Welcome to the home page of Anne Feeney
Hi, welcome to my website. If you're a left-leaning music fan, you'll be glad you stopped by. Please get on my mailing list before you leave so that we can stay in touch. I only send out one email a month - The Fellow Travelers' Advisory - and I think you'll enjoy it. I've been 'comforting the afflicted and afflicting the comfortable' since I graduated from high school in 1968.

The Vietnam war and the Civil Rights Movement shaped my conscience and consciousness. I worked for a dozen years or so as a trial attorney, and served as President of the Pittsburgh Musicians' Union. These days I am living my dream. I'm on the road 200+ days a year... all over the US and Canada, and more recently, Sweden and Denmark. It's my privilege to spend most of my waking hours with people who are trying to make a difference in this world... people on strike, or in a union or community organizing drive, or defending women's rights, the environment, human rights ... working to end poverty and racism ... teaching peace.

The most current news about what I've been up to is on my blog. You can also find out where I'm playing, listen to music, download photos, press kit/press release, bio, buy music, leave me a message, and/or get on my mailing list to receive the monthly "Fellow Travelers' Advisory".

Anne Feeney Songs of Struggle at the Heartland Cafe May 18, 2008
view the Chicago Labor Beat performance at Google Video

"Anne Feeney is the best labor singer in North America." -- Utah Phillips

"If I had a cause - and who doesn't? - I'd want Anne Feeney singing for me."-- Stephen Ide, Dirty Linen Magazine

"Congratulations on your fine songwriting!" -- Pete Seeger

"Anne is a role model for us. She has lived her songs." -- Peter Yarrow (Peter, Paul and Mary)

Hear Anne Feeney on Mike Konopaki's "Rosie/UnionMaid" flash animation.

download lyrics and liner notes as Word .doc or view as html
Jail 4 Justice?

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Carlos Cortez 1923-2005

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email Anne unionmaid@annefeeney.com
updated 7/20/10
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