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Slow Food is...

A network of members
Food and Taste education
Defending Biodiversity
Terra Madre Network



Terra Madre Grains

Video clippings from the world meeting of food communities including interviews with some of the activists, producers and personalities that gathered in Turin for the fourth bi-annual Terra Madre event.

Slow Stories

Italy | 25/10/2010 | Terra Madre cooks meet to discuss their role in encouraging a more aware relationship with regions and food

Italy | 25/10/2010 | Rural music traditions at the Terra Madre world meeting of food communities

Italy | 24/10/2010 | Indigenous delegates from across the world discuss food, land, rights and diversity at Terra Madre.

Italy | 24/10/2010 | The publication by Slow Food Editore of a new translation of Ernst F. Schumacher’s 1973 classic text, Small is Beautiful: Economics As If People Mattered, was celebrated today at a conference at the Salone del Gusto.

Slow Food Worldwide

A network of 100,000 members in 153 countries – grouped in 1,300 local chapters called convivia – develops activities, projects and events at a local, regional and global level. These currently include:

  • More than 5000 Slow Food initiatives each year
  • 10,000 small producers involved in 314 Presidia projects
  • 903 products at risk of extinction promoted through the Ark of Taste catalog
  • 1,300 food education activities and 350 school gardens in 100 countries
  • Terra Madre network activities which involve 2,000 food communities, 1,000 cooks, 500 academics and 1,000 young activists
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