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Frontline volume 2 issue 11
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coverissue12Frontline Volume 2 Issue 12

July 2010

After the ConDem Election: Fighting Cameron's Offensive

The Tories are back and this time they have some new pals in the shape of the Lib-Dems. They are clear about their agenda: cuts and attacks on working people. In this issue of Frontline we look at how to organise to fight back. We also look at debates and developments in the world of science and much more.


Click here to view the full contents of this issue.

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Frontline SSP Conference 2009 Fringe Meeting and AGM

Frontline magazine held a successful fringe meeting at the 2009 conference of the Scottish Socialist Party in Arran. The meeting was addressed by Virginia de la Siega from the NPA (New Anticapitalist Party) of France. She outlined the growth of struggle in France and the prospects for the new party as well as answering questions from delegates. You can read more on this topic in her article in Frontline. We also elected a new editorial board for the magazine with several new supporters coming forward to help.

Frontline to be an independent journal.

Following consultation during the SSP Constitutional Review Frontline will become a fully independent journal. Having also been given the option of being an SSP platform, or an official party journal the Frontline editorial board opted for independence. We felt that this was the best way to preserve the journal as a space for debate and discussion outwith the formal structures of the SSP. For more information see the March 2008 issue of Frontline.

Frontline AGM 2007

Frontline held its first Annual General Meeting as a fringe meeting of the Scottish Socialist Party conference in Dundee in October 2007. A well attended meeting kicked off with a debate and discussion on the way forward for the Scottish Left. We also elected a new editorial board for Frontline. If you want to contribute to the journal please don't hesitate to get in touch.

ISM National Meeting 2006

At it's national meeting in March 2006, the International Socialist Movement platform of the SSP voted to dissolve. Former members of the ISM will be discussing how best to mobilise for the ideas of Marxism in the SSP and how to work with other pro-party forces over the next period.

It was also agreed that Frontline magazine would continue as an independent Marxist journal. Frontline will still strive to cover the key political and strategic issues and will continue to be published in support of the Scottish Socialist Party. The next issue will be published by a steering committee who were elected at the national meeting. Following that we will draw up new structures to ensure the democratic accountability of the journal. This website will continue as the website of Frontline magazine.

Statement on the Future of the ISM

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