Bangladesh garment workers strike

An unprecedented industrial campaign by workers in the garment industry that saw the monthly minimum wage increased from US$25 to US$43 is continuing.
Millions of workers are still on strike demanding the minimum wage be increased to US$73 a month, as well as improvements in a series of other conditions.
In response, the factory owners are laying off thousands of workers, while the government has enacted laws to stop street demonstrations, and is arresting hundreds of organisers.
Bangladeshi unions need international solidarity. For more information, click here and here, and to send a solidarity message.

Korean unionists jail sentences reduced

Following a court appeal, Mr. Han Sang-kyun, the former Chairman of the Ssangyong Motor Company Union (KMWU), has had his prison sentence reduced from 4 years to 3 years.
In the same court case, 21 other trade unionists were freed but with severe restrictions on future union activities.
Mr Kwon Sun-man, a KMWU vice president, will be released in October while Mr. Kim Hyuk, a KMWU executive member, is still serving a 3 year sentence.
The campaign to free them continues
See background information
Download solidarity leaflet

Union busting in Cambodia

This week, 29 construction workers, all union members or organisers, were dismissed by the KC Gecin Company.

The workers have been fired for either attending a trade union training or for forming a union and requesting a meeting to negotiate issues.

There is an international solidarity campaign for their re-instatement and the recognition of their union.

For more information and solidarity message

Activists still targeted in Thailand

Months after the May bloody crackdown on protesters, the Thai government is still using emergency laws to stifle dissent and round up protesters.
The use of the Lese Majeste law has prevented discussion on the role of the Monarchy in the crackdown.
Many Red Shirt activists have been detained using unspecified arrest warrants while others are languishing in jail awaiting trial.
Reports of beatings and harassments are also being reported.
For more information, and solidarity, click here and here.

AAWL Public Meeting 1st of September 2010

AAWL Public Meeting
Wednesday 1 September 2010
6:30 - 8:00 Trades Hall, Lygon Street, Carlton

Building International Solidarity

Speakers from:
Latin American Forum Conference (9/10 Oct)
Lasnet Latin American Asia Pacific Conference (15/18 Oct)
Socialist Alliance Climate Change Social Change (5/7 Nov)
AAWL: Building the Global Labour Movement Charter

Korean government dismisses union teachers

An international campaign by Education International has been initiated to defend 183 sacked teachers in sth Korea.
The 183 members of the Korean Teachers and Education Workers Union were dismissed for allegedly breaching the law that states that public servants must be politically neutral. The teachers had privately donated to an opposition party.
This is an attack on unionists and the rights of workers to be political.
Send solidarity messages

Iranian workers continue fighting

Workers at Bonro company, a supplier to Mercedes vehicles, have been on strike since the 14th of August demanding payment of back wages.
Meanwhile, a court has imposed another year of jail to imprisoned trade unionist Mansour Osanloo.
Noted author, Mehdi Aslani will give a talk on the 28th of August in Melbourne, Australia about the period of repression in the late 1980's. For more details

AAWL membership

Has your AAWL membership lapsed?

Please consider renewing your membership.
Click here to download a membership form.

Please note: Affiliation is available only for Australian unions. Other unions should contact the Executive for other ways to assist AAWL. Membership is available only to individuals. Organisations should contact the Executive for other ways to assist AAWL. Membership mailouts are available only within Australia.


Indonesian workers fight Australian company

Workers at PT Jaya Readymix, a subsidiary of Australian company Boral, located in the greater region of Jakarta, have taken industrial action following the company's refusal to implement labor rights in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations.

In particular, workers are unhappy that the minimum wage is not being paid, allowances are not added, and overtime pay is not being calculated accurately.

Solidarity messages can be sent to the workers union, SBJR – KASBI, at

Asian Workers Organising - July 10

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