Brilliant SF books that got away

17:34 25 October 2010

From The War of the Worlds to Nineteen Eighty-Four, some science fiction goes down in history. But what about the brilliant books that got away? We asked scientists and writers to nominate their lost sci-fi classics, and we've set a competition for flash fiction inspired by them – read on to find out more.

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Dark Universe by Daniel F. Galouye

Richard Dawkins, biologist: “Dark Universe is hauntingly imaginative, and uses the medium of science fiction to let the reader reconstruct how myths can start.”

Deprived of light in their refuge far underground, the descendants of the survivors of a nuclear holocaust have heightened hearing. They navigate using the echoes from clicking stones, and develop a religion around the memory of lost light. Then the protagonist, Jared, begins to question his tribe’s beliefs.

Dark Universe, published in 1961, was nominated for the prestigious Hugo Award for its ability to draw readers into this strange underground world.
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