Friday, October 22, 2010

"Weird Tales", Vol 38 No 4 (May 1947) (magazine, free): Annotated table of contents

Cover of the magazine Weird Tales, May 1947 issue, Canadian edition
Scans of this magazine in CBR format are online as part of a larger package.

This is probably the Canadian edition. There is a note, in small print, on ToC page: "This magazine was produced in Canada, on Canadian paper, by Canadians." And the ToC as well as cover is different from the same issue's description at ISFDB (which I assume is the US edition?)

Table of contents. 

Links on authors fetch more fiction by author. Where I have a separate post on a story, link on story title goes there.

  1. [novelette] Stephen Grendon's "Mr George": "A child must be guarded in its tender years against those who follow false gods down dim paths to oblivion".
  2. [novelette] Harold Lawlor's "The Terror in Teakwood": "What was the Macabre secret of the black casket, more precious than life, more dangerous than death?"
  3. [novelette] Eric Frank Russell's "Venturer of the Martian Mimics" (A): "Our young sciences, like our imaginings, have limits but where facts end possibilities start--& they're truly boundless".
  4. [ss] Seabury Quinn's "Hoodooed": "When the time comes to fix the hoodoo there is no power in heaven or earth to avert it".
  5. [ss] Theodore Sturgeon's "Fluffy": "Don't make enemies with a cat. Why? Well, try it, & find out!"
  6. [ss] Allison V Harding's "The Immortal Lancer": "There are places in this world & out of it that you have never dreamed of in your wildest nightmares!"
  7. [ss] Robert Bloch's "Sweets to the Sweet": "She wanted a broomstick & a black cat; after all, don't witches have both?"
  8. [ss] Herbert Scanlon's "Lizzie Borden Took an Axe": "A locked room, moldering books, muttered curses, in rotting hulk of a house--add up to tragedy".
  9. [verse] Stanton A Coblentz's "On a Weird Planet".

See also.

  1. Fiction from Weird Tales.
  2. Fiction from old "pulp" magazines.
  3. Fiction from 1940s.


Paul said...

I've got much better bandwidth now, but I still can't figure out this crazy package of pulps.