About EH.Net

The Economic History Association owns and operates the EH.net website and mailing lists to provide resources and promote communication among scholars in economic history and related fields. The Economic History Society (U.K.), the Business History Conference, and the Cliometric Society also support the site.

EH.Net Features

How Much Is That?
This service is now on Measuring Worth, where you can ask questions of comparative value covering prices, purchasing power, earnings, GDP, interest rates, exchange rates and other economic variables. The calculators allow you to convert past values into current values (and vice versa).
Links to recent news articles discussing economic history.
Graduate Programs in Economic History
For the student thinking about graduate school, EH.Net has conducted a survey of graduate programs in Economic History. The replies are presented here.
An online archive of The Ohio State University Department of Economics' All-Ohio Economic History Seminar is now available.
Recent Book Reviews
Book review archive
Forthcoming Book Reviews

Great Books in Economic History
A set of two dozen review essays commissioned by EH.NET that examine books that have had a significant impact on the field of economic history.
International Economic History Association Congress
All-Ohio Economic History Seminars
An online archive of The Ohio State University Department of Economics' All-Ohio Economic History Seminar is now available.


Forum Summaries
Summaries of nine forums held on the EH.Res list.
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