Mantid of the week

Praying mantid

Greetings from Spinster HQ, O ye commenters and readers of comments! The “Latest Blamer Invective” sidebar function upon which you have come to dote so warmly has experienced a warp core breach. Two female characters with names are discussing it, and should have it back online before the third act. Meanwhile, please bask in the awesomeness that is the praying mantis. But not before taking a moment to contemplate the anti-female implications of an old bit of dudescience.

The lore related to female mantids eating the heads of males in order for them to successfully copulate has more recently been questioned. Apparently, the original research was conducted with starved specimens.” – Drees & Jackman, A Field Guide to Common Texas Insects

In other words, the storied stone-cold bloodthirstiness of oversexed killer mantid females has turned out to be bogus.

“In nature, mating usually takes place under cover, so rather than leaning over the tank studying their every move, we left them alone and videotaped what happened. We were amazed at what we saw. Out of thirty matings, we didn’t record one instance of cannibalism, and instead we saw an elaborate courtship display, with both sexes performing a ritual dance, stroking each other with their antennae before finally mating. It really was a lovely display”.[cite]

Stressed by unnatural laboratory conditions, mantid females go into survival mode and may eat the odd male or two. Who wouldn’t? Yet mantid researchers of yore obtained the result they wanted (female mantids are super-kinky brain-eating zombie bitches) by manipulating the subjects (starving them) until they exhibited the desired aberrant behavior (encephalophagia) that they could then characterize as abnormal compared to the default (male) subject. Thus was the time-honored Pyschotic Sexual Predator Sexpot narrative transubstantiated by dudescience into Mantistown. Where it’s become the bug world equivalent of “Snapped.”

Undoubtedly a capillary-wave or two of disappointment will ripple across Lake Savage Death when it becomes more widely known that unstarved female mantids don’t, as a rule, eat the heads off males during copulation. This disappointment is understandable. Because let’s face it, it tickles a feminist’s fancy, however fleetingly, whenever a female socks it to the Man, especially when she (the female) deploys grisly, antisocial methods likely to produce copious amounts of blood, even if she (the female) is an insect. But after the initial frisson of excitement dissipates, the feminist recalls that, as pleasant as it is to contemplate a world in which all men are dead, such a utopia could not be realized without violence, and that violence — i.e. domination — equals patriarchy.

What have we learned? That the dominant culture will unfairly characterize females as villains whenever possible, and that men are just going to have to figure how not to be fucking asshole schoolgirl rapist barbarians on their own. Their unwillingness to do this is the root of all human, and quite a lot of non-human, suffering.

Praying mantis, Cottonmouth County, TX. October 2010.


Sexy Chilean miner costume.

Photo from purveyors of Patriarchy2K-compliant dudefantasy receptaclewear yandy dot com.

Hurl of the week

It’s almost Halloween, the annual Unleash Your Inner Dudefantasy Receptacle festival. Not you, of course. I know you’re going as a Chilean miner.

Everyone else, however will be either Sexy Nerd, High School Tease, Miss Prep School, Prep School Delinquent, Bad Schoolgirl, Varsity Vixen, Study Date School Girl, or Sexy Mrs Potato Head. This yandy dot com website sells over 80 different — and when I say “different” I mean “identical” — plaid schoolgirl costumes.

Dudes love — and when I say “love” I mean “despise” — sexually active plaid children and the adult women who spend $59.99 on cheap crap from China to look like them.

Boy story

Advanced patriarchy blamers have already strapped into their handydyke utility belt of blaming techniques the Bechdel Test. But a little refresher can’t hurt, so check out the vid.

The Bechdel test dates back to the 80’s and Alison Bechdel’s iconic comic Dykes to Watch Out For. The test aims the Blistering Beacon of Blame at the infrequency with which female characters in film are represented as fully realized human beings.

To pass the test, a film (or, if you like, any other sort of arty or infotainment-y work*) has to have at least two female characters, the characters have to have names, and they have to have a conversation about something other than dudes.

These criteria are always burbling in the back of the my lobe as I ingest media from the various screens in my life. Constant scanning for representations of female characters that even vaguely nod at the truth makes the act of consuming entertainment absolutely exhausting. You more or less expect women to be characterized as dude accessories in pre-feminist movies, but the scarcity of more recently produced shows that pass the test continues to boggle the spinster mind. The other day during an episode of “Star Trek Voyager” I did the butt-dance when Janeway and Torres had a discussion about a warp core breach. Of course, they do that on every episode. I personally think the Bechdel test ought to exclude Janeway-Torres warp core breach discussions.

Let us not forget, however, that the Bechdel test only measures whether two female characters have a few lines of human dialogue. It doesn’t gauge whether the female characters in question are generally representative of female humanity, so it can’t really be used to award any feminist points. There may have been, for example, a few seconds here and there in “Sex and the City” where the women chit-chat about getting Brazilians instead of about getting laid, but the show’s overall unmitigated heteronormative misogyny pretty much cancels out any brief flirtation with the notion that women are human.

I don’t know if you have young nieces and therefore were compelled to see “Toy Story 3″ in a theater with about 4792 other kids, but I do and I was. (“Toy Story 3″ sort of borderline passes the Bechdel test on a sort of technicality, but definitely flunks it in spirit; there is one brief scene where two women, one of whom is named “Mom,” discuss giving toys away to charity). I won’t bore you with “Toy Story 3’s” yawn-o plot details, but it will not bowl you over to hear that the hero toy is a dude, the sidekick toy is a dude, most of the supporting character toys are dudes, and the kid who owns the toys is a dude. Oh, and one of the two or three female characters is a Barbie, and she is an airhead. Business as usual.

But check this out. Yesterday, while shoveling a buttload of horse manure into my Gator, I listened to a recent “Fresh Air” podcast wherein Terry Gross interviews two Hollywood dudes who had something to do with making “Toy Story 3.” The Hollywood dudes start talking about “getting to the emotional truth of the characters.” I have, with my usual painstaking attention to detail, transcribed the portion of the interview in which they reveal how they went about getting to the “emotional truth” of a Ken doll character.

Hollywood Dude #1: I don’t know if you had any Ken dolls when you were growing up; I certainly didn’t. But my friends’ little sisters did and we made endless fun of Ken. Ken’s just a-a-a whipping boy [...] We thought, well what does it feel like to be a guy who’s a girl’s toy? You’re a guy, but you’re only played with by little girls. And then further, he’s just an accessory to Barbie. You know he doesn’t carry equal weight to, with Barbie, he’s really no more important than a pair of shoes or a belt or a purse to her, and we knew that he would have to have a complex.

Hollywood Dude #2: Yeah, no, I mean, that’s one of the things that’s such a pleasure working on a film like this is that you go, OK, what, you know, what are gonna be the issues of a character like Ken, like what’s gonna be the thing that like keeps him awake at night, you know, and, so, you know, immediately you come into the fact that maybe he’s a little bit insecure about the fact that-that-that he’s-he’s, you know, a girl’s toy and maybe he’s in denial of that.”

Immediately one is struck by the empathy shown poor Ken by the Hollywood dudes. Through his degraded status as a “whipping boy” toy whose lot in life is to be “only” played with by little girls, Ken accrues pathos. The subtext — that little girls are low prestige toy owners and confer shame upon any “male” toy forced to associate with them — reveals that the Hollywood dudes have thoroughly assimilated the message that female children are of lower status than male children, and actually do have cooties.

Another hilarious facet of Hollywood dudes’ remarks is their cogent assessment of the condition of existing solely as an accessory. It is obvious to them that relegating a sentient being to the role of one-dimensional second banana degrades that sentient being, which sentient being would then logically suffer psychological damage as a result (Ken’s “complex”). Yet it eludes them that this is precisely the condition they have imposed on the female characters in their own film, much less that it’s the condition overwhelmingly imposed on female characters in most other films, as well as the condition imposed on all actual live women. Does Mrs Potato Head lie awake at night pondering the horror of existing only as an afterthought to, and entirely in terms of, Mr Potato Head? Not in “Toy Story 3!”

In other words, the Hollywood dudes have perfectly illustrated the point of view of the entitled default human: men are men, and women are toys.

* Is it just me, or does even Terry Gross seem to interview way more dudes than dudesses?

[YouTube link courtesy of Veganrampage]

UAE , US pretty much sympatico re: domestic violence

Hey, patriarchy-deniers! Sit ‘n’ spin on this:

Dr Ahmed al Kubaisi, the head of Sharia Studies at UAE University and Baghdad University, told the National that beating one’s wife is at times necessary to preserve family bonds.

“If a wife committed something wrong, a husband can report her to police,” Dr al Kubaisi told the newspaper. “But sometimes she does not do a serious thing or he does not want to let others know; when it is not good for the family. In this case, hitting is a better option.”

What’s old Ahmed al Kubaisi talking about? Why, the recent ruling of the highest court in the whole United Arab Emirates, that’s what. Those fucking fucks have decided that it’s A-OK for a dude to slap his bitches and his tiny tots around, as long as he doesn’t leave marks. Just like here in the US!

I’m not even kidding. I saw it on the Internet.

Incidentally, governments of the USA, UK, Germany, and Japan are all big pals with the UAE. They sell us oil, and we look the other way on the whole human rights abuses dealio. Awesome.

[via Pam Spaulding]

Little Miss Muffet

“Here is my question,” announces blamer JenniferRuth. “Can arachnophobia be blamed on the patriarchy?”

The answer is yes! Patriarchy is the gnarly firmament of dominant culture, and nothing may exist outside it; therefore absolutely everything can be blamed on it.

This, friends, is the beauty of patriarchy-blaming. Whenever one encounters, in the course of her daily flailings, anything untoward, unjust, illogical, wrong, asinine, violent, destructive, or mediocre, there can be no doubt that patriarchy is at the root of it. Got bunions? Blame patriarchy for misogynist shoe designers. Stuck in a Chilean coal mine? Blame patriarchy for the megatheocorporatocratic greed that exploits you. Suffering from irrational fear of spiders? Point your claw at the institutionalized English-speaking anti-spiderism commencing in 1805 with the first edition of “Little Miss Muffet,” jut out your chin, and cry out “j’accuse!”

Chads and other antifeminist fuckbags often flip out when they hear an Internet feminist aver that patriarchy — that is, the culture of domination — is responsible for much of the world’s unpleasantness. Their flip-outs are funny and sad; the Chad never lived who understood even roughly what patriarchy even is. But this is the Internet, where ignorance fuels passion, and where a Chad’s job is to strenuously object to the blamer’s irrefutable evidence that patriarchy exists. Often he attempts this by denouncing the patriarchy blamer as a paranoid nutjob.

Consider this remark from Ralph, recently submitted to an old post on Shulamith Firestone.

Someone wrote, ‘Patriarchy is the problem.’ Isn’t this just a convenient scapegoat. Blame everything on some abstract concept called ‘The Patriarchy.’ Who is in this group anyway: the gentleman sitting behind you, the young man in the suit, the guy on the bus? All men. All evil.

But, women can be members too. Those poor, foolish, misguided creatures.

‘The Patriarchy’ is in control right? We’d better identify its members and take care of them immediately.

What I love about this idea is it’s perfect for conspiracy theorists.

Ralph has gotten it into his head that patriarchy is both an “abstract concept” and a secret cabal of evil dudes the existence of which lies entirely in the imaginations of delusional loonies like, presumably, me. Like so many Chads before him, Ralph appears to be unaware that patriarchy isn’t an imaginary Mean Man Guild, but a global social order based on the fetishization of domination and submission, to which he himself is unwittingly subject. Ralph, in fact, demonstrates perfect assimilation by attempting to exercise dudely dominance on this very blog. Unfortunately for Ralph, this is a patriarchy-blaming blog, so he only ends up looking silly, but the point is, he is a shining example of patriarchy’s exquisite self-perpetuating design. By invoking the power of dudeliness with which it has invested him, he simultaneously denies its existence and defends it. “Patriarchy is a crock and I’m here to dominate you, stupid Internet feminist!”

Ralph, if you have the good sense to be reading this, I urge you to cast your status-quo-lovin’ eye around the putrid abattoir that passes for human civilization and ponder, just for 3 minutes, whether domination and submission is, in fact, the most desirable model for a world order.

In this charming illustration of arachnophobia, a little boy is shown inflicting terror on a little girl, just, apparently, for the hell of it. In the pornulated illustration at the top of the post, a big boy depicts a big girl upon whom terror is also inflicted for his amusement. “Boys will be boys” is one of the three cornerstones of patriarchy. The other two are “terrified chicks are hot,” “no means yes,” and “lighten up, can’t you take a joke?”

Illustrations: Pornulated Miss Muffet: ; Creepy boy with spider: Wikipedia Commons

Saturday invertebrate update

Large wolf spider encrusted with buttloads of tiny wolf spiders
Wolf spider the size of Guam, covered with tiny wolf spiders the size of an island smaller than Guam.

When a wolf spider the size of Guam strolls by, encrusted with, literally, a buttload of teensy wolf spiders, it is understandable if you widen the eyes a little and say something along the lines of “whoa!” or “what tha?” Nobody will think the less of you.

This heartwarming Neoscona inhabits my bedroom door jamb.

October is among the spideriest of months. Ghostly white crab spiders hide in the sunflowers, green-headed jumping spiders spring out from the wood piles, and giant Neocsonae cover all the windows and doorways in the bunkhouse with cobwebs, eventually enveloping the entire structure, imprisoning the unsuspecting inhabitants for later use as a food source over the winter. If you haven’t seen the dog lately, check the Neoscona web.

The kitchen window Argiope is the Platonic ideal of ubiquitous cardboard Halloween decorations.

I was watching the horror movie channel the other day and there was a scene where a dangling tarantula lowered itself down a thread onto a screaming girl. I laughed and laughed. Tarantulas burrow in the ground, they don’t dangle on screaming girls. That director. What a stupe.

Screaming girls are one of the four cornerstones of modern (and oldern) television. The other three cornerstones are ice girls, prostituted girls, pregnant girls, violated girls, and dead girls.

It’s Gratuitious Erotica Month!

So much has happened since the last time I bothered to post that I’m just going to ignore it all and start here.

First it must be acknowledged that here at Spinster Aunt HQ we are suffering from Chilean Miner Fatigue. Yes, we’re as enchanted as the next aunt by the time-honored spectacle of extracting humans from holes in the ground, but in the name of all that’s tasteful we draw the line at traveling to the nearest Chilean embassy to hang teddy bears on the railing.

Teddy bears. That reminds me. It’s breast cancer awareness month! Awesome!

There is much patriarchy to blame when it comes to breast cancer awareness month. Such as Komen. Komen, as I have declaimed extensively, has brainwashed millions into believing that the act of buying pink crap turns them into selfless philanthropists. Snap out of it! All you are doing is buying pink crap. Komen is a patriarchy-replicating commerce facilitator. They do not reduce breast cancer occurrence. They do not reduce breast cancer deaths. All they do is hook up sanctimonious shopaholics with corporate leeches who want to shine up their tarnished public images.

One may also blame such vile entities as Estee Lauder, which bolsters its public image with gratuitous pornography (see photo). There is a bizarre connection in the public consciousness between hottt! cleavage and deadly breast tumors. Remember that “Boobython” freakshow? How many other cancers can be successfully advertised with sex? Can you picture an ad for prostate cancer featuring a delicate, manicured hand squishing a dude’s junk? It blows the lobe.

Of course Estee Lauder is a bleepin cosmetics company, a world leader in the woman-hating Beauty Industrial Complex. According to Cosmetics Database, Estee Lauder manufactures at least 120 products with moderate to high hazard ratings. But a little pink ribbon erotica making vague allusions to breast cancer solidarity makes it OK to poison their customers, I guess. “Prevent breast cancer one woman at a time” indeed. By burning her fucking Estee Lauder wrinkle cream!

One may also blame breast cancer awareness month as the month when Vagina-Americans are most likely to Shop/Walk/Eat Toxic Processed Yogurt For the Cure. If I see one more pink teddy bear, one more pink food processor, one more pink TV commercial where those chicks stop in the middle of their triathlon to lick yog-spunk off their pink Yoplait lids, put on your raincoats, girls, because I’m gonna bust another lobe. I have no wish to observe yogurt-coated tongues sticking out of models’ faces while being told that replicating this act will cause 10 cents to be donated to Komen. “Save lids to save lives” is the slogan. As though Komen, or Yoplait for that matter, saves lives.

“Avoid this crappy yogurt at all costs to save lives” is more like it.

Yoplait. You know what’s in a Yoplait yogurt? Me neither, because they decline, for some reason, to publish any ingredients on the website. says only that Yoplait is good for your “health.” The website suggests, for example, that the vitamin D in a Yoplait yogurt is sufficient to ward off “bone fractures [...] heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, and certain cancers.”

Yoplait anecdote alert

A couple of months ago, when cruising the Super S grocery store in Dripping Springs, Texas for a head of iceberg lettuce, I bought a Yoplait yogurt called Yoplait® Whips!® Key Lime Pie. It was a ghoulish pastel green color most commonly found in My Little Unicorn play-sets. This “yogurt” had the sticky, fluffy texture of a sugary pond scum, and tasted like pure polyester syrup. The only way that creepy unnatural thing was gonna be good for me was if I threw it away instead of eating it. In fact, the best thing would have probably been be to load it onto a rocket and shoot it into the sun.

As the world’s leading expert on human nutrition, I suggest getting vitamin D the old-fashioned way: 15 minutes of sun. It’s free, it feels nice, and involves little-to-no FD&C Yellow No. 5.

What I did on my summer vacation

Got a new horse. I’m not gonna lie. She’s more fun than patriarchy blaming. Her name is Iz. For those who give a fig about equine particulars, she’s a bloomy 10-year-old chestnut 15.3 Thoroughbred/Oldenburg cross who never puts a foot wrong. We’ll be doing the low hunters, Spinster Aunt Division. In this award-nominated video Iz demonstrates her delightful disposition.

Will this blog ever be its old self again? Well, the racket of the crickets has tapered off such that I can now hear the toads, which make a noise like a game show buzzer only louder and more interminable. I know of no sound more likely to hurl me into a frogicidal mania. The other night, dripping with sweat and sleep deprivation, I completely lost it and actually tried to brain one with a shovel (no need to call PETA; I missed). I’m on 2 hours of sleep right now. Something’s gotta give. It doesn’t look like the toads are gonna give, so I’ll probably just claw my own face off soon.

But blaming will resume nevertheless. I’ve recently seen some shit on TV that blew my entire lobe, and I can’t wait to complain about it on the Internet!

Hey, hepcats!

Katydid (XL)
Fun fact: katydids are kosher. Come’n git it.

Why do you even have a patriarchy-blaming blog, Twisty, if you’re just gonna go AWOL and post pictures of skinks and katydids every 17.6 days?

Well, here’s the sitch. Brace yourself, because it sucks the bag.

It’s cricket season. Cricket season and blaming season cannot coexist.

Why the flarb not, you ask?

The reason is this: every night at about 2:47 AM some benighted cricket infests the bunkhouse in some cranny 6 inches from my ear and commences its chirpy oratorio. No spinster aunt on earth can sleep through that skin-crawling racket, so out of the TempurPedic I flop. At which point I either eat a tub of Cool Whip or strap on the point-and-shoot and saunter out to see what’s doin’ down at the old Orthoptera Compound. With the result that I get no sleep. My obstreperal lobe shrinks to the size of a frog egg. I am hurled into a moral darkness. Blaming is impossible under these circumstances.

Most people, when they are hurled into a moral darkness by unrelenting cricket-induced insomnia, go out and have a fuckin good time. They join a motorcycle gang, get a new tattoo, and do awesome drugs.

But all I have to show for it are 476 pictures of the huge katydid living on my drainpipe.

And the skink in the carport.

Ground skink

Would you believe that the katydid was bigger than the skink?