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Monday, October 25, 2010

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When Books Are No Longer On Paper, Are They Still Books?
"Bound, printed texts are discrete objects: immutable, individual, lendable, cut off from the world. Once the words of a book appear onscreen, they are no longer simply themselves; they have become a part of something else. They now occupy the same space not only as every other digital text, but as every other medium too." Prospect 10/10
email this story | Posted 10/24/10@09:12AM

The Threat Of Online Bookstores "It is those online bookstores -- the websites offering hundreds of thousands of titles, often at massive discounts -- that are threatening to destroy the business models of small independent publishers and multinational giants alike, while simultaneously killing off thousands of tiny bookshops and even threatening the mega-chains." The Australian 10/24/10
email this story | Posted 10/25/10@08:48AM
Warhol Brillo Boxes Downgraded To Copies "More than 100 Brillo boxes, said to be works by Andy Warhol, have been declared "copies" by the Andy Warhol Art Authentication Board after a three-year investigation." The Art Newspaper 10/24/10
email this story | Posted 10/25/10@08:46AM
Rupert Murdoch Threatens Actors, Musicians... "The world's largest media company, News Corporation, is threatening to deny coverage of movies starring artists who routinely refuse to give interviews to its outlets, one of its senior journalists has revealed." The Age (Melbourne) 10/25/10
email this story | Posted 10/25/10@08:34AM
Parents Television Council Loses Ground In Culture Wars? "The organization now finds itself damaged, defanged by court challenges to the F.C.C.'s hard-line position, by its own dwindling finances and by internal troubles that resulted in its accusing a former senior employee of extortion. Meanwhile, the entertainment industry -- once so afraid of the council's wrath that Fox blurred the naked behind of an animated character -- is pushing the boundaries of taste with renewed intensity." The New York Times 10/25/10
email this story | Posted 10/25/10@08:29AM
Was Jane Austen A "Messy" Writer? (New Research Says Yes, But Don't Believe It) Research by an Oxford scholar on Austen's manuscripts has led to the startling claim that the most elegant prose stylist in the history of the English novel in fact submitted messy, "experimental' texts that were cleaned up and polished to their famous dazzle by her editor. The Guardian (UK) 10/24/10
email this story | Posted 10/25/10@08:27AM
The Globe - A Theatre That Pays Its Own Way (And More) "Along with tours in both Britain and the United States, the Globe has played to 480,000 people this year, a beacon of excellence and enlightenment that makes considerable returns to the Treasury while costing the taxpayer nothing." The Telegraph (UK) 10/25/10
email this story | Posted 10/25/10@08:25AM
Should We Take Prolific Writers Less Seriously? "Throughout the ages, writers have poured out their souls in reams, quires, quartos: Sophocles wrote 123 plays (although, alas - for me at any rate, others may think differently - only seven survive); Alexandre Dumas père squeezed out 277 novels..." The Telegraph (UK) 10/25/10
email this story | Posted 10/25/10@08:21AM
Charleston Symphony Music Director David Stahl, 60 "During his 25 years as music director of the Charleston Symphony, he transformed a modest community ensemble into a respected professional orchestra, winning praise from civic leaders, arts patrons and classical music colleagues all over the world." Charleston Post & Courier 10/24/10
email this story | Posted 10/25/10@08:18AM
Detroit Symphony Labor Impasse Symbolizes City's Problems "For a city that has taken a lot of licks, the symphony orchestra strike has drawn strong opinions on all sides. The Detroit News, for one, has editorialized that musicians should accept cuts in a city where median income fell 21.3% between 2000 and 2009. But the orchestra has drawn support too..." The Wall Street Journal 10/25/10
email this story | Posted 10/25/10@08:16AM
The Jon Stewarts Elsewhere In The World An FP List of the world's most influential political satirists shows that in dangerous places, telling jokes can be hazardous to your health. Foreign Policy 10/18/10
email this story | Posted 10/25/10@07:51AM
Ballet Dying? Hardly! "This is an exciting time for ballet. But, while some choreographers are looking ahead, some critics are looking to the past. This is the natural order of things. Artists are always ahead of their watchers, always pushing the envelope. To the watchers, I say, If you're looking for gold in a silver mine, you won't see the silver." Dance Magazine 10/25/10
email this story | Posted 10/25/10@07:36AM
America's New Elite - It Exists "The more efficiently a society identifies the most able young people of both sexes, sends them to the best colleges, unleashes them into an economy that is tailor-made for people with their abilities and lets proximity take its course, the sooner a New Elite -- the "cognitive elite" that Herrnstein and I described -- becomes a class unto itself." Washington Post 10/24/10
email this story | Posted 10/25/10@07:32AM
Once Booming Video Game Sales Are Falling Off "Overall videogame sales totaled $614 million in September, down 6% from the same period last year, while sales through the first nine months of the year totaled $4.9 billion, down 8% from a year earlier, according to NPD Group." Yahoo! (Billboard) 10/24/10
email this story | Posted 10/24/10@06:20PM
Why Does Hollywood Hate Big Business? "Yes, why does Hollywood hate what it essentially is? Well, the answer is that Hollywood is really two businesses in one: It's a profit-obsessed industry but it's also a dream factory." The Globe & Mail (Canada) 10/24/10
email this story | Posted 10/24/10@06:18PM
Is The Web The New Art-House Cinema? "With individual print costs of up to $4,000 for a European subtitled film, and publicity costs running much higher, it's just not profitable to screen these niche films in many theatres." The Globe & Mail (Canada) 10/24/10
email this story | Posted 10/24/10@06:13PM
What Happened To The Books You Had To Read? "I was lucky: I lived through a time when it was great to read. There were so many books that you just had to read, which would have been read by everyone you knew. Not merely read, though, but digested and discussed." The Guardian (UK) 10/24/10
email this story | Posted 10/24/10@06:06PM
Free TV On The Web? Don't Count On It Much Longer "Broadcasters took a big step toward eliminating free TV shows on the Web after they blocked access to their programming online this month to enforce their demands to be paid." Boston Herald (AP) 10/24/10
email this story | Posted 10/24/10@06:05PM
After That First Career, Coming Back To The Arts "Many people who take up artistic pursuits after retiring from their primary careers talk about rediscovering feelings they haven't experienced in years--or finding something inside themselves that they never knew existed. Their newfound avocations often evoke an interest they explored in their youth." The Wall Street Journal 10/24/10
email this story | Posted 10/24/10@05:54PM
Nearly Two Decades Later, "Angels In America" Confirms Its Place As A Masterpiece "By now there have been hundreds of professional productions worldwide. But the reach of "Angels" into the heartland came with furious protest at first." The New York Times 10/24/10
email this story | Posted 10/24/10@05:49PM
So When Did Advertising Become Entertainment "On the internet, the lines between advertising and independent content are blurring. For younger people especially, clever ads can be a source of fun. Some feel a sense of loyalty towards particular brands and quite a few want to make ads." The Age (Melbourne) 10/25/10
email this story | Posted 10/24/10@05:46PM
Why The Skill-Testing Game Shows Are Dying "Game shows made us feel inadequate and angry. It's more comforting to have our own superiority affirmed by someone with the IQ of a dried apricot staggering around Warsaw with a tray of bear meat on his head, or barely pubescent skeletons clawing each other over who gets to wear the least-flattering flamingo costume." The Age (Melbourne) 10/25/10
email this story | Posted 10/24/10@05:44PM
Google Tries Its Hand At Translating Poetry (Oh My) "What's clever here is that Google is doing this on a statistical, rather than a rule-based, basis - which I understand to mean that, like a flesh-and-blood poet, the machine is trying out lines to see which fit best." The Guardian (UK) 10/24/10
email this story | Posted 10/24/10@05:33PM
James DePriest Defines A Mission For Pasadena Symphony "For a quarter-century, defining that mission fell to Jorge Mester, who quit as the orchestra's music director last June after a contract dispute. With Mester gone and the orchestra nowhere near replacing him, someone needed to minister to the ensemble's artistic needs, even if only temporarily." Los Angeles Times 10/23/10
email this story | Posted 10/24/10@12:02PM
On The Shelf - When Movies Wait Around To Be Seen Completed movies "can linger for months, even years, trapped by marketing disagreements, creative clashes, executive shuffles, money shortfalls or the judgment that they are such surefire flops that it makes no sense to throw good money after bad and distribute them." Los Angeles Times 10/24/10
email this story | Posted 10/24/10@11:58AM
The War Against The Comic Sans Font "When you've finished ranting about the typeface's use on all four corners of the internet, it's time to get active: one can now get "Ban Comic Sans" flyers, comics, stickers, T-shirts, hoodies and coffee mugs." The Guardian (UK) 10/22/10
email this story | Posted 10/24/10@11:51AM
Australia's Small-Market Orchestras @ Disadvantage "In Sydney, senior players earn $121,000 compared with $75,000 for the equivalent role in Adelaide. The wage disparity in Adelaide is even more distinct at the Tasmanian, Queensland and WA symphony orchestras. But the problem is tickets to symphony orchestras nationwide are already subsidised to the tune of $137 each, so the ASO players' demands are finding few fans beyond the Adelaide Hills." The Australian 10/24/10
email this story | Posted 10/24/10@11:47AM
Restorer Uncovers Lost Giotto "Further studies, including infrared photography and X-rays, conducted last year inside the Florentine laboratory Opificio delle Pietre Dure, unearthed clear proof." The Observer (UK) 10/24/10
email this story | Posted 10/24/10@11:29AM
The New UK Arts Philanthropists (Are There Any?) "As the axe falls on public spending, with Arts Council England losing 30% of its budget over the next four years and national museums cut by 15% over the same period, giving by individuals has been touted as, if not a cure-all, then something that can help staunch the blood-flow." But will it? The Guardian (UK) 10/21/10
email this story | Posted 10/24/10@11:23AM
Wood City Of Samara Under Threat "Much of it has gone already, burnt, bulldozed, blighted or left to rot. Pustular new towers erupt from the waterfront and skyline. Almost everything that's left could go too, thanks to local government that could most charitably be described as supine." The Observer (UK) 10/24/10
email this story | Posted 10/24/10@11:18AM
The Neuroscience Of Morality "The idea that moral behaviour is dependent on brain function presents a challenge to our usual ways of thinking about moral responsibility. Indeed, neuroscientific evidence has been found to exert a powerful influence over decisions by judges and juries." New Scientist 10/23/10
email this story | Posted 10/24/10@11:15AM
Britain Cuts Author Royalties For Books From Libraries "Government funding for the Public Lending Right (PLR) - the system by which an author receives a small royalty each time one of their books is borrowed from a public library - is to be cut by 15% over the next four years." The Guardian (UK) 10/22/10
email this story | Posted 10/24/10@10:29AM
Colorado Ballet Outsources To India (India?) "Colorado Ballet's recent decision to out- source much of its ticket-sales operation to India is likely to raise some questions about customer service, tax support and public perception." Denver Post 10/24/10
email this story | Posted 10/24/10@10:27AM

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Today's Headlines (by topic)

The Neuroscience Of Morality - New Scientist 10/23/10
email this story | Posted 10/24/10@11:15AM

more Ideas...

Ballet Dying? Hardly! - Dance Magazine 10/25/10
email this story | Posted 10/25/10@07:36AM

Colorado Ballet Outsources To India (India?) - Denver Post 10/24/10
email this story | Posted 10/24/10@10:27AM

International "Thriller" Night - Montreal Gazette 10/23/10
email this story | Posted 10/24/10@10:04AM

more Dance...

The Jon Stewarts Elsewhere In The World - Foreign Policy 10/18/10
email this story | Posted 10/25/10@07:51AM

America's New Elite - It Exists - Washington Post 10/24/10
email this story | Posted 10/25/10@07:32AM

After That First Career, Coming Back To The Arts - The Wall Street Journal 10/24/10
email this story | Posted 10/24/10@05:54PM

The New UK Arts Philanthropists (Are There Any?) - The Guardian (UK) 10/21/10
email this story | Posted 10/24/10@11:23AM

more Issues...

Rupert Murdoch Threatens Actors, Musicians... - The Age (Melbourne) 10/25/10
email this story | Posted 10/25/10@08:34AM

Parents Television Council Loses Ground In Culture Wars? - The New York Times 10/25/10
email this story | Posted 10/25/10@08:29AM

Once Booming Video Game Sales Are Falling Off - Yahoo! (Billboard) 10/24/10
email this story | Posted 10/24/10@06:20PM

Why Does Hollywood Hate Big Business? - The Globe & Mail (Canada) 10/24/10
email this story | Posted 10/24/10@06:18PM

Is The Web The New Art-House Cinema? - The Globe & Mail (Canada) 10/24/10
email this story | Posted 10/24/10@06:13PM

Free TV On The Web? Don't Count On It Much Longer - Boston Herald (AP) 10/24/10
email this story | Posted 10/24/10@06:05PM

So When Did Advertising Become Entertainment - The Age (Melbourne) 10/25/10
email this story | Posted 10/24/10@05:46PM

Why The Skill-Testing Game Shows Are Dying - The Age (Melbourne) 10/25/10
email this story | Posted 10/24/10@05:44PM

On The Shelf - When Movies Wait Around To Be Seen - Los Angeles Times 10/24/10
email this story | Posted 10/24/10@11:58AM

Can The Movies help In Hard Times? - The New york Times 10/23/10
email this story | Posted 10/24/10@09:48AM

more Media...

Detroit Symphony Labor Impasse Symbolizes City's Problems - The Wall Street Journal 10/25/10
email this story | Posted 10/25/10@08:16AM

James DePriest Defines A Mission For Pasadena Symphony - Los Angeles Times 10/23/10
email this story | Posted 10/24/10@12:02PM

Australia's Small-Market Orchestras @ Disadvantage - The Australian 10/24/10
email this story | Posted 10/24/10@11:47AM

Music Theory In Your Hand - San Francisco Classical Voice 10/19/10
email this story | Posted 10/24/10@09:46AM

more Music...

Charleston Symphony Music Director David Stahl, 60 - Charleston Post & Courier 10/24/10
email this story | Posted 10/25/10@08:18AM

Liberace Museum Says Goodbye - NPR 10/23/10
email this story | Posted 10/24/10@10:06AM

more People...

The Threat Of Online Bookstores - The Australian 10/24/10
email this story | Posted 10/25/10@08:48AM

Was Jane Austen A "Messy" Writer? (New Research Says Yes, But Don't Believe It) - The Guardian (UK) 10/24/10
email this story | Posted 10/25/10@08:27AM

Should We Take Prolific Writers Less Seriously? - The Telegraph (UK) 10/25/10
email this story | Posted 10/25/10@08:21AM

What Happened To The Books You Had To Read? - The Guardian (UK) 10/24/10
email this story | Posted 10/24/10@06:06PM

Google Tries Its Hand At Translating Poetry (Oh My) - The Guardian (UK) 10/24/10
email this story | Posted 10/24/10@05:33PM

The War Against The Comic Sans Font - The Guardian (UK) 10/22/10
email this story | Posted 10/24/10@11:51AM

Britain Cuts Author Royalties For Books From Libraries - The Guardian (UK) 10/22/10
email this story | Posted 10/24/10@10:29AM

When Books Are No Longer On Paper, Are They Still Books? - Prospect 10/10
email this story | Posted 10/24/10@09:12AM

more Publishing...

The Globe - A Theatre That Pays Its Own Way (And More) - The Telegraph (UK) 10/25/10
email this story | Posted 10/25/10@08:25AM

Nearly Two Decades Later, "Angels In America" Confirms Its Place As A Masterpiece - The New York Times 10/24/10
email this story | Posted 10/24/10@05:49PM

Oscar Hammerstein, 50 Years Later - NPR 10/2310
email this story | Posted 10/24/10@10:14AM

more Theatre...

Warhol Brillo Boxes Downgraded To Copies - The Art Newspaper 10/24/10
email this story | Posted 10/25/10@08:46AM

Restorer Uncovers Lost Giotto - The Observer (UK) 10/24/10
email this story | Posted 10/24/10@11:29AM

Wood City Of Samara Under Threat - The Observer (UK) 10/24/10
email this story | Posted 10/24/10@11:18AM

Michael Govan ReUps As LACMA Director - Los Angeles Times 10/23/10
email this story | Posted 10/24/10@10:24AM

What Motivated The "Bernie Madoff" Of The Art World - Yahoo! (AP) 10/23/10
email this story | Posted 10/24/10@10:09AM

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