WTF is Doom?

    My name is Mike Mayberry. I live in a roomy Oldsmobile parked somewhere in Springfield, IL. I started this website to put my ideas out there in the ether. I am now using this site to piece together my thoughts on the national debt and to publish the Sonic Doom Podcast (don't worry I won't bore podcast listeners with national debt pieces). Along with the national debt, I am also interested in peak oil and the economy. I won’t always be right, I will try to be funny and hopefully I will make you think. Contact email: doom(at)thedoomletter(dot)com

Super Serious


I am not writing. I mean, I am writing this, but I am not writing. I have stick-to-it-ive-ness problems. Temporary ...

Sonic Doom Podcast #8

Thanks to the sponsors this week, Stinkeys and Cock Pop! Also thank you for listening. You can find SDP on ...

Doom Letter #21 – Stop Wasting Good Angst

It was recently brought to the periphery of my consciousness that some old fuck named Pat Robertson said some shit ...

Sonic Doom Podcast #2

An interesting interview with a sponsor, art school pirates, the worst decade ain't got shit on next year and what ...

2009 – another Doomless year

Unless you are in Greece, Zimbabwe or Somalia 2009 ended up being a pretty uneventful year on the doom front. ...

10 Questions You Should Answer

I get this sinking feeling sometimes, which I am sure comes as a big surprise given my obsession with doom. ...

Apparently, I am a crazy person

So, I took today off, and noticed that there was a panel discussion at the college on "The State of ...

The Only Recovery Will Be The Bubble Recovery

In order for the economy to rebound, some sector of the economy will have to begin growing in a meaningful ...

Americans, Welcome to the Global South

Children of the global south and the future of America? The term Global South was originated by some guilt-ridden, elitist academic ...

A list of things I need

In order: clean water food shelter basic sanitation company That is it, really. I should include tobacco as a need, since I am addicted to it. ...

The Futility of Calling It

Whatever it may be, the date of peak oil, market tops and bottoms, unemployment peaks, etc., people seem to love ...

The Fault Lines Emerge

I may or may not start regularly posting other people's writing like this, but when I read this particular piece ...

This is post #100

I just noticed when I posted my last doom letter that it was my 99th post. So since I feel ...

What we are up against, and a Story

I do menial tasks for a occupational health clinic - that means I have a job because other people get ...

Fertilizer companies are eating each other

I found this article on Bloomberg today: Agrium Inc., the largest U.S. supplier of seeds, fertilizer and pesticides, made an ...

Patriotism under my claw

Last year, I received an email from a family member (text is at the bottom of the post) that played ...

An Open Letter to Me in January 2001

Dear Mike, I hope this letter finds you well. I appreciate that you sat down for a few minutes to read ...

Karl Rove is the funniest turd blossom around

I am no longer in the habit of reading political masturbation pieces, but a friend emailed me Karl Rove's recent ...

Timothy Geithner is a Doucher

I am sure that you wouldn't expect the new Treasury Secretary to be a cool dude, but you probably also ...

More thoughts on the Obama stimulus

Last time I tore apart a right wing attack piece on Obama's stimulus. This time, Robert Kuttner of The American ...

Thoughts on the Obama stimulus plan

This is somewhat in response to this editorial from Brian Riedl at the National Review. Over the next few weeks, ...

Doom Letters


I am not writing. I mean, I am writing this, but I am not writing. I have stick-to-it-ive-ness problems. Temporary hiatus, effective like 3 months ago when I stopped writing.
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Doom Letter #23 – A Sell Out or A Pragmatist?

I have just read two posts(?) on the Huffington Post – bleh. But I tend to pick the low-hanging fruit in my pursuit for news these days, and I am just looking for something to link to so that you don’t think I am making this up. The first story is about Obama opening coastlines [...]

Doom Letter 22: A Letter to the Tea Partisans

Dear Well-to-do Baby Boomers,
I saw you at the Tea Party Convention in Nashville and you are a sad bunch of people. Your convention reminded me of an AARP meeting for only racist members. It is unfortunate that this is the best top-down “movement” that dethroned conservatives can muster. I understand that you dislike the president, [...]

Doom Letter #21 – Stop Wasting Good Angst

It was recently brought to the periphery of my consciousness that some old fuck named Pat Robertson said some shit about the earthquake in Haiti. That is the extent of my knowledge, and I refuse to investigate further because doing so would be a bigger waste of time and probably less funny that reading tweets [...]

Doom Letter #20 – If you can’t find god, find something

In December 2009, I had a chance encounter with a local that was putting together a protest against a local payday loan outfit. Due to the fact that I believe that the modern day loan shark, along with “tax preparers” that juice you with fees and interest on your tax refund, is among the lowest [...]

Doom Letter #19 – Fuck Glenn Beck

In an effort to better understand life and everything it can throw at you, a good place to start is at the conclusion that Glenn Beck is total bullshit. I don’t know any other way to say it. This man, with his jingo-jango books, radio and television shows, has had 2009 on lock down in [...]



I am not writing. I mean, I am writing this, but I am not writing. I have stick-to-it-ive-ness problems. Temporary hiatus, effective like 3 months ago when I stopped writing.
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Bernake attacks unemployment problem

In a new policy sea change at the Federal Reserve, Chairman Ben Bernanke is hitting the road to directly address the unemployment numbers plaguing the economic recovery. “I look at a lot of economic indicators, and nearly all of them are showing a return to healthy and sustained growth” Bernanke said from the unemployment office [...]

Tens of Millions participate in Earth Hour

On Saturday March 28th at 8:30 pm local time millions didn’t turn on their lights to raise awareness about global climate change. Although the participants included the predictable group of environmentally conscious wealthy elites around the globe, their impact was dwarfed by the millions and millions who participated unwittingly in the publicity stunt. From bush [...]

Guy torn between riding bike and showing off bumper sticker

In that past few years, there has been an explosion in the sales of bicycle related gadgets and propaganda. White people across the country have been buying carriers, trailers, heavy duty locks and bumper stickers in what is clearly a growth sector of the economy.
While most of these accessories are utilized to transport bicycles long [...]

One last surprise appointment for the new administration

In what is being called the most unprecedented and unorthodox move, the new administration has taken a bold step to assure the stability of the country’s future. After a long discussion with senior advisers President-Elect Obama has made a bold decision which will reportedly be announced right before the inauguration according to reports close to [...]

Illinois Tourism Board ponders new direction

In light of the election of favorite son Barack Obama to President and the pending indictment of the second governor in a row, there are grumblings at Illinois’ state tourism authority to change course to attract new visitors. “We are looking at Illinois’ current events and the past for connections” Lee Alstap, board member of [...]

Little Book on the BIG Debt


I am not writing. I mean, I am writing this, but I am not writing. I have stick-to-it-ive-ness problems. Temporary hiatus, effective like 3 months ago when I stopped writing.
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FY 2009’s Debt Cost Thoughts

Admittedly, this is a bit delayed. These numbers have been out for over a month, and I am just now getting around to digesting them. I will get into the numbers in a second, but first I want to discuss a general theme that needs to be taken into account when looking at FY 2009’s [...]

The Greenspan Commission Trap

This is the second installment on what will be a long series regarding the national debt and how it affects political policies.

In 1981, President Reagan established a commission to review the fiscal soundness of social security. The chairman of the commission was Alan Greenspan, who went on to head the Federal Reserve and lay the [...]

What is the national debt?

I would like for all of you to pretend with me for a minute. Say we all have excellent credit ratings and we have access to virtually boundless amounts of borrowed money. Now, the kicker of this deal is that we also don’t have to ever pay any of the money back, all we have [...]

US National Debt Maintenance

Oh my god, are you excited or what? I am gonna write about interest payments on the national debt now. I can just feel the excitement from all three of you. Anyway, I never find anything online to explain how this works in a clear way. Every year, the US government gives rich people 100’s [...]