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Other trade names: Viagra, Revatio, Sildenafil citrate, Viagra.
Viagra (Sildenafil citrate) is prescribed by doctors all over the world to patients diagnosed with erectile dysfunction. Although this condition is both physiological and psychological, ED is often caused by reduced blood flow to the penis, and nerve damage. Viagra is a powerful oral drug and it’s important that you first discuss the treatment with your health care provider to avoid dangerous side effects and other complications. Unless otherwise recommended by your doctor take Viagra about 45 minutes before you are planning to have sex. An erection can be achieved only if certain sexual stimulation occurs.

Do not start taking any other medications without previously talking to your doctor, as a number of drugs have been reported to decrease the efficiency of Viagra and cause life-threatening health conditions. Avoid taking a double dose to make your erection last longer as this is not going to help. There are a number of contraindications for taking this medicine that you should be aware of. These include heart problems and a number of inherited conditions. The doctor needs to know your full medical history before prescribing Viagra to make sure the treatment will be beneficial for you.