Friday, June 26, 2009

Persiankiwi, Horrific Videos, Supporting the Iranian People with what Little I Can

I have decided to post these videos on my blog in solidarity with the Iranian folks attempting to gain their civil rights. These videos are rather horrific. The first is of the killing of Neda, as posted previously in this blog. The second is of a person who was killed with an ax by the cops. Not easy things to watch, but we have to do what we can to stop oppression wherever it happens.

There is a twitter page with a person or persons going by Persiankiwi. There hasn't been a new post since the 24th, but you can read some of the horror that the Iranians are going through with the brutal crackdown by the Iranian government against its people to get them to shut up and take what is dealt to them. Many, however, have decided they would rather die on their feet than live on their knees, and so the government is killing them for their illegal election.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Leonard and Custer

It is 34 years ago, on Friday, June 26, that the shootout that Leonard Peltier is falsely imprisoned for.

The shootout took place near Oglala, South Dakota, on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation on the Jumping Bull Ranch. The year was 1975. Members of AIM were staying at the ranch.

A car following a pick-up pulled onto the ranch. The story I've heard related was that a warning shot was fired in the general direction of the vehicle. Remember, during this time there was a war against the traditionals by the Wilson government of the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. They had no idea who these folks were.

A firefight ensued. A vehicle, it is unclear whose vehicle it was nor who got out of it, pulled up and saw two wounded men and finished them off, allegedly in self-defense, then drove off. Leonard Peltier, Dino Butler, and Rob Robideaux (recently deceased), crawled closer and found the two dead men. Checking their ID, they found out they were FBI agents. These agents were not supposed to be there, and it turned out they were following the red pick-up on allegations the driver stole a pair of boots, a crime not covered under FBI jurisdiction.

Within 45 minutes, there were over 400 law officials surrounding these 14 or so folks and a big firefight ensued. One man, Joe Stuntz was killed. Why there were over 400 law officials located in such a remote area has still not been fully explained to the best of my knowledge.

Dino and Rob were tried separately from Leonard and found not guilty for reasons of self-defense. Leonard was then railroaded by the feds and is still in prison.

If you wish to read more, read the book "In the Spirit of Crazy Horse," by Peter Mathiessen.

Then there is George. In a battle that went from June 25 to 26 in 1876 on the Greasy Grass, also known as the Little Bighorn, Custer the baby killer got his just deserts, along with some 274 or so of his cavalry and numerous other of his Indian scouts. They got their just deserts at the hands of the Lakota and their allies. May this baby killing piece of shit great american hero be rotting in hell, or suffering in heaven playing harp 'til his fingers are bleeding for his arrogant god.

Fuck you, George! and all the rest of the folks just like you who attempt to live their lives like you. I guess those folks have never came to terms with the fact that you were a baby killing piece of shit. A historical version of the soft target practices (hospitals, schools, etc.) of the Reagan era in Central America.

Michael Jackson Passes On

I'm sure you have all heard by now, Michael Jackson has passed on this Thursday morning of June 25, 2009. He was 50.

I remember when I was a kid, watching him on Ed Sullivan and Mike Douglas and so many other programs. I remember being so fascinated by him and his brothers and amazed at their talents.

"Mitakuye Oyasin" Program Moving to a New Time Slot

The "Mitakuye Oyasin" radio program has been moved to a new time slot. Starting Thursday, July 9th, Dean Lookinghawk and I will be on from 6pm to 7pm every Thursday. We'll see how that works out.

"Indian World," the program opposite "Mitakuye Oyasin," sadly has been cancelled. John Talley, the founder of that program, was in the studio today and we had him on the air. He will be on the last airing which will be Thursday, July 2, from 1 to 2:30pm. I started listening to "Indian World" some 16 or 17 years ago, a few years before I got on the air. John, because of his health, had not been able to make his show very often for the last couple of years. John Mackey and Louis Sowa told me they will be trying to get a program proposal as this move has reduced Native programming again.

I won't complain too much about the Native programming reduction because as such, it was not the intention of KBOO to do so. However, this should be an alert to all Indians interested in radio to come down and learn about radio and maybe submit a program proposal. I've been calling for this for some 15 years now, and thus far, no one has done that. It takes determination and commitment. John mentioned that over the years, he has had folks come down, but they never have stayed long.

It will be sad to see John go. He has been on the air 34 years. I used to Love his Christmas story of the Indian couple on the skids in Portland.


No More Cell Phone...For Now

In an attempt to show off to my wife my physical prowess in a jump of several steps, while on a dock, over the Willamette River, I made the jump fine, only to hear a noise. The noise was of my cellphone which was launched from my shirt pocket hitting the edge of the dock, and before I could realize what was happening, it rolled into the river. Funny, huh! We had a good laugh, so it may be a few weeks before I have a new cellphone and a new number, in which I will inform all those who need to know of the new number.

Last night, I had several dreams involving my cellphone. I only remember one, however. I was standing on shore and there were many water spirits in front of me taking on human form. Only one was close, however. It was skinny, pale, and had black curly hair. It was rather androgenous. It held my cellphone in its left hand, and held me at bay with its right. It had a rather mischievous look on its face. The look said, this is mine now, thanks. You don't get it back. It was rather happy about its new acquisition. I just smiled and let it go. I knew there was nothing I could do about it.

So, if you have my old cellphone number, and want to talk with a water spirit, you might give it a try. If you don't get my voicemail and someone answers, it might just be a water spirit. Tell them hello.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Beauty Is Us

I always thought beauty
was a strange
unachievable thing
for me

Something distant
like the images
on the screen
of my TV
or pictures in a book
or magazine

seemed something
useless for me to grasp for
like reaching toward the sky
to pull down the sun
or moon

I have learned
is us

To gaze upon your
smiling face
feel myself
in your arms

Beauty is us
Beauty is created by us
as we share us
with us

Beauty has not been easy
which makes me
appreciate her
all the more

Beauty is work
and sorrow
as well as
and laughter

When you open to it
you can find it
redefine it
for yourself
in pacts
with gods
and goddesses
other forms of life

"L" in Love and Life
look like heartbeats
in the rhythms of
who we are Beauty.

Iranian Protests: Neda

I decided not to post the video to my blog, but here is a link to it if you wish to see it. It is rather disturbing, but I have a strong stomach for such things having studied genocide for all of these years. Here is the link.

The question immediately comes to me, why? It is an act of terror created by the Iranian government with the hopes of getting their people to shut up about their illegal election. This is what governments do.

Hugo Chavez coming out in support of Ahmadinejad has knocked him down quite a few notches on my ruler ruler. The type of slaughter that happened to Neda and at least 18 others is sick. It is nothing new, however. It is not a stranger. It is not a rareity. The U.S. is doing it in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan at the moment, except in a greater more horrific scale. Killed thousands, displaced millions, created horrific health crises... Why?

I wish I knew of a solution. I wish I could sing beauty into the soul of the father of Neda who held her as he watched her die from a sniper bullet. This is no unusual story. This is not something new. All one has to do is look honestly at the world and you may even find it right outside your own door.

A bullet is quick, hard, and I want to sing beauty into that father's soul. I want to hand him his daughter back. I want justice. I want freedom for all, even here. FUCK ELECTIONS! Changing the guard on the same system doesn't mean shit. Look at Obama.

But I want to sing beauty into that fathers life, soul, give him mine if I could. I have more than my fair share. Why? Why did the Iranian government murder his daughter? What if that were my daughter? But the Iranian government isn't the only killer, most if not all governments are killers. Most governments commit human sacrifice for their privileged. The U.S. is not stranger to this type of behavior. Take what they did in Pakistan yesterday. 60 killed by a U.S. drone. Why?

I want to sing beauty into that poor fathers soul. I want to sing the crimson flow back into his daughter's body, bring her back to life to sing songs and walk with her father. I want justice.

Still, this is nothing unusual. It doesn't only happen in Iran. The U.S. is no innocent god, the U.S. just has more nuclear weapons than anyone else. That's why you don't hear about it so much here. People are too afraid to talk about it or want to believe their lies because the reality of it all sucks!

I want to sing beauty into that poor fathers soul. I want to sing beauty to the world.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Parking Perspecives

Robin Hood, Only Not

I raise my shotgun
to my shoulder
draw my bead
upon the thief.

Oh, wait...
I don't have a shotgun?

I raise my imiginary shotgun
to my shoulder
draw an imaginary bead
on an invisible thief

two dollar
four dollar
six dollar


and the invisible thief
takes nineteen dollar
thirty-five dollar

I know,
personal responsibility
I played my part
I fucked up

But it costs them pennies
and they take nineteen
that's my fuckin' money

and I don't even
get the privilege
of a gun to my head
or a knife to my throat
as I'm robbed...
we're robbbed...
time and time again

and the tellers say
there is nothing they can do

and my invisible thief
sits at his desk on Wall St.
or on the Riviera
with his mistress
or a whore
(I don't mind my money
going to them,
they earned it...
I earned it)
the millionaire
or billionaire banker
robbed me
and millions like me
they didn't earn it
they stole it!

...they do it...
...all the time...

We raise our imaginary shotguns
to our shoulders
draw an imaginary bead...
...oh yeah...
we all know
the squeeze.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Coup? Really?

Is it traditional to declare your own coup?

Indigenous Sounds counting Coup over Mitakuye Oyasin

Exposing Eugene Johnson- KBOO DJ of Mitakuye Oyasin

Eugene Johnson started to attack Cheyenne Chief Bernard Red Cherries making claims he had FOUR women that were alleging abuse. Well after almost 2 months NO ONE has come forward with any claims of abuse against Chief Red Cherries and NO ONE has filed any complaints against Chief Red Cherries to the police. June 6th, Eugene Johnson and representing Chief Red Cherries Robert Van Pelt were my guest on Indigenous Sounds. I always try to get both sides of any story and that week I had both. Eugene Johnson was angry that I allowed another opinion/view other than his to be aired. I would like to point out again NO ONE has come forward and filed any claims of abuse. There is no proof of any abuse! just the claims made by Eugene Johnson.

I aired the show to let people know that if you are going to attack any American Indian on any subject you better have some proof or you WILL be called and exposed on your claims!

Here are some links to listen to the show. Eugene Johnson was kind enough to record the show and post it on the internet.

Part 1

Part 2

Finally Mitakuye Oyasin is a Lakota term meaning “All my relations” This is the title of Eugene Johnsons radio show on KBOO in Portland Oregon. Eugene Johnson is an American Indian but he doesn’t use his Native language to name his radio show?

Sorry comments are closed for this entry

Shusli posted this comment on Sal's blog, only to have it removed by Sal...4 TIMES!

I listened to your poor excuse of an "interview" with my husband, Eugene, and with Robert Van Pelt. I didnt' hear Eugene "attack" Bernard Red Cherries. It was obvious to any but the catatonic that this was all about you trying to skewer Eugene and his viewpoint and the voices of the victims of Bernard Red Cherries and to protect a so-called chief at all costs. You came across like a Brittney Spears diehard fan.

There are actually that many women who have chosen to contact us and tell the tales of violence done to them by Bernard Red Cherries. The wheels of justice may turn slowly, but they are turning. Time will tell.

Here's little bit about Van Pelt. He, at one time, had my respect for performing a borrowed Lakota ceremony, "wiping away of tears", at the Chemawa Indian School (what do you think about that, Sal? Van Pelt is Umatilla/Tututni, but he performed a Lakota ceremony. Are you shocked or critical of that fact? I bet not - at least not like you are that Eugene's show is called "Mitakuye Oyasin", a Lakota term. You are very selective about whom and what you criticize.) After that, I held Van Pelt in high regard.

The summer before The Longest Walk II took off, I made up some 1/4 page flyers to hand out at the Siletz powwow. The first person I came across was Van Pelt, who was talking with my parents. I brought up the subject of AIM, Dennis Banks, and the Longest Walk II. Van Pelt went OFF!! He called AIM nothing but "a bunch of poverty pimps". He had nothing good to say about Banks.

The next time I saw Van Pelt -- get this -- HE WAS SPEAKING AT AN AIM FUNCTION HERE IN PORTLAND!!

He is the one who levied the threat against Eugene, and by extension, me, from AIM.

His theatrics on your show were priceless. Also, I noticed he knocked books and education in one breath, then turned around and cited studies that show Natives may be born with anger.

To me it boils down to this: You and Van Pelt are there to cover up the voices of women who have been abused and call that "traditional". If that's tradition, I don't need it.

Shusli Rhonda Baseler-Johnson

I especially like the last paragraph. Reread it several times.

Shusli also made this comment on reposting her previous comment on Sal's blog:


How do you justify not allowing my comment on your blog attacking my husband, Eugene Johnson?

You pretend to be such a brave individual, even "counting coup", yet you silence the voices of women -- especially the victims of Bernard Red Cherries/Robert Coltte.

Shame on you!

Shusli Rhonda Baseler-Johnson

In the beginning of this whole issue, I made a post on this blog about how Sal and Bernard lied about me on Sal's show, "Indigenous Sounds." Sal and his supporters have claimed he is not biased. However, he made this comment on that original post, minus all the stuff not necessary to make my point.

Chief Bernard Red Cherries is a friend of mine. We became friends many years ago... Through out the years I crossed paths with Chief Red Cherries...[w]e became friends as we seemed to always be fighting on the same side... Chief Bernard Red Cherries has shown me he is an honorable man... Chief Red Cherries asked for my help in restoring his name and reputation... Chief Bernard Red Cherries is a man I consider my friend... Chief Red Cherries has earned my respect and I hope that I have his. Chief Red Cherries is one of the very few honorable Natives I have ever met. I will stand beside my friend Chief Red Cherries...

Pardon me, but that is BIAS! And Sal wonders why no one has come forward to him. PLEASE! Tell me, readers, if you were a victim of abuse by Bernard Red Cherries, would you come forward to Sal after he has said such things about Bernard?

Here is a lie Sal also put in the above comment:

Since there was no proof of the allegations and Eugene Johnson did offer an apology and a settlement offer, I believed Chief Red Cherries. I don't know at this time if the settlement offer will be accepted or rejected.

The apology I made was about bringing the issue forth in public, which even that apology I have recanted because of the behavior displayed by Sal, Robert, and Bernard. There was NO settlement offer, and I have no idea where that idea even came from. Since Sal's blog post, Robert Van Pelt's testimony, and Bernard's testimony on Sal's show, are LITTERED with this bits of mis-information, I would seriously question the credibility of these folks.

Martha Alvarez, a former step-child of Bernard's, came forward with allegations of abuse. During part two of the show, which I have not listened to all of, I'm told it was said by Robert that Martha should forgive. Why? Sal, Robert, and Bernard continue to claim there is no "proof." If there is no proof, why should there be any forgiveness?

Prior to me being on Sal's show, I was contacted by a friend who said she talked with Sal. She claims Sal told her that he talked with Martha Alvarez and that she recanted her story. I contacted Martha and she stated she never talked with Sal. I have since asked Sal several times if he was lying, or if he actually called someone who claimed to be Martha. I asked him that if he actually did call someone, who did he get the number from. Sal has yet to answer these questions.

Still, Sal claims no one has come forward. In an e-mail dated 5-28-09 to me, Sal, and Shusli, Martha Alvarez stated the following:

I do not know what's going on with all of this but I am Martha Alvarez daughter of Lois K. Estimo and Jose M. Alvarez Sr., Mother of Kian Alvarez, Grand-daughter of Chief Tom Estimo of the Palouse People of Yakima Nation, and Grand-daughter of Della Smith-Estimo. I am also an enrolled member of The Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs.

I am writing to tell you I never talked with you and if someone called saying they were me it is false. I am not and have not recanted anything. I have been away at a funeral in Warm Springs while you did your show this past Saturday in Florida.

Bernard was my step-father many years ago and while I was in his home I went through a great deal of abuse. Physical, and mental. It has taken me many years to actually talk about this but I am no longer afraid. I have been attacked on many levels but the brutality of what Robert has done not only to me, my family, but many many others has made me realize I can't just let this go. I let it go once, to happy just to be away from him as a child. I blame myself for what others have suffered by his hands. I am old enough now to do something about it and I will stand against this "Leader" as long as there is breathe in my body.

Truly and Sincerely yours,


Proof? Testimony is not proof to Sal or any of Bernard's supporters. If testimony is not proof, the testimonies of Robert and Bernard, let alone Sal, should be disregarded as well. I have asked Sal what exactly his definition of "proof" is, and he has never answered that question, either.

Eugene Johnson was angry that I allowed another opinion/view other than his to be aired.

I was not angry that another opinion was aired. I found out that there would be other guests from Arlene Sweeting of WSLR. I was angry that Sal might be attempting to railroad me. He said he wasn't and that he would let me tell my side of the story. [note: He deleted Shusli's comment from his post 4 times]. I asked who his other guests were going to be, and he said something rather vague. I didn't care who his other guests were, I was just glad I would not get railroaded. Why he wouldn't tell me, I have no idea. How could I be angry that there was going to be a different opinion when I wasn't even sure who he was having on? Again, further mis-information by Sal "White Horse" Serbin.

More mis-information: I did not record the show and put it on the internet. I didn't even record the show. Assumptions are being made here and set forth as truth. I point this out because it is a continued pattern in Sal's behavior, as well as Robert Van Pelt's and Bernard Red Cherries/Robert Coltte.

Finally Mitakuye Oyasin is a Lakota term meaning “All my relations” This is the title of Eugene Johnsons radio show on KBOO in Portland Oregon. Eugene Johnson is an American Indian but he doesn’t use his Native language to name his radio show?

I would add to Shusli's excellent comment on this point, the following:

All Indians should take offense to this, besides all the grammatical errors. With the destruction of Native languages throughout the U.S. and Canada by the governments thereof (an act of genocide), you'd think that such a traditional as Sal might be a little more sensitive to such an issue. This, of course, is an obvious stick at me to get a reaction, to show Sal's superiority over me. Here, it could be suggested, that Sal is making a stick at all Indians who don't speak their own languages with no empathy toward the destruction of Native languages and how it took place.

As Shusli pointed out in her excellent comments to Sal's post, Sal has an obvious disregard for victims and has silenced the voices of women on his blog and on his show. This is present in the fact that he has deleted Shusli's comment 4 TIMES! and then took the comment section off of that post so he doesn't have to face any challenges to his words. He also continues to refuse to listen to Martha Alvarez's testimony.

Thank you many times over, Shusli, my wife, for that wonderful comment, which, of course, has been reposted here.

A few other bits of mis-information set forth by Robert Van Pelt in "Part 2:"

Robert stated that I come from some other part of the state twice a month to spew my hate speech out on KBOO. Obviously, he has not listened to "Mitakuye Oyasin." He also seems to ASSUME that I don't live in Portland. I do live in Portland.

Robert also states I walked out on a meeting. I did. But he makes the statement in the context that I walked out on a traditional meeting like I was offended. Like Sal not asking me about the name of the radio program, "Mitakuye Oyasin," Robert never asked me why I left early. He just assumed. I left because I had to be up at 1am to go to work.

These folks tell me I should do investigation, and yet, what kind of investigations have they done about me and the "Mitakuye Oyasin" radio program, let alone Bernard's victims?

One final point:

Sal has never stated what Native Nation he is affiliated with. An alert reader of this blog stated that she knew Sal (including giving me his last name, "Serbin"). She didn't like him, and she stated that Sal claimed several different official tribal memberships. I don't know if this is true or not, as it is another question that I have put forth to Sal that he has never answered.

What nation are you from, Sal?

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Dolores Claiborne

What Dolores Claiborne might say about abuse:

"Oh well."

haik-chu #3

yr dark side
makes nightime want to get a tan
just to compete

by S. Renee Mitchell
from her book
"Tangoing With Tornadoes:
A poetic interpretation of love, lust & regret"

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

On the Road Again


inspired by Shusli and Rumi

for Shusli

I imagine we are one,
like a blessing,
an internal kiss,
I smile.

Together we share the road
watch the beauty of the dawn
purple in my rearview mirror

fog waking lazily
over green grassy fields
spreading itself through
the trunks and branches
of oaks
weaving through random
berry patches.

The sky stretches
pink and red
on the horizon
over the silohuettes of hills
born so long ago
from fire, ash, and earth.

The world stretches and awakens
and I feel you in my soul
a kiss
a blessing
as we watch the world awaken
to another day of us.


Hit a plastic soda bottle with a stick.
long brown coat
long brown stick
long brown man
amongst long browning stretches
of grass
during a long brown stretch
of day

Friday, June 12, 2009

Good Kitty Amongst Flowers

"My Father's Secret War"

"My Father's Secret War," is a memoir by Pulitzer Prize Winner, Lucinda Franks. The book is a memoir of her relationship with her father, Tom Franks, her journey to find out about his secret work in the military during WWII, and dealing with his alzheimers.

One day while she was helping clean up his apartment, she found a Nazi Gestapo cap with the skull and crossbones pin. She started asking questions.

Her father, it turned out, had been a spy. He set up radars in the Pacific, and was sent to the first death camp the U.S. liberated two days afterward, Ordruff (sp?). War damages folks, and the war damanged this man with all he had seen and done.

He also trained some of the Danish resistance, being extremely impressed with the women because they could learn weapons far quicker than the men.

Lucinda does so much for so many years to find out what her father had done. At one point, she finds out that her father had killed one of his friends, assassinated him. His friend turned out to be a double agent, also spying for the Russians. This really upset her, but I have a tendency to understand her fathers decision. Folks work in patterns. It would only be matter of time before that fellas turncoat activities got his comrades or other folks killed.

I didn't like all the prodding Lucinda did of her father at first. I have had my own negative experiences prodding vets for information about wars in the past. By the end, however, I completely understand why she did it, and I think they both benefitted from her persistence.

It is an excellent read, and probably far more details about WWII spying than you will get anywhere else. Also a great description of intergenerational wartime PTSD. Her father, prior to the war, was happy and friendly, afterward, far less joyful much more serious.

If you don't listen to it on CD, as I did, I highly reccomend that you read it.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Dear Foster Parents

"Mitakuye Oyasin" turned into a great spontaneous show, as it does sometime.

John Mackey, host of "Indian World," asked for time for a show he is considering doing in several weeks about foster care. John, Santee, is KBOO's engineer and also a foster parent. His foster parenting has lead to 1 adoption, soon to be two. He mentioned a few horror stories that he has dealt with through DHS here in Oregon. He is looking for more folks to come forward who are Native foster parents particularly ones from Oregon to tell their stories, good or bad. His e-mail is:, if you are interested in participating.

John also mentioned that his father worked for Chemawa Indian School, in Salem, for a time. His father witnessed abuses by the staff of students. When he came forward with these allegations he was fired. He was told the reasons were that they didn't want anything negative to come out about what was going on there. They didn't want the outside world to see Indians in a negative light and that Indians would handle this issue.

On the Oyate-Oti website, Dean Lookinghawk ("Mitakuye Oyasin" member), has an article up about the recently pushed forward senate bill 787, which basically makes ALL water within the U.S. property of the U.S. government. Since the U.S. is corporate owned, by extension, that would suggest that ALL water is now corporate owned...EVEN ON RESERVATIONS! A clear VIOLATION of the U.S. constitution, article 6, section 2.

As well, we discussed carbon trading which is rather disgusting and does nothing to reduce pollution and helps traders make millions in trading off other peoples emission points. Here is a link to a youtube video about this issue as well.

We also discussed the recent massacre in Peru of Indigenous protesters who are trying to protect their land from corporations. An attetive caller who does an environmental show for KBOO, Scott Forester, mentioned that there is a bi-lateral trade agreement between the U.S. and Peru that has made such a massacre possible. My fear is that this was a false flag attack and that it will be used as an excuse by the government of Peru to further oppress and attack Indigenous people to steal their land and resources for multi-national corporations.

Sometimes "Mitakuye Oyasin" just comes together, and today was one of those days. Thanks to Dean Lookinghawk, Louis Sowa, and John Mackey for their help.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Peruvian Massacre

There was a massacre in Peru of indigenous folks attempting to keep corporations from taking their land and the resources within it. It has been a months long protest and has gotten rather bloody. Here is an article about it. The information is conflicting and the numbers vary, but cops were killed in this action as well. Probably an inside job in order to justify future annihilation of the indigenous in order for corporations to reap huge profits.

The USS Liberty

42 years ago yesterday, the Israeli military tried to sink the USS Liberty off the coast of Gaza during the six days war. The Liberty was a signals/intelligence gathering ship, a spy ship. They were gathering information such as the war crimes being enacted by the Israeli's. However, it is believed that the Liberty and its sailors were actually set up by President Johnson and Robert McNamara as a false flag operation for the Israeli's to use as an excuse to invade Egypt. The Israeli's, it is believed, wanted to sink the ship, say the Egyptians did it, then use it as an excuse to invade Egypt. Johnson and McNamara skuttled two attempts to send aircraft to help the sailors on the Liberty. Johnson even stated in declassified documents that he didn't care if all those sailors drowned.

Monday, June 8, 2009

The Show

Here are links to download the "Indigenous Sounds" show interview 6-6-09. I haven't tried them so let me know if they work.

Part 1.

Part 2.

I found out that Robert Vanpelt and Bernard Redcherries were on the second half, which I wasn't told before hand, not that it matters.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Grandpa Trickster

I have really been on a poetry kick, lately, and looked up one of my favorite locals, Turiya Autry. I was really impressed with this one, and thought I would share it with you all. You can read more about Turiya's work by clicking her name and going to her website.



after weeks of counting in increments of 5 while sitting at the table of the sun

his earthly granddaughter beat him at dominoes when she was only 13

so he hurled all 28 bones into the sky where they still shine on clear nights

he worked the rails while on land to blend in with those considered common

knowing full well that saints often beg on street corners to test for purity of heart

and atonement and benediction are found in juke joints as often as churches

where true believers drink spirits and holy water from the same glass

he diagnosed grief in his surroundings and used humor as a panacea

curing pain with laughter when medicines refused to mend wounds fully

prescribing black magic remedies deep fried and seasoned with hot sauce

he captured hornet stings and barbs in the thick skins of his soles

freed them with razor blades hurling them at unsuspecting mortals

that underestimated the sharpness of speaking tongues

sometimes words are the only weapons available to gods on earth

A Tree Fell in Portland

The Big Storm knocked down a tree in our neighborhood yesterday. The neighbor was sitting in his back yard at the time, enjoying the storm, approximately where the top is now resting. He got out of the way in time.

He said his friends in Estacada had witnessed numerous trees go down in that area.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

WSLR Interview with Eugene Johnson

On Saturday, June 6, from 3-5pm EST, noon-2pm PST, I, Eugene Johnson, will be interviewed by Sal "White Horse" Serbin, host of "Indigenous Sounds," on WSLR in Florida. He is giving me a chance to tell my side of the story concerning the Bernard Redcherries issue, considering the fact that they had lied about me on the 5-23 show. Tune in if you can. Spread this far and wide. I should be on early in the show.

Thank you, Sal, for allowing me the time.

Eugene Douglas Johnson

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


I do not want to look at the clock
as time will soon divide us

upon which time I will want to look at the clock
as the time draws nearer
to be with you

Where Are Our Brothers?

where are your voices
as fist pound rhythms
to the drums of their flesh?

where are your ears
as voices cry out for empathy
and understanding?

where are your hands
when we need to build something new?
are they pounding terrible rhythms
to the drums of their flesh?
are they covering your ears
to make you deaf?
are your hands
silencing others?


The Sweetest Taste of Love

the sweetest tastes of Love

the bridge takes me to saturday market
by the river that once cradled all life
where I purchase honey so sweet

Love is what I put into the fruit salad
I made
to share with those I Love
strawberries, kiwi, pinapple, papaya,
cherries, mango, apples, bananas...

the bridge takes me to saturday market
by the river that once cradled all life
where I purchase honey so sweet

the sweetest taste is Love


Monday was an odd day.

While working I saw the remnants of an accident on a road I often take. I saw the man getting out of his pick-up, whose front end was banged in, talking on the phone. I could see deep scratches on the driver side of the other car I assume was involved. Hmmm, I thought.

A little further down the street, a truck had parked in the turn lane of the road getting ready to unload a cherry picker for a construction site. I didn't see the driver in the cab, nor working around the trailer. I snuck a quick glance at the construction site to see three or four men who had another man down on all fours. One man had the fella in a reverse head lock. The man on all fours had blood all over his head.

About 45 minutes later, I'm at a stop light in my work truck. I look in my rearview mirror to see a woman coming up on me at speed and not slowing down. Her head was back and eyes closed. I looked in front of me to see if I could move to one side or the other, the car in front of me and the turn radius I need prevented any action of moving, so I stepped on the brake a little more firmly in order to avoid running into the car in front of me when she hit me. I checked the mirror again to see that she was taking a hard right and heading for the curb. I can tell she is going to get her driver side rammed by steel from the lift gate. I knew there would be no way she wouldn't get hurt.

BAM! I could feel her car go underneath and hear that sickening sound of the metallic crunch. The truck lurched only a few inches ahead. I turned on my flashers, put on my emergency brake, and ran out to see if she was OK. I knew she had to be injured. The hood of her car had been crumpled by the four inch wide hunk of steel hanging down from the passenger side of my truck right up to the driver side window which had the round shatter right in front of the steering wheel. I ran up to the car and yelled through the closed window, "ARE YOU OK?!"

"I think so," she said as she cried and opened the door. I told her to be careful getting out and kept repeatedly asking if she was OK. She was lucky. No bumps, bruises, or scratches. I'm pretty sure her car was totaled. She had been yawning while taking her daughter to school. She had recently purchased the car.

The rest of the evening I had cars oncoming crossing the yellow as well as so many other near hits throughout this day and the next.

Moral of the story: Don't yawn and drive, and don't try to take on a whole construction crew on your own.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Silly Things

it's nice
Mr. Biggy Big
to write from time to time
'bout things that just don't matter
it's nothin' like a crime

to write about a snittle
or a peanut brittle brat
somtimes a silly human
must write silly things like that

about a one horned kitchen monster
just a right horn on its head
fell off a little kitchen shelf
and almost wound up dead

a horseless horsey carriage
carries nothing 'bout the town
'cept a silly crazy lady
in a silly cow shaped gown

It's nice to write about these things
and not to be so serious
to write these words upon the page
makes me feel quite delerious

so write about a silly thing
when in moods that are grim
and you'll come up with silly words like
grim sim chimmy dim

[I'm saddened that I no longer feel the freedom to put pictures on my blog that I might otherwise, for fear of something happening to the people I Love. A bit of my freedom has been taken away by asshole thugs.]