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The "Convergence Plan" Map - reframing the Palestinian ghettos
Maps, Palestinian Grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign
May 17, 2006 -- The map shows the “new” Occupation scheme to ensure Palestinian rights continue to be negated and violated: the “Convergence Plan”. The scheme is Israel’s latest attempt to legitimize the Palestinian ghettos, to permanently annex territory in the west of the West Bank, seal Palestinians in from the east, and surround a series of Palestinian Bantustans. [MORE]

Judaizing Jerusalem - the Ethnic Cleansing of the Palestinian Capital
Map, The Grassroots Palestinian Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign
Dec 27, 2005 -- The Apartheid Wall is almost completed in Jerusalem, snaking around Palestinian communities and shutting them out of the city. Settlements expand and new colonies emerge on the Palestinian lands left isolated behind the Wall. A railway project seeks to integrate the illegal settlements into the city.

In the Palestinian capital - like the rest of Palestine - life and existence is suffocated into ever-smaller ghettos and expulsion an imminent threat. [MORE]

The New Israeli "Disengagement Plan" Map
Map, The Grassroots Palestinian Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign
Feb 27, 2005 -- For Palestinians, and according to international law, the West Bank is one unit. However, in the Apartheid realities being carved out on the ground the term contiguous state never applies except in the deceitful rhetoric of “disengagement” from Israel and its backers in the US and Europe. Analysis of the latest map of the built (and soon to be constructed) Wall and settlement road systems, reveal 47% of the West Bank will be colonized. [MORE]

Map of Settler Roads and Tunnels
Map, The Grassroots Palestinian Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign
Feb 26, 2005 -- A web of settler roads, bridges and tunnels will be surrounding Palestinians villages and towns, further ghettoizing them. The Occupation Forces are planning 24 tunnels for Palestinian use ensuring that Palestinians cannot use settler “bypass” roads that separate Palestinians from their lands while cutting villages and towns from each other. Six tunnels are already complete and the rest are either under construction or pending. [MORE]

The Wall Map around Bethlehem
Map, PENGON/Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign
Feb 24, 2005 -- The Wall around Bethlehem is in actuality part of the so–called “Jerusalem envelope” that starts from the settlement of Bet Horon to the northwest of Jerusalem city all the way to Kfar Etzion settlement in the very south of the Bethlehem District. [MORE]

New Map Shows that the Most Destructive Aspects of the Wall Will Remain, Despite Court Ruling
Map, PENGON/Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign
Jul 6, 2004 -- The latest Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign map which shows three alternative routes for the Wall after the Occupation courts recently ordered Occupation forces to redraw the Walls path in Northwest Jerusalem. All three “alternative” routes will still severely constrict residential and commercial development of villages and hinder access to cultural-historical-religious sites (for instance: Nabi Samwil). At the same time, these routes also annex all of the settlements in the area, leaving them the space needed for expansion – mainly Giv’at Ze’ev - which would take place on primary Palestinian natural and cultural-historical landscapes (Nabi Samwil Hill Ridge, so-called Ayalon Valley by the Occupation Forces). At the same time, it eliminates the possibility for urgently needed urban development of Metropolitan Arab Jerusalem, the best opportunities for which are located around Bir Nabala and directly south of Ramallah. [MORE]

The Apartheid Wall in Ar Ram Reinforces Zionist Apartheid
Maps, PENGON/Anti-Aparthied Wall Campaign
Jun 10, 2004 -- This new map shows the devastating path of the Apartheid Wall through the Ar Ram area, which is currently the Palestinian gateway between Jerusalem and Ramallah. Though construction first began in the area last February, the recent days have marked a heightened urgency in resistance to the Wall’s construction in this area, as Occupation Forces have been quickly pulling up roads, blocking access and tightening their grip on Ar Ram. The Wall’s construction in Ar Ram, as in other areas will result in the division and separation of Palestinian communities, including schools, places of work, land, medical facilities and family. Palestinians have been mobilizing against the Wall's construction, fully rejecting it as a tool for expansion, colonization and apartheid. [MORE]

Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign Poster Map in Arabic
Map, PALDIS for the Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign
Mar 21, 2004 -- A translation of our english campaign map, this new map created by the Palestine Land Development Information Systems (PALDIS) for PENGON/Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign shows the Wall's latest path of devastation and ghettoization of the West Bank. Finalized in November 2003, with further updates in March 2004, this map reveals that if completed in its entirety, nearly 50% of the West Bank population will be affected by the Wall though the loss of their land, imprisonment into ghettos, isolation into de facto annexed areas by Israel. [MORE]

Updated Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign Poster Map
Map, PALDIS for the Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign
Mar 21, 2004 -- Updated from July 2003, this new map created by the Palestine Land Development Information Systems (PALDIS) for PENGON/Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign shows the Wall’s latest path of devastation and ghettoization of the West Bank. Finalized in November 2003, with further updates in March 2004, this map reveals that if completed in its entirety, nearly 50% of the West Bank population will be affected by the Wall though the loss of their land, imprisonment into ghettos, isolation into de facto annexed areas by Israel. [MORE]

The Wall’s Path of Settlement Expansion throughout Bethlehem
Map, PALDIS for the Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign
Dec 5, 2003 -- While the Wall locks Bethlehem city into a single ghetto, it’s path is paving way for Israeli settlements to further occupy additional Palestinian land. By revealing the Wall’s path side by side with existing Israeli settlements and their “approved” expansion, the map confirms the swallowing of Bethlehem’s lands for settlement expansion. Finalized in December 2003, this map by the Palestine Land Development Information System (PALDIS) offers a transparent view of the Apartheid Wall around Bethlehem. [MORE]

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