last updated: October 25, 2010


LBO News, a "blog"

latest issue: LBO #129:

Is Social Security really the thing that's going bust? • 2009: not a good year for the American masses • Recession over, but is that enough? • Globalization & gender • parasitism ain't what it used to be

LBO #130 in preparation…


best music on a radio show about economics & politics
Village Voice Best of NYC 2005

Michael Taft on the Irish crisis • Yanis Varoufakis on the eurozone crisis • Robert Paul Wolff on Harvard & Peretz • Antonia Juhasz on the filth of oil • Eric Garris on the antiwar movement • Gary Shteyngart on life in a rotting empire • Stephen Mihm on The Crisis • Julia Sweig and Kirby Jones on Cuba • Jesse Eisinger on how banks made billions flipping CDOs to each other • Michael Yates on alienation and bitterness in the heartland • Liz McNichol on the fiscal crisis of the states • Yanis Varoufakis on how Michael Lewis got Greece wrong • Paul Street on Brand Obama • Christian Parenti on how the gov can kickstart the adoption of clean, green technologies • Michael Lind on infrastructure and oligarchy • Astra Taylor on digital serfdom • Rob Weissman on the Dodd-Frank financial reform bill • Corey Robin on Ayn Rand • Alyssa Katz on the state of the housing market • Sean Keenan on how music is faring in the Internet era • Ruy Teixeira on how demographics favor the Dems • Bill Hartung on military spending today • Cynthia Enloe on the McChrystal affair • Richard Seymour on the new British governmenr.....

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recently posted

How to learn nothing from crisis: The U.S. elite careens on, living large & trying to restore the status quo ante bustum

Move your money: Looking behind Huffington’s loopy scheme to sanitize wealth

Web of nonsense: Why it’s so hard to separate finance from the real, and why it’s so tempting to try

The limits of anti-racism: Adolph Reed Jr. on how being against racism isn’t really all that political
(the above, in German)

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