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Get ready for IYC 2012!

The theme of the 2012 UN International Year of Co-operatives (IYC) will be Co-operative enterprises build a better world.  Click the Read More link for the second issue of our IYC newsletter, 2012 Matters.

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Our mission

The Canadian Co-operative Association provides leadership to promote, develop and unite co-operatives and credit unions for the benefit of people in Canada and around the world. Our members come from many sectors of the economy, including finance, insurance, agri-food and supply, wholesale and retail, housing, health, and the service sector.

Contact us

Address: 275 Bank Street, Suite 400, Ottawa, ON K2P 2L6
Telephone: 613-238-6711


Green Party endorses co-op sector proposals

The Green Party has endorsed the co-op sector's call for a Co-operative Investment Strategy, a permanent and expanded Co-operative Development Initiative and funding for co-op housing.  Click the Read More link to read the platform, which also mentions the 2012 International Year of Co-operatives.
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CCA International Development funding approved

The Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) has approved a four-year, $20 million agreement with the Canadian Co-operative Association.  The agreement will allow CCA to continue its efforts to fight poverty in Asia, Africa and the Americas by supporting co-operatives, credit unions and other community-owned organizaitons.

Click the Read More link for information about CCA's International Development program.
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Happy 40th birthday, Mountain Equipment Co-op!

Mountain Equipment Co-op was created in 1971 by six Canadian climbers who wanted to be able to buy high-quality outdoor gear here in Canada.  In honour of its 40th birthday, MEC's new catalogue features the co-op's history as well as its products.  Click the Read More link for an electronic version of the catalogue.
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ICA launches Japan recovery fund

The International Co-operative Alliance (ICA) is calling on co-operators around the world to help Japanese co-operatives affected by the recent earthquake and tsunami.  ICA has established a Japan Disaster Recovery Fund and is appealing for donations.  Click the Read More link for more information about the situation of co-operatives in Japan and how to donate.
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Call for nominations: CCA awards

Honour outstanding co-operators! CCA has launched its call for nominations for the 2011 Canadian Co-operative Achievement Award, the Global Co-operator Award and the Pioneer Inductees to the Canadian Co-operative Hall of Fame.  Click the Read More link for more information, then click the link to each award to download the call for nominations. The deadline for nominations is April 15.
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Co-ops and the federal election

What would the co-operative sector like to see the new government do after the May 2 federal election?  CCA has developed a full set of recommendations -- as well as an easy-to-use tool for emailing your local candidates and party leaders. 

CLICK ON THE BALLOT BOX to find out more or to send an email to the candidates in your riding.

Canadians view journey out of poverty

Follow the experiences of ten Canadian co-operators as they witness first-hand how co-operatives and credit unions are alleviating poverty in Sri Lanka. Participants in Journey Out of Poverty, a study tour sponsored by the Co-operative Development Foundation of Canada, will raise funds for CCA's international development program when they return home. Visit the blog here

Co-operating for Fair Trade

Join the campaign to encourage co-ops and credit unions to become more engaged in Fair Trade.  Co-sponsored by CCA. Transfair Canada, the Conseil canadien de la coopération et de la mutualité aFair trade campaign logond Équiterre, the main goal of the Co-operating for Fair Trade campaign is to have 100 Canadian co-operatives adopt resolutions in support of Fair Trade before the end of 2011. 

CLICK HERE to find out more and download the Fair Trade Action Guide for the co-operative sector.


Introducing the CCA Cinema

Your virtual window on the people, places and co-operatives empowering communities in Canada and around the globe. Click here to go to the movies. The tickets are free!


Provides a snapshot of co-operative sector activities in Canada and around the world. It is published every second Thursday and distributed by e-mail.

News and views about the inroads co-ops and credit unions are making in the global war on poverty. Delivered to your inbox six times a year.

Puts a human face on the global development work of CCA and its partners. Mailed annually.

Edited by Debra Brown, President and CEO of Brown Governance Inc, Governance Matters e-newsletters and e-toolkits throw the spotlight on key governance issues imperative to the co-operative leader.  Governance Matters is published up to four times a year and is available by subscription to anyone interested in governance issues.

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