Saturday, November 06, 2010

The Pope of Hope, revisited

I thought it might be fun to re-read some of what I was writing about the Dalai Bama around the time of his election two years ago. Did I miss anything?

Will Obama feel the pressure? (LOL)

Obama preserves our way of life

Obama and the Great Depression

Chomsky, Zinn, and Obama


Another of my recent photos:

Some hearts can stretch


Poem: “haiku result"

Posted on 11/06 at 05:12 AM
(7) CommentsPermalink

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

My interview with LGBTQ activist Marisa Ragonese

Marisa Ragonese sez: “I’m a radical feminist from Queens who has been organizing for more than a dozen years with and on behalf of girls, women, LGBT people - especially the ‘L’ - and youth.”

Read the full article here


Another of my recent photos:

Myth America


Poem: “haiku debord"

Posted on 11/03 at 01:59 PM
(13) CommentsPermalink

Monday, November 01, 2010

Why aren't you happy?

Don’t you realize all those brave men and women are over there dying so you can be happy? Why are you letting those heroes down? You’re not anti-American, are you?

Read the full article here


Bonus post:

Vegan triathlete Rich Roll lives out personal change we can believe in (interview)


Another of my recent photos:

It changed color, broke free, and wafted slowly downward to finish its life’s mission...on the pavement?


Poem: “germ-free haiku"

Posted on 11/01 at 10:38 AM
(8) CommentsPermalink
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