Book Your Own Fuckin' Life


HELP WANTED! As you may have noticed, there are a lot of problems with this site. I had a server crash, and I'm working 16 hours a day, so I haven't had much time to fix things. If you're a programmer and want to help out, get in touch. (by programmer, I mean you know php, mysql and possibly C.) Email me at ernst[at]

Help spread the word If you want to help us out, put a banner for on your web site. You can get them by going here: Banners

Don't forget to leave feedback. If you leave comments, people can know what's up. The coments might even end up on the top ten/bottom ten list

There's a new website that I've made with some friends. It has some of the features of this site (calendar, articles) combined with parts of BYOFL (band listings) plus some new really cool features, includeing a show trade tool that I think is one of the only ones out there meant to connect underground bands with one another. Check out the Beta site!

There is no more print version of Book Your Own Life, and there won't be one. So don't ask.