Constantly we are watched, controlled, identified, listened... it is the cop, the surveillance camera, the court, the judge, the police station, and our entire reality of forced interactions... it is the fear of being what we are, of saying what we feel, of doing what we would like to do... it is the everyday misery, it stalks us in our memory, it is a permanent threat...

Prison is also that isolate building, where only the convicted and the hangmen are... it is the siege from where we can not leave, it is the guards that control and torture us, it is our body in the hands of the is the walls that enclose and hide us, that push us away for years... it is the place where everything is taken away from us...

Prison is, at the same time, an idea and a building. But always a reality.

In Greece, like everywhere else, the struggle of the prisoners is the only way to face and fight the reality to which they are forced. To accept prison is only possible due to all the means of alienation the state uses, inside and outside the prisons, and that create a daily life of fear and resignation. What's happening today in the Greek prisons has born from the determination of individuals kidnapped by the state, and although we are outside the walls, that doesn't mean we're free. That freedom, we have to conquer it.

In Greece, in Portugal, and anywhere else, no condition of life inside a prison will ever be human, because that's impossible inside a prison. There's no reform of whatever nature that can, in any way, humanize this place where we're locked up; where everything, with the exception of dignity, is taken away from us.

But dignity will always belong to those who struggle, to the insurgents, to the individuals.

There are countless ways with which to show our solidarity and spread the revolt, attacking control and the controllers of this world; the first step is to decide on which side we are.

Having said this, the only "demand" we have is the destruction of every prison and of this prison-society!




November 10, London, UK
Greek embassy attacked again by anarchists, spraypainted, windows smashed, car tyres slashed. "IF THEY GIVE US REPRESSION WE GIVE THEM DESTRUCTION"

November 9, London, UK
On Sunday night the Greek embassy was spray painted with political slogans in solidarity with the prisoners in Greece and some windows got smashed. It was also done in solidarity with 3 animal liberation militants arrested in Sweden involved in a campaign to close a fur shop. "THE VICTORY IS OURS ATTACK no borders no prison ................KEEP WARM BURN THE FUCKERS los ropen huesos"

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Russia: Solidarity with Moscow anti-fascist prisoner Aleksey Olesinov!

On the 18th of November, an action against repression of anti-fascists will take place at Metro Station "Novokucnetskaya" in Moscow. Action will begin 16:00, and will demand freedom for anti-fascist prisoner Aleksey Olesinov. Aleksey is imprisoned for more than 10 days already, and has been held incommunicado by authorities, his lawyer Stanislav Markelov has still not been allowed to meet with him. Health condition and conditions in which he is kept are not known to his relatives and friends. Friends of Olesinov are certain, that he is persecuted due to participation to anti-fascist activities.

Aleksei Olesinov was arrested 6th of November, and accused of "hooliganism", according to statue 213,
second part of Russian criminal codex. Although he has never before faced
criminal charges, he was remanded. Police motivated the decision to remand him
with the fact that Olesinov is an anti-fascist activist.

Formal pretext for arrest is an insignificant fight which took place
30th of August between visitors of one of the Moscow clubs and security
of the club. Nobody was wounded during the fight, Olesinov was arrested
the same night close to the club, but eventually police who arrested him
did not pressed even misdemeanor charges against him.

For unclear reason case of Olesinov is united with two felony
investigations. Another of them is the murder case of anti-fascist
activist Fyodor Filatov. It is possible, that police attempts to hide
fact that investigation is doing nowhere by arresting one of the
activists of the anti-fascist movement.

Case of Olesinov is under personal control of first vice-minister of
internal affairs M.I.Suhodolskiy. It is rather unlikely, than an average
case of "hooliganism" is under a personal control of first vice-minister
of internal affairs.

Currently Olesinov is kept in remand prison of "Butyrka", but he was in
a police prison for 6 days, which is a reason to believe that police
tortured him there in order to gain information on workings of
anti-fascist movement.

Participators of the anti-fascist movement demand to stop violations of
legal rights of Aleksey Olesinova, to give him an access to lawyer, and
also to stop using murder of Fyodor Filatov to purposes which have
nothing to do whatsoever with the murder investigation.

Contact telephone: +7-985-997-05-24

Donations are very much needed for Olesinov's defence campaign.
You may donate through bank accounts and internet purses of ABC-Moscow.
They are available in

Always contact ABC-Moscow* if you made a donation: abc-msk AT riseup DOT net

(in Russian:

2009 Political Prisoners Calendar

2009 Political Prisoners Calendar

The 2009 Certain Days: Freedom for Political Prisoners Calendar is exactly that - with 42 gorgeous full-colour pages of art and writings, it will provide enjoyment throughout the year. And your purchase is an important contribution to your community.

2009 Political Prisoners Calendar

Order the 2009 Certain Days: Freedom for Political Prisoners Calendar
online at

During the holiday season, many of us are looking for gifts that will
delight our loved ones, and also demonstrate our continued commitment
to social justice work.

The 2009 Certain Days: Freedom for Political Prisoners Calendar is
exactly that - with 42 gorgeous full-colour pages of art and writings,
it will provide enjoyment throughout the year. And your purchase is an
important contribution to your community.

Get inspired by the work of grassroots organizers across Canada and
the United States! The calendar features DRUM (Desis Rising Up and
Moving), Philly's Pissed, Incite!, Sumoud, Alvaro Luna Hernandez,
Inside Books Project, Laura Whitehorn, Robert Seth Hayes, David
Gilbert, Herman Bell, Peter Collins, The Cuban Five, Victory Gardens,
Common Ground, Native Youth Movement and more!

This year, we have reduced our price to make the calendar even easier
for you to give to your friends and family. For only $12, you can make
this meaningful and lasting gift. You can also purchase copies of 10
or more for $8 - a great fundraiser for groups.

PLEASE NOTE: The calendar collective is a small group, and mail takes
longer than usual during the holiday season. Be sure to order by
November 30 to avoid disappointment!

We may also be able to send rush orders of any size via expedited mail
for an additional fee - email

Certain Days - Freedom for Political Prisoners & Prisoners of War Calendar

Cheney, Gonzales Indicted in Texas Prisoner Abuse Case

A South Texas grand jury has indicted Vice President Dick Cheney and former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales on state charges related to the alleged abuse of prisoners in Willacy County's federal detention centers.

The indictment, which had not yet been signed by the presiding judge, was one of seven released Tuesday in a county that has been a source of bizarre legal and political battles in recent years. Another of the indictments named a state senator on charges of profiting from his position.

Willacy County District Attorney Juan Angel Guerra himself had been under indictment for more than a year and half before a judge dismissed the indictments last month. This flurry of charges came in the twilight of Guerra's tenure, which ends this year after nearly two decades in office. He lost convincingly in a Democratic primary in March.

Cheney's indictment on a charge of engaging in an organized criminal activity criticizes the vice president's investment in the Vanguard Group, which holds interests in the private prison companies running the federal detention centers. It accuses Cheney of a conflict of interest and "at least misdemeanor assaults" on detainees because of his link to the prison companies.

Megan Mitchell, a spokeswoman for Cheney, declined to comment on Tuesday, saying that the vice president had not yet received a copy of the indictment.

The indictment accuses Gonzales of using his position while in office to stop an investigation in 2006 into abuses at one of the privately run prisons.

Gonzalez's attorney, George Terwilliger III, said in a written statement, "This is obviously a bogus charge on its face, as any good prosecutor can recognize. Hopefully, competent Texas authorities will take steps to reign in this abuse of the criminal justice system."

Willacy County has become a prison hub with county, state and federal lockups. Guerra has gone after the prison-politician nexus before, extracting guilty pleas from three former Willacy and Webb county commissioners after investigating bribery related to federal prison contacts.

Another indictment released Tuesday accuses state Sen. Eddie Lucio Jr. of profiting from his public office by accepting honoraria from prison management companies. Guerra announced his intention to investigate Lucio's prison consulting early last year.

Lucio's attorney, Michael Cowen, released a scathing statement accusing Guerra of settling political scores in his final weeks in office.

"Senator Lucio is completely innocent and has done nothing wrong," Cowen said, adding that he would file a motion to quash the indictment this week.

Last month, a Willacy County grand jury indicted The GEO Group, a Florida private prison company, on a murder charge in the death of a prisoner days before his release. The three-count indictment alleged The GEO Group allowed other inmates to beat Gregorio de la Rosa Jr. to death with padlocks stuffed into socks. The death happened in 2001 at the Raymondville facility, just four days before de la Rosa's scheduled release.

In 2006, a jury ordered the company to pay de la Rosa's family $47.5 million in a civil judgment. The Cheney-Gonzalez indictment makes reference to the de la Rosa case.

None of the indictments released Tuesday had been signed by Presiding Judge Manuel Banales of the Fifth Administrative Judicial Region.

A second batch of indictments targeted public officials connected to Guerra's own legal battles.

Willacy County Clerk Gilbert Lozano, District Judges Janet Leal and Migdalia Lopez, and special prosecutors Mervyn Mosbacker Jr. -- a former U.S. Attorney -- and Gustavo Garza -- a longtime political opponent of Guerra -- were all indicted on charges of official abuse of official capacity and official oppression.

Garza, the only one who could be immediately reached Tuesday, called it a sad state of affairs.

"I feel sorry for all of the good people this unprofessional prosecutor has maligned," Garza said. "I'm not at all concerned about the accusations he has trumped up."

Banales dismissed indictments against Guerra last month that charged him with extorting money from a bail bond company and using his office for personal business. An appeals court had earlier ruled that Garza was improperly appointed as special prosecutor to investigate Guerra.

After Guerra's office was raided as part of the investigation early last year, he camped outside the courthouse in a borrowed camper with a horse, three goats and a rooster. He threatened to dismiss hundreds of cases because he believed local law enforcement had aided the investigation against him.

On Tuesday, Guerra said the indictments speak for themselves. He said the prison-related charges are a national issue and experts from across the country testified to the grand jury. Asked about the indictments against local players in the justice system who had pursued him, Guerra said, "the grand jury is the one that made those decisions, not me."

The indictments were first reported by KRGV-TV.

Associated Press writer Deb Riechmann in Washington contributed to this report.

Anti High Speed Train activists in prison (France)

Hiya everyone

Apparently five of the French anarchists, who have been accused of sabotaging the High Speed Train network in France to try and stop the nuclear convoy trains, have been jailed.

Below is an article in Spanish about the arrests

If anyone has anything in English can they please let me know. Also, if anyone has any addresses for the five can they please post up the details.


Here in France, a support group has been launched in the tiny village
of Tarnac where some of the arrested persons live. You can join to
get news and support.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Wednesday is Phone 4 Parole Day 4 Herman and Jalil!!!

WEDNESDAY is Phone for Parole Day for Herman Bell and Jalil Muntaqim!

Call NY Governor David A. Paterson between 10AM and 3PM Eastern Standard Time on Wednesday November 5th.


Urge him to sign the amended Executive agreements which will allow NYinmates Herman Bell (#2318931) and Jalil Muntaqim (s/n Anthony Bottom/ #2311826) to return to New York State to attend their rightful parolehearings. We're calling him every Wednesday morning of '08 until he signsoff on the transfer.

The transfer of SF8 defendants Herman Bell and Jalil Muntaqim from the SanFrancisco County Jail back to New York State for their rightful parolehearings has been blocked by both state governors for weeks and NYS nowwants to deny this right for good. This comes despite previous agreementsin the courtroom between the California State prosecutors, the presidingjudge and, of course, the brothers and their attorneys.

Judge Philip Moscone signed an order in May allowing Herman Bell and JalilMuntaqim to return to New York State for their parole hearings. Allparties agreed at that time that the move would be temporary; Herman andJalil waived their rights to fight extradition back to California. Thisvindictive and mean-spirited procedural obstacle was immediatelychallenged by defense attorneys. Strong arguments were made to guarantee Herman and Jalil's right to "pursue their liberty interests" and haveparole hearings. Both have served over 35 years in prison as modelprisoners. Both were targeted originally by COINTELPRO as members of theBlack Panther Party.
New York Attorney Bob Boyle argued in a declaration to the San FranciscoCourt that if the men remain in California, "they would be denied theirparole hearing for years." In a subsequent interview, he also said: Thestate waited 35 years to bring these spurious criminal charges. Now thesecharges are being used to deny these men parole hearings to which they areentitled. Whatever concerns the government has can be overcome by a simplemodification of the extradition order. All Herman and Jalil are asking foris an opportunity to attend their hearings.

In Solidarity,
contact- nycabc[at]riseup[dot]net

Background. . . .
Free the San Francisco Eight!
Eight former Black community activists – Black Panthers and others – werearrested January 23rd in California, New York and Florida on chargesrelated to the 1971 killing of a San Francisco police officer. Similarcharges were thrown out after it was revealed that police used torture toextract confessions when some of these same men were arrested in NewOrleans in 1973.

Richard Brown, Richard O'Neal, Ray Boudreaux, and Hank Jones were arrestedin California. Francisco Torres was arrested in Queens, New York. HaroldTaylor was arrested in Florida. Two men charged – Herman Bell and JalilMuntaqim – have been held as political prisoners for over 30 years in NewYork State prisons. A ninth man -- Ronald Stanley Bridgeforth – is stillbeing sought. The men were charged with the murder of Sgt. John Young andconspiracy that encompasses numerous acts between 1968 and 1973.

Harold Taylor and John Bowman (recently deceased) as well as Ruben Scott(thought to be a government witness) were first charged in 1975. But ajudge tossed out the charges, finding that Taylor and his twoco-defendants made statements after police in New Orleans tortured themfor several days employing electric shock, cattle prods, beatings, sensorydeprivation, plastic bags and hot, wet blankets for asphyxiation. Such"evidence" is neither credible nor legal.

Herman Bell, 59, of Mississippi, a political prisoner since 1973.Cointelpro's "pattern of manipulation and lies, continuing into thepresent, indicates something more than the ordinary corruption and racismof everyday law enforcement. It can be understood only in terms of thepower of the political movement that [we] were part of, and the intensityof the government's efforts to destroy that movement and to disillusionand intimidate future generations of young activists." Write to him -2318931, 850 Bryant Street, San Francisco CA 94103.
Jalil Muntaqim (Anthony Bottom), 55, of San Francisco, a politicalprisoner in New York since 1978. "The United States does not recognize theexistence of political prisoners. To do so would give credence to the factof the level of repression and oppression, and have to recognize the factthat people resist racist oppression in the United States, and therefore,legitimize the existence of not only the individuals who are incarceratedor have been captured, but also legitimize those movements of which theyare a part." Write to him - 2311826, 850 Bryant Street, San Francisco CA94103.

More on the New York 3 (Herman Bell and Jalil Muntaqim) at

Play and Salsa Party for the Puerto Rican Political Prisoners

Play and Salsa Party for the Puerto Rican Political Prisoners

Crime Against Humanity
Friday December 12th, 2008
Lobby Opens 7pm

Crime Against Humanity
Hostos Community College
500 Grand Concourse
(4,5,2 trains to W149th St. and Grand Concourse)
Bronx, New York

A fiercely innovative play! A play based on the real life experiences of 14 Puerto Rican Political Prisoners-two of who are still incarcerated. Tickets are $5-$15

NEW YORK PREMIERE! ONE SHOW ONLY! Friday December 12th, 2008 at 7pm

It will make you laugh and cry, but most of all it will make you want to do something free them!


St. Mary's Episcopal Church 521 W126th St.
Between Amsterdam Avenue and Broadway
Take the 1 Train to W125th St.

Join us for a night of amazing music, nonstop dancing, Delicious Puerto Rican food, and make sure to bring your checkbook for our Annual Freedom Auction! ALL PROCEEDS FROM THIS EVENT GO TO THE PUERTO RICAN POLITICAL PRISONER COMMISSARY FUND!

Suggested donation : $10 (no one will be turned away for lack of funds, all are welcome)

DJ Mellow G mixes amazing Salsa, Merengue, Reggaeton, Hip Hop, RNB, and other music styles that will keep you dancing the night away!

For more information contact ProLibertad at 718-601-4751

Anarchist Art Space Raided in LA

LAPD suppresses radical art space

by tu_kuñ(A)'o LA Indymedia Monday, Nov. 17, 2008

Imagine a place where people can come together to exchange
ideas, create art, play music, and otherwise invest in a better
world, starting here and now in Los Angeles. Some LA heads went
beyond imagining and created it. After many hours of hard work and
planning, they finally opened it up to the community to host a hip
hop show, a benefit for next month's anarchist bookfair. The crowd
was mostly young people from a variety of backgrounds and different
parts of the city. Some of us were painting and organizing for the
first Los Angeles Really Really Free Market, but mostly people were
just bobbing their heads to the beats. We were obviously a threat to
the system and the American way of life.

I was inside when all I hear are loud thumps, and then people
yelling. Some people started spreading the word that the cops were
out there trying to break in. It was right about that time I started
hearing the helicopter overhead. We closed the door and started
organizing. "They can't come in here without a warrant. You have the
right to remain silent--and everybody should." Nonetheless there was
some confusion. It seems like someone decided that they needed to
inform the cops that we knew our rights and refused to be
intimidated. They went outside, and people closer to the door said
that they were getting searched.

There was some harassment going on at the door and the cops started
coming in. Some people started finding other ways out, but most of us
just stood our ground. The cops were trying to convince us all to
come out. But mostly we just stayed there. Finally they convinced a
trusted member of the community that if we didn't all come out with
our hands on top of our heads that we were all going to be arrested.
Everyone that was still inside filed out with our hands atop our
heads and were lined up facing the fence across the alley from the

There were about 12 cop cars lining the alley and the adjacent
street. My guess is that there were about 60, maybe 75 of us lined
up. I counted 24 cops, and then a couple of bicycle units showed up.
And the bird was still on the wing, spotlighting us and our spot.
One-by-one, they patted us down. People with bags had them searched.
Once they were sure we weren't armed or doped up (they didn't find
anything on anyone) they sent us to face the wall a little further
down the alley. The one who searched asked me what was going on in
the warehouse. "Just a little hip hop," I said. Meanwhile, the cops
are realizing not everyone filed out obediently and some people are
on the roof of another warehouse. They started yelling at them from
the chopper to get down. Our friends smiled and waved.

The cops didn't seem to know what to do in the face of resistance,
and kept ordering us to keep out hands on our heads, keep quiet, and
keep facing the fence. Eventually they let us put our hands down.
After a while, a sergeant identified himself and ordered us to turn
around and face him. He said that one of us had been accused of
shoplifting and that someone was going to inspect us and identify the

Slowly, a cruiser cruised by, shining bright-ass lights in our faces.
Some people said they thought they saw a camera in there. When they
got to the end of the line, they stopped and started coming back.
They pulled a guy out of line. He looked to be in his early 20s,
Latino, with long hair, dressed pretty metal. They searched him and
took him away.

Some people in the line-up got mad at that guy, buying the pig line
and blaming him for burning the spot. As if someone shoplifting, if
he really did it, was justification of the cops' gross violations of
our rights.

Then the cops pulled two more people, a man and a woman from the
Black Riders, out of the line and took them away. Then they demanded
to speak with the owner of the warehouse, or failing that, the
organizer of the party. "Somebody needs to step up, or..." the cops
threatened. How might things have worked out differently if we all
would've taken one step forward? But only one compañero did. The
sergeant talked to him and about four cops surrounded him. They
talked peaceably for a few minutes, and I heard the pig asking if he
had the keys so he could lock the building up. Then I see them
handcuffing him and taking him away. They didn't say what he was
being charged with.

Next they separated the people who needed to go back in to get
something of theirs, and the cops started taking them in three at a
time. Then they freed everyone who had come by bicycle.
They asked us where we parked, and we all said "around the corner"
and pointed around the corner. Then they let half of us go. Walking
down the alley I could see some of the compañerxs in the cop cars and
still being harassed. And when I got to the street, I saw cops on
foot beside the cars parked there, writing on notepads. They weren't
writing tickets, just writing. "Damn they're getting our plates."
Needless to say, everyone was pissed off and very concerned for our
arrested comrades. And there was the inevitable questioning and
fingerpointing. "Didn't that guy who was here earlier seem a little
suspicious? Is there an informant?"

Well, part of the problem is that we had no real security measures to
speak of. Maybe we didn't feel like we needed them, because
everything we're doing is totally legal. But, knowing the LAPD, and
the general political scene, we should know better.
They're sending a message loud and clear: We know who you are, we
will harass and try to intimidate you, threaten you with criminal
prosecution on trumped-up charges, use force against you, for daring
to associate yourself with the movement. Because right now something
special is going on. There has been anarchism in LA for a long time,
but now we are finally seeing people crossing boundaries, working
together, creating alternatives, creating community, and attracting
crowds of people to peacefully support those same ideas.
We need to remain strong, not believe any pig bullshit that is trying
to drive wedges between us, and strengthen our ties to each other.
The only solution to this problem is community.

Police Raid of Anarchist Event
by johnaimani Monday, Nov. 17, 2008 at 5:35 PM

Last night the at the Revolutionary Autonomous Communities
fundraiser for the Anarchist Bookfair at the food not bombs warehouse
on 6th and Santa Fe was raided by the LAPD. They kicked open the door
and unlawfully entered in to the private space.

Joaquin Cienfuegos, a member of RAC and Copwatch LA Guerrilla chapter
was targeted by the police and pulled out from the space. When folks
inside the space heard what was going on in front they went over to
observe and document what was going on. Joaquin asked why he was
being detained and they told him to "Shut up" and "Do as he's told".
He was handcuffed and searched without his permission. While he was
being searched Joaquin stated loud and clear that he did not consent
to their search and once again asked to please be told why he was
being detained.

While i was at the door way observing what they were doing to the
comrade outside i could see the the street was blocked off and there
were about 12 police cars on 6th street and about 30 or more
Deputies/Depupigs. As we tried to get cameras to document what was
going on the police rushed the door again and i was pulled outside by
4 police officers. They pushed me against the wall and made me place
my hands on top of my head and searched me. I asked the Officer why i
was being detained and he said, "A crime had been committed a few
blocks away and they were going to bring the victim to identify the

As i was pulled out, the folks inside closed the door to prevent the
rush of pigs into the property. They began to kick the door and yell
at the folks inside to get out. Not once did they announce themselves
as the Police Department or why they were there or wanted folks to
exit the show. Police officers were outside making joke;" Do you
smell that? i think its weed, we should go inside and find out", and
"This is some kind of illegal rave or show or what do we call it?".
Clearly unable to choose a reason why they were trying to raid the
space they made up whatever we want.

After i had been searched, a female officer came over and i asked
once again why i was being detained. She stated that this was an
illegal gathering and they wanted to figure it all out. Officers were
walking all over the front in very confused manner having to be told
by other officers to move out of the way. I could see the shadows on the officers behind
me and Joaquin who continued to hold their hands on their weapons
while we were handcuffed with our hands behind our backs.

After the police ignored the request by the owner of the space to
present a search warrant or leave the private property, the comrades
from the Black Liberation Party that were there in part to perform
for the fundraiser exited the building and were immediately detained
and sister Nadia and Kambui were placed in handcuffs and the rest of
the the Black Riders where made to face the wall. The police then
rushed inside and pulled everyone out. They had us right in front of
the space and then made me walk down the blocked as they lined
everyone up against the wall. They pull more than 60 people out from
the space and had them with their hands against their back facing the
wall. They separted the women from the men and began to search

A police officer that searched me came and asked for my ID. They said
they were going to check me for warrants or any priors. He pulled out
my ID and pulled out a card that he began to fill in with all my
personal information. I asked what that card was for but i was not
given an answer. My ID was returned but the card with my information
was kept by them.

After they searched everyone's belongings they lined up all the males
and females and said that this was going to be a line-up and they
were going to bring the the victim of the crime to identify the
perpetrator. When asked what crime (had been committed) an officer
told another brother that they had had a crime committed a few blocks away and some beer
was stolen from a liquor store. When asked why so many officers where
there for stolen beer the officer said, "He didnt know", that they
just felt that whoever committed the crime was in the space.
A police helicopter was circling and made the announcement after
everyone was removed that they were the LAPD. 2 folks from Food Not
Bombs who were in the premise were pulled out and placed in handcuffs.
A police car with 2 Officers in the front and a woman in the back
seat drove by slowly. The officers proceeded to tell people to look
into the light and not look at the car. Everyone said they couldn't
look at the light because it hurt their eyes but the officers from
inside continued to shine the light into people's eyes. As this was
going on, officers continued to line up and make jokes about
"overtime" and the way different folks were dressed. For one officer
in particular he lamented his rookie friend, "was off tonight because
he would have loved to have been a part of this!" As the police car
made its way down the street they stopped and singled out one youth .
He was immediately arrested. They drove back again slowly and
continued to point the light in people's face. My handcuffs were
removed but i was not allowed to leave. i was made to remain facing
the fence with my hands behind my back.

After a police officer from some other car came with a pience of
paper and pointed to Nadia and Kambui from the black Riders
Liberation Part and said they were being detained for "148"-
interfering with a police officer. When people asked why they were
being detained or singled out police officers told them to shut up.
They placed them both in cuffs and removed all their belongings and
put them into plastic bags. They were then placed into the backseat
of a police car.

Another police officer came and then annonced that the party was over
and people needed to leave. People still had equipment inside and
were made to line up and escorted inside to get thier belongings.
While inside i noticed that money from the fundraiser was missing and
according to folks inside the money was there before the police ran
inside to pull everyone out. We got out all the groups' equipment and
waited for someone to come close the space. They continued to harass
people and tried to intimidate many of the youth to leave and to
learn their lesson. Besides the one youth that was arrested for
supposedly stealing beer, everyone was arrested for interfering with
a police officer when all they asked was why they were being detained.
The officers were congragulating themselves and laughing at everyone.
Many of the officers were staring down many of the sisters that were
there and making sexist jokes about he'd rather be home with his wife
than here. Then he proceeded to make a hand gesture to 2 sisters who
were standing near by. No one but the other officers were amused by
these pigs but they continued to talk shit and tell people to leave.
The majority officers left smiling and staring at folks in attempts
to instigate some incident to lead to further arrest.

While we were waiting the final officer drove by and rolled down his
window. He stated" Im sorry we had to shut down your party but you
have to keep the youngsters in check and can't be letting them go
anywhere stealing beer. If they hadn't stolen the beer we wouldnt
have canceled your show"

Everyone was pissed as this provacateur behavior which is being
utilized as the excuse to enter into private property and raid a
peaceful gathering. The police looked for whatever excuse to shut the
show down.

Joaquin is currently being held for misdemeanor . He has not been
taken to jail and is still being held by Central Division. He will
probably be going to court tomorrow or Wednesday. Please spread the
word.Help support Joaquin and the Black Riders Liberation Party and
Food Not Bombs folks to get out.

This is a quick report trying to include as many of the important
details as possible but i'm sure i might have overlooked other
important details from last night that other folks who were also
there can maybe share and i will try and write more about last night
later tonight and will follow up with more details.

Free ALL Political Prisoners.Organize Organize Organize

Anarchist bookfair meeting raided by LAPD
by josh Sunday, Nov. 16, 2008 at 9:52 PM

A meeting and potluck for the upcoming LA Anarchist Bookfair was
raided after police alleged someone stole something from a nearby

A meeting and potluck for the upcoming LA Anarchist Book Fair was
raided after police alleged someone attending had stole something
from a nearby store. LAPD did not offer details on what store or what
was stolen. An officer threatened that non-cooperation with their
investigation could result in a visit to jail.