black panthers 1968 New Afrikan Black Panther Party Emerges

ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE! My name is Shaka Zulu. I am the Chairman of the New Afrikan Black Panther Party (NABPP), a revolutionary nationalist vanguard Party in the tradition of the original Black Panther Party. Our ideology is called Pantherism, illuminated by Marxist-Leninist- Maoism (MLM). Pantherism is the theory and practice of socialist revolution for all oppressed people across the world. Pantherism holds that in order to defeat our oppressors we must build base areas of social, cultural and political power in our own oppressed communities.

We see our Party as the 21st century embodiment of the original Black Panther Party (BPP). We have set up our Party Organization in a way that absorbs ALL who can help in the development of NABPP as a cutting edge proletarian vanguard Party. We are inviting you to put your talent and energy in a revolutionary vanguard Party. The many Panther formations that have sprung up across the country, while a good thing because it means that people are doing things to advance the national liberation struggle, cannot liberate the masses from the junk of bourgeois culture until we form a fighting party, an advance detachment of proletarian consciousness and activism.

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colonialism now White Supremacy of New Latina Feminism

Citlalli of the Mexica Movement speaks on her essay on the same topic. In part, “The problems that we face as a people today are the result of being under European terrorism and cultural assault, not just white male sexism. The colonial experience has transformed us from being proudNican Tlaca people, a people of this continent, where we feel as if we are trespassers on our own lands. We feel have no rights to our full culture and heritage and that we have no right to be free from Europeans. We have gone from one of the most educated people in the world to one of the most ignorant and least educated colonized people. Within this experience of being a colonized people we are offered false solutions to our colonial condition. We attempt to solve our problems like Europeans because we equate their experience and oppression with ours, without knowing that their historical place is a colonizing one.”

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podcastlogo4 THE IKONOKLAST SPEAKS! Season Finale, Part 2

Alright my people, we have reached the end of the season for the show.  On this season finale I’m joined by People Of Color Organize editor Ernesto Aguilar; we discuss Frantz Fanon, Afro-Pessimism, Frank B. Wilderson III, Assimilation, “The Holiday’s”, Indigenous struggles, Kanye West (No Shit), Video Games, and a bunch of other shit.  This is Part 2.  Thanks, and Season 2 is coming next year.  To contact me hit me up

article clipper remember THE IKONOKLAST SPEAKS! Season Finale, Part 2

Reminder to POCO readers that the supply drive to contribute to the PineLakota portraits 232x300 THERE IS STILL TIME TO DONATE TO THE LAKOTA! Ridge Emergency Relief Aid program is still underway.  This is a program created by the Lakota Nation in Pine Ridge, South Dakota to mitigate the deplorable conditions that the United States continues to impose on native people.

In the Pine Ridge Sioux community, euphemistically known as “Reservations”, Lakota men have a life expectancy of less than 44 years, the infant mortality rate is 300% more than the U.S. average, and the median income is approximately $2,600 to $3,500 per year.  These statistics represent only a few of the conditions the Lakota are forced to live under due to U.S. policy in so-called “Indian Affairs”.

Please donate dry and canned goods, new clothing (all ages, all sizes), paper products (napkins, plates, cups, etc.), and school supplies for the T.R.E.A.T.Y school to the Lakota people.  All donations can be sent to  419 Lovett Blvd, Houston, Texas 77006.  Donations will be accepted through December 15, 2010.

We also encourage you to visit the Lakota website at and make monetary donations to them directly.

Our donations to the emergency relief is not done as an act of charity, it is being done as an act of solidiarty with the understanding that sending goods to the people of the Lakota is not the magic bullet to eliminate the suffering and degradation on their own land.  As People of Color, we know that the end game is the end of capitalist, settler exploitation, and that the goal is to support the Lakota and all native peoples in the struggle for their land.  Contributing to the supply drive is essentially a tactic to foster  strength physically and mentally so that the Lakota and all people of color can be more effective in our efforts to win liberation.


organizing Community, Relationship Framework, and Implications for Activism

What is community?

It was a question I got asked a lot when I worked for a community arts organization. My first reaction was to scare up definitions in the literature and offer them to the questioner. In the-ball-is-in your-court fashion, I’d invite them to choose whatever definition(s) suited their purposes. Later, I began to answer that question by noting that there were many concepts of “community” and we, as an organization, didn’t impose definitions. That still seems a sufficient answer but I’ve now come to consider the concept of community through a Relationship framework.

As noted in my writings, as well as in teachings from a variety of cultures, we two-leggeds are inter-connected with each other and with other life on the planet — indeed, even to the planet itself and beyond. What we think, say, and do impacts, directly and indirectly, everything and everyone else, which also affect us. We are further impacted by ancestors and will impact generations to come. Some of us even believe the reverse; that we can impact our ancestors and that our descendants impact us. In any case, we are clearly “in relationship” whether we acknowledge, fully understand and respect the concept or not.

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