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PledgeBank successes

Donate books to build a library – Bakul-Library

Bakul Library

“…the pledge campaign was just perfect. And we told the skeptics that they anyway did not have to contribute if they did not find a thousand others foolish enough to believe in it. As we neared our target, more and more people got involved in the mobilization as even the skeptics wanted this idea to succeed. As a result of that campaign now we have one of the best children's libraries in India, and set up entirely with the small contributions of a thousand-odd people.”

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mySociety.org volunteers – profile of Tim Morley

Heard the song ‘We Built this City (on rock and roll)’ by Starship? No? Not to worry, I am just trying to draw parallels with how mySociety.org is organised and managed. You may not have realised, but a good sized chunk of the work that we do is actually carried out by volunteers, that includes… more

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United States pledges and global English pledges listed

  • FBATools
    I, Robert Casto, will make FBA tools available via the web but only if 20 other FBA sellers will sign up for the service for $10.
    11 days left, 15 more signatures needed
  • IsraelGarciaFund
    I, Steven Kerns, will create a memorial for a fallen soldier but only if 1,000 other local people will donate $5.00 to the cause.
    343 days left, 975 more signatures needed
  • Argentina
    I, Marcos Polonia, will donate 8% - 10% of the total funds raised to Las Madres de La Plaza de Mayo but only if 10 facebook friends will donate whatever you can to help me raise $6,000 to get to Argentina this winter so I can hand the organization the donation in person!.
    9 days left, 9 more signatures needed

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