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Memes website for UK Memes Central

In the media

An interview on religion and spirituality and lots of photos in The Third Way, Christian magazine.

I don't want to fight Christians even if they do!

Drugs talk at The Opium Den, August 2010

Read my Guardian blog - Commentisfree

New York Times and On the Human.
Starting 23 August 2010 join the debate on Temes: The third Replicator
(for more on this topic see Temes )

Morality and meaning without God. Listen again to BBC Radio 4 "Beyond Belief" broadcast 16 August 2010, or download the podcast.

Wired for God? I (the atheist) debate the origin of spiritual experiences with Charles Foster (the Christian) on Premier Christian Radio's "Unbelievable" . Listen.

Anorexia ...
You can read about Emily and her anorexia in the Mail, on ABC News, in her blog, and in mine at CiF.

A debate on Premier Christian Radio about the dreadful film "Expelled". 20 March 2010 Podcast.

The Edge Question 2010. How is the Internet changing the way you think?  My response. also see previous Edge questions

and ... The third replicator - Temes or Tremes?
Read the Feature article in New Scientist
2009 and help choose a name for the new replicator.
Watch my TED talk now podcast in English and Spanish, or read the book chapter.

You might like to know: 
why I gave up parapsychology - "Into the unknown"
why I left my job - "Leaving"
what it's like writing a textbook on consciousness - "Conscious effort"
and why I support the legalization of drugs.

Watch or listen to other Podcasts of interviews and lectures

I am currently Visiting Professor in the School of Psychology, University of Plymouth.

To find out about me try Who am I? or  Curriculum Vitae. You can see future and past presentations, and there are many online papers in the list of Publications, or watch and listen to podcasts.

If you want to find a specific topic try Research, or use the links at the top of the page.

New edition
of Consciousness: An Introduction UK edition now out !

Other books on Consciousness :
Conversations on Consciousness (now in Spanish)
Consciousness: An Introduction,
A very short introduction to consciousness

Articles The grand illusion; New Scientist, 2002
There is no stream of consciousness. JCS 2002

Video: my lecture on the Illusion of consciousness at Skeptics 2005

Ten Zen Questions  Published April 2009
Read Chapters 1 to 8, Join in the
Ten Zen Blog
or my Psychology Today blog.
Listen to my interview on Buddhist Geeks
or for more see Zen

Free will - listen to my Radio 3 lecture, or to the debate on BBC Radio 4's Beyond Belief.
Listen to a Podcast for GDay World
Reply to the Edge Question - now in German in Der Spiegel on line.

My agent is Mandy Little at Watson Little Ltd. 

Spirit And Sky Leading Site Award 2004. A fine example 
of what a spiritually oriented site should be!
Spirit And Sky
Top Spiritual Site

I support the Sense about Science campaign. Stop the libel laws silencing critical debate.

I am an "ally of Naturalism"

I'm an "Enthusiastic Bright". Visit the Bright's Net


and a Distinguished Supporter of the
British Humanist Association


Find me at Academia.edu


Green weddings.
You can get married in our house!


My husband, 
Adam Hart-Davis  

My son Jolyon Troscianko
who drew the pictures for 
Consciousness, VSI, and ConCon

Meme Lab UK



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Last updated: Friday, 22 October 2010 18:14

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Maintained by Sue Blackmore