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October 29, 2010 | Log In | Sign Up
Howard Fineman

Howard Fineman: Inside the Democrats' Post-Election Strategy for Congress

With the enemy at the gates, and facing heavy casualties, Democrats in Congress are preparing to do what any beleaguered army does: head for the hills and leave booby-traps behind. The bigger the margin Republicans pile up next Tuesday, the less likely it is that the Democrats will be able to -- or want to -- do much when Congress reconvenes. They will want to do the minimum, pushing the toughest decisions on taxes, spending and debt forward to a newer, presumably more Republican, 112th Congress. It may be the only fun they're going to have.


Democratic Senate Candidate Appears To Throw In The Towel

Lee Fisher Campaign Cash

More Politics
'Death Panels' Are BACK.. Miller's 'Witch' Ad Attack.. Dem Channels 'Star Wars,' 'Austin Powers'

Bill Clinton Pushed Democratic Nominee To Drop Out Of Senate Race, Endorse Independent

Bill Clinton Kendrick Meek Drop Out

WATCH: HuffPost Celebrates 2010 Game Changers With Geoffrey Canada, Sean Penn, Mayor Bloomberg & More



Polls Gone Wild

Pollster... Dashboard... 2010 Big News... Liveblog... Play Fundrace.. Predict

Politico Voices Concerns About Rally To Restore Sanity

Stewart Colbert

HuffPost Readers: Going To The Rally? Send Us Your Photos!

Tancredo: Barack Obama Is A Greater Threat To The U.S. Than Al Qaeda


Meg Whitman: Deport My Former Housekeeper

Meg Whitman Housekeeper Deported

Bernanke's Failure To Speak Out Rankles Some


60-Year-Old Loses Job, Creates 12 Websites

Bob Bernstein

More Entrepreneurial News At 'Small Business America'

Private Companies Helped Pass Arizona's Immigration Law


Prison Contractor Was Major Backer .. Execs 'Believe Immigrant Detention Is Their Next Big Market'

Writer Claims He Had 1-Night-Stand With Christine O'Donnell, Gets Attacked On Twitter


McConnell Puts Privatizer On Social Security Board


Obama: More Aggressive Anti-Foreclosure Efforts Would Help People Who Don't Deserve It


From Stompers To Bikers: Far-Right Violence On The Rise

Rand Paul Supporter Stomps Head

Dramatic Rise In Extremist Groups Since Obama's Election

Report Points To Shoddy Work By Halliburton As A Cause Of Deepwater Horizon Blowout

Deepwater Horizon

FLASHBACK: Halliburton's Long Record Of Cronyism And Corruption

DNC Not Alone In Making Political FOIA Requests


Inside The Democrats' Post-Election Strategy

Democrats Post Election Plans

Dems Will Force Tea Party Winners To Make Tough Choices Quickly

Sarah Palin: I'll Run For President 'If There's Nobody Else To Do It'

Sarah Palin President

Obama Signals Shift On Support For Gay Marriage

Obama Gay Marriage

Joe Miller's Support Evaporates

Joe Miller I Lied

New Poll Shows Most Alaskans Have 'Negative' View Of GOP Candidate

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Foreclosure Cities

Confessions Of A Robo-Signer

O'Donnell To Local Radio Station: I'll Sue You For Posting Interview

Christine Odonnell Interview Wdel Lawsuit

Spokesman Threatened To 'Crush' Station, Blamed 'Liberal Media'.. Interviewer Was Conservative

How Many People Have Run Out Of Unemployment Benefits?

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'An Officer And A Gentleman' Actress Found Dead

Lisa Blount Dead Dies

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Ninja Ringleader Convicted In Florida Killings

Patrick Gonzalez Jr Ninja Killings Florida

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Touchy Subject: TSA Rolls Out New Pat-Down Technique

Airport Pat Down Tsa

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Teen Wolf

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