2010 Seattle Anarchist Book Fair

The 2010 Seattle Anarchist Book Fair is set for August 21-22 at our partnered space, the Vera Project (www.theveraproject.org). Public hours will be 10-5 on Saturday the 21st and 11-5 on Sunday the 22nd.

We’re excited at the opportunity (for the second year in a row) to continue to help push the Seattle anarchist community into a forward momentum, creating more opportunities for radical folks to communicate face to face. We find each other in intentional spaces created explicitly to contain our love, misery, joy and fierceness. Let’s continue to make the distances between us smaller. Let’s continue to create intentional anarchist spaces.

We are doing a general call out for submissions for both workshops and vendors. Tables are $50/table (sliding scale) for the weekend.

Please submit workshop and vendor information to:
info@seattleanarchist.org. Please discuss briefly why you are interested in the Seattle Anarchist Bookfair/how your project relates to anarchism, as well as how many tables you will need.

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