October 20, 2010

Bake Sale Photos: McClung’s Fundraiser

by mcclungsonline

We would like to thank everyone who helped out at our fundraiser today! Here are some photos!

Our Marketing & Promotions Coordinator Sarah!

Yum..baked goods and the last issue of McClung’s!

check out these cookies Lakshine made!
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October 1, 2010

McClung’s NEW Masthead 2010-2011

by mcclungsonline

Kristina and I would like to thank everyone who came out to our meeting on September 20.
We have finally decided on our final masthead, welcome to the team!
Writers, you will get your story assignments today!


McClung’s 2010-2011 Masthead


Editors-in-Chief: Kristina Gutauskas & Arti Patel
Managing Editors: Samantha Anderson & Lakshine Sathiyanathan
Assistant Editor: Hilary Hagerman
Head of Research: Julianna McDermott
Handling Editors: Codi Wilson, Marlee Kostiner, Niki Singh, Arta Ghanbari, Kimberly Rupnarian
Copy Editors: Portia Favro, Alexandra Yeboah, Claire Prime, Pia Bahile, Jannen Belbeck
Fact-Checkers: Rachel Reindorf, Roohi Sahajpal, Sara Mahmood, Jackie Campbell, Jacky Habib


Web Designer: Tanya Walters
Web Director: Angie Torres
Online Editors: Sara Faruqi, Jennifer Tse


Art Director: Jessica Chiu
Assistant Art Director: Eric Zhou
Illustrators: Erika Elsner, Noelle Geniza, Vanessa Faulkner, Michael Guo, Hazel Santigo
Photography Director: Katie Engqvist
Assistant Photo Director: Katia Dmitrieva
Photographers: Omair Quadri, Sama Faruqi, Yeugenia Kleiner, Raqel Da Silva, Lodoe-Laura Haines-Wangda, Marc Felizardo


Advertising & Outreach Director: Salman Abdulaziz
Marketing & Promotions Director: Sarah Lipsit
Circulation Directors: Harriet Luke & Christina Fanioudakis

September 20, 2010

The Derby Dish: Diary of a “fresh meat” derby dame Episode 5: Clean Bearings are the way, and the truth, and the light.

by mcclungsonline

By: Roadside Bombshel #3165

Cleaning my bearings was a mind blowing experience.

I knew I needed to clean my bearings from the angry squeaking sounds they were making and the fact that a bunch of my wheels weren’t spinning very well.  But I avoided it because (a) I didn’t know how (b) I didn’t have the equipment and (c) what’s a bearing?

I mean, what do I look like, a fucking mechanic?  Equipment should just always work.  But putting off the job wasn’t making my wheels roll any better, so I had to take action.  As it turns out, cleaning them was pretty straightforward once I got the right tools for the job.  And wow.  It I am so glad I did it.  Before, my dirty bearings barely moved…and now they are shiny and dizzy from all the spinning they do.  I was high on life (or was it Varsol fumes?) afterwards and even still. I feel like I have moved a level up in the skating game because now I know exactly what I am rolling on.  I am stoked to learn more about my equipment and eventually upgrade.

Here are some tips for those of you who are thinking of cleaning yours.

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September 19, 2010

McClung’s Magazine is seeking a new masthead and volunteers!

by mcclungsonline

We are currently accepting resumes for managing editors, handling editors, writers, fact-checkers, copy editors, photographers and website bloggers.

Our first general meeting will be held on Monday Sept. 20. at 6 p.m. in the Oakham House ROOM G.

Work in the fast paced world of magazine production and have a great clipping for your portfolio.

McClung’s is a feminist magazine in its 19th year of publication.

For more information or if you cannot make it to the meeting, please e-mail mcclungs@ryerson.ca for more information.

In the meantime follow us on twitter @mcclungs !

September 3, 2010

Vegetarian Burritos

by mcclungsonline


Burrito Wraps

2 Sweet Potatos

1 Can of Black Beans

1 Avocado

1/2 White Onion

1 Can of Corn

1 Clove of Garlic Finely Chopped

Cheddar Cheese Shredded

1 Tablespoon of Mustard

1 Tablespoon of Soy Sauce

2 Teaspoons Cumin

1-2 Tablespoons Chili Powder

Salt and Pepper to taste

1 Jar of Salsa

Cilantro (optional)

Sour Cream


2 Cups of water
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September 3, 2010

Chickpea Couscous Salad

by mcclungsonline


1 Can of Chickpeas

1 Cup of Couscous (plain)

1/4 Cup of Dried Cranberries

1 Avocado Diced

1/4 of a Small Red Onion

1/2 of a Tomato

Feta Cheese crumbled

2 Tablespoons of White Vinegar

1 Tablespoon of Oil

Salt, Pepper and Chili Powder to taste


Add 1 1/4 cups of boiling water to 1 cup of couscous, then cover.

Rinse chickpeas then place in large salad bowl.

Dice the avocado, onions and tomato then add to bowl.

Fluff the couscous with a fork, the water should be fully absorbed after sitting for 5-10min.

Add couscous to the bowl, along with cranberries and crumbled feta cheese.

Add the oil and vinegar dressing, and the salt, pepper and chili powder to taste.

Cover and place in fridge to chill – it tastes better a bit chilled!

from: killacooks

August 11, 2010

Lisbeth Salander: feminist or franchise?

by mcclungsonline

By: Samantha Anderson

image from www.squidoo.com

At a truckstop diner two men discuss the shortcomings of women affected by misogyny:

“Yeah, I’ve dated one of those…they have trouble in relationships.”

He takes a sip of his coffee looking down at his plate of hamburger steak, “there are so many messed up women out there, who’ve been like, sexually abused…I think over 50 per cent.”

His colleague concurs.

“Yeah, you can tell right away.”

“There’s nothing you can do,” he says, looking out the window, “it’s sad…all these messed up girls…”

The men continue eating.

But what happens when a “messed up girl” becomes the driving force behind one of the most popular crime series to date?

Steig Larsson’s The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, The Girl Who Played With Fire and The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets’ Nest have sold over 20 million copies in 41 countries.

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