SW 2224 front page

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Firefighters battle the scabs until the bitter end

Fire strikers' mass pickets stop the scabs

Photos of Saturday protests against spending review cuts, 23 October 2010

Saturday protests against the government’s spending review cuts, 23 October 2010

Pictures from firefighters' picket lines

Help London firefighters beat the scabs

France: a key moment as unions meet to consider next move

How we can stop the cuts

Follow France to build the resistance

Tory cuts will wreck lives

Download SW analysis of spending cuts as a leaflet

Anti-cuts protests spread

Spending Review cuts hit the poor and help the rich

Viva Palestina convoy reaches Gaza!

Victory for anti-fascist movement as Bolton court case dropped

Details of the Comprehensive Spending Review: Fight these vicious Tory cuts

Pictures of protests against spending review cuts, 20 October 2010

Reports from demonstrations against the spending cuts, 20 October 2010

Tube workers’ union: don’t work on London fire strike days if it’s not safe

Video of French strikers

Gaza convoy - blocked but defiant




Right to Work



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<span class='black'> (Pic: <a href='http://www.timonline.info'>Tim Sanders</a>)</span>

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Amicus | Aslef | ATL | Bectu | BFAWU | Community | Connect | CWU | EIS | Equity | FBU | GMB | Musicians Union | NAHT | Napo | NASUWT | Nipsa | NUJ | NUT | Oilc | PCS | POA | Prospect | RCN | RMT | T&G; | TSSA | Ucatt | UCU | Unison | Unite | Unite (Amicus section) | Unite (T&G; section) | Usdaw |

Current issue: 2224 dated: 23 October 2010

The Tories declare class war - fight back now

George Osborne’s spending cuts are a declaration of brutal class war


Spending Review cuts hit the poor and help the rich online only

Multi-millionaire George Osborne’s class war spending cuts will leave millions of ordinary people without vital services and drive up poverty and inequality

Download SW analysis of spending cuts as a leaflet online only

Either single A4 or A3 spread PDFs

Saturday protests against the government’s spending review cuts, 23 October 2010 online only

Reports and pictures will be updated through the day [updated Saturday 6

List of protests over cuts this Saturday

Tens of thousands of people were set to protest, march and rally this Saturday, 23 October, against the Tories’ brutal cuts

France in revolt shows our power

The fightback in France against attacks on pensions has shown magnificent resistance

Firefighters are striking for us all

London’s firefighters were set to strike this Saturday, in the first big walkout since the Tories launched their cuts onslaught

Newport comes out to stop passport job massacre

Newport in South Wales is a city already facing up to the bleak consequences of Tory cuts

French workers take to the streets

Ca va péter ! Manif Retraites 12.10.10 Bx (NPA)
Uploaded by Talenceagauchevraiment. - News videos from around the world.

NPA video of strikes and demonstrations around France

African independence: A dream of freedom derailed

Ken Olende looks at what happened to the ‘wind of change’, and hopes for a new era

Full contents


March, strike, occupy in the weeks ahead

There are urgent steps to take—and vital arguments to be won—to create a movement powerful enough to defeat the Tories’ cuts onslaught

Thousands take to the streets against austerity

Thousands of trade unionists protested in central London on Tuesday to oppose Tory plans to make massive public spending cuts in Wednesday’s comprehensive spending review

Students warm up for big cuts battle

Students are facing a pincer movement of attacks as the government and its business allies prepare to slash higher education spending and push up fees

Incapacity benefit cut is a sick attack on vulnerable

In their desperate drive to slash spending, the Tories are targeting the most vulnerable

Housing: Who are the real ‘under-occupiers’?

The Tories want to force council tenants who earn anything more than poverty wages out of their homes

Health and safety attacks put lives at risk

Tory peer Lord Young launched a determined attack on workers when he advised the government to weaken existing health and safety legislation on Friday of last week

Man dies during forced deportation

Jimmy Mubenga died after he was manhandled onto a British Airways flight to Angola during an attempted forced deportation

Shocking rise in stop and search figures

Black people are 27 times more likely to face stop and search by the police than whites

Firefighters are striking for us all

London’s firefighters were set to strike this Saturday, in the first big walkout since the Tories launched their cuts onslaught

Support grows across Britain for anti-racist protest on 6 November

Coaches are booked from over 30 towns and cities across Britain to the national demonstration and carnival against racism, fascism and Islamophobia on 6 November in central London

Union activists lobby for ballot bill

1,000 protest against cuts in Nottingham

On Monday night more than 1,000 teaching assistants, teachers and workers protested in Nottingham Market Square against Tory cuts

Newport comes out to stop passport job massacre

Newport in South Wales is a city already facing up to the bleak consequences of Tory cuts

Tower Hamlets mayor election hots up

Tower Hamlets in east London was the scene of a hotly contested election for mayor this week

Pensioners: ‘We aren’t giving up our day centre without a fight’

Sotheby Mews Day Centre, Islington, north London, is typical of the thousands of crucial services the Tory cuts will destroy

Activists' diary

What's on this week

List of protests over cuts this Saturday

Tens of thousands of people were set to protest, march and rally this Saturday, 23 October, against the Tories’ brutal cuts

Tube workers’ union: don’t work on London fire strike days if it’s not safe online only

RMT members working on London’s tube are being advised not to work during the firefighters’ strike in the capital this Saturday if their safety can’t be guaranteed

Reports from demonstrations against the spending cuts, 20 October 2010 online only

People around the country are protesting against the savage Tory cuts in George Osborne's Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR)

Pictures of protests against spending review cuts, 20 October 2010 online only

Details of the Comprehensive Spending Review: Fight these vicious Tory cuts online only

Download this article as a leaflet

Victory for anti-fascist movement as Bolton court case dropped online only

Crown prosecution service drop case against anti-EDL protester after viewing television footage showing defendant being beaten by police

Spending Review cuts hit the poor and help the rich online only

Multi-millionaire George Osborne’s class war spending cuts will leave millions of ordinary people without vital services and drive up poverty and inequality

Anti-cuts protests spread online only

Thousands of people took to the streets across Britain as the details of the cuts became clear

Download SW analysis of spending cuts as a leaflet online only

Either single A4 or A3 spread PDFs

Tory cuts will wreck lives online only

Socialist Worker looks at where he wants the axe to fall

Follow France to build the resistance online only

protests have started against the cuts

How we can stop the cuts online only

The spending review is a declaration of war on the working class

Help London firefighters beat the scabs online only

London's firefighters need every trade unionist and activist in the city to join them during their strike this Saturday as they launch mass pickets against scabs

Pictures from firefighters' picket lines online only

Report will follow

Saturday protests against the government’s spending review cuts, 23 October 2010 online only

Reports and pictures will be updated through the day [updated Saturday 6

Photos of Saturday protests against spending review cuts, 23 October 2010 online only

Fire strikers' mass pickets stop the scabs online only

Striking London firefighters scored a huge victory against management's scabbing operation today (Saturday)

Firefighters battle the scabs until the bitter end online only

As the scabs tried to get the fire engines back into the bosses’ base, a mass picket of London firefighters hounded every last one of them, late into the night


The Tories declare class war - fight back now

George Osborne’s spending cuts are a declaration of brutal class war

Who says?

In their own words

Quotes from the week's news


Tim's view

Leon Kuhn: 'Die! Damn you'

Tim: No French lessons


France in revolt shows our power

The fightback in France against attacks on pensions has shown magnificent resistance

Acropolis occupied in Greek protests over cuts

Protests rocked Athens on Thursday of last week, as Greek workers and students continued their fight against cuts

Italian workers demand ‘Strike, strike, strike’

Up to one million workers marched in Rome on Saturday against finance minister Giulio Tremonti’s deficit reduction plans

Gaza convoy - blocked but defiant online only

The fifth Viva Palestina convoy from Britain is nearing Gaza

Video of French strikers online only

An NPA video showing French workers striking and protesting around the country

Viva Palestina convoy reaches Gaza! online only

The fifth Viva Palestina convoy from Britain has reached Gaza

France: a key moment as unions meet to consider next move online only

French workers and students continued their inspiring strikes in Thursday, as the movement comes to a critical point


Anti-fascism: do we confront or comply?

History teaches us that state bans don’t work—and have been used against anti-fascists

Reject the lie that we are all selfish

Two news stories this week give the lie to the myth that people are naturally selfish


African independence: A dream of freedom derailed

Ken Olende looks at what happened to the ‘wind of change’, and hopes for a new era

Exposing the myth of ‘ordinary bloke’ David Cameron and his ‘Mr Average’ friends

Simon Basketter uncovers the Tories’ parallel universe

What Socialists Say

Do we need to pay off the budget deficit?

The Tories are using Britain’s budget deficit to justify an assault on the working class



Liverpool fans kick out millionaires | Where are jobs for people like me? | BBC union leaders’ mistake | Seeds of revolt at Tate Modern | Why they want to destroy Tommy Sheridan | Racism in prison system | Head’s wealth can aid state | All migrants have X factor | Solicitor beat the jobs axe | This country is undemocratic


Lip Service: A realistic and positive portrayal of lesbian life

Julie Bremner looks at a new BBC drama that is putting gay life in the spotlight

How Many Roads: Black America Sings Bob Dylan

Bob Dylan’s impact on popular songwriting was immediate and enduring, and this is particularly true of at least one black American singer-songwriter

The Arbor

The Arbor is the powerful true story of Bradford playwright Andrea Dunbar (best known for Rita, Sue and Bob Too) and her daughter Lorraine

Walid Raad: Miraculous Beginnings

Walid Raad says his work “was in some ways made possible by the wars in Lebanon”

By4 exhibition

This is an exhibition by four contemporary artists

News & Reports

Workers take rolling strikes for union rep

Workers at Plymouth bed manufacturer Vi-Spring are continuing their industrial action for another three weeks

Transport workers: ‘We want 48-hour strikes’

More RMT transport union branches are backing the call to extend the strikes on London Underground in the battle for jobs and safety

Unofficial action at Arriva Trains Wales

Workers at Arriva Trains Wales are taking unofficial action over an “unacceptable” pay offer and conditions

Managers ‘desperate’ at CT Plus bus dispute

Bus drivers at CT Plus’s Ash Grove garage in Hackney, east London, struck on Friday of last week in their battle for decent pay

Power strikers stop traffic

Maintenance workers employed by Babcock Nuclear Services struck on Tuesday and Wednesday of last week in a row over pay

Ratchet up the campaign for Jerry Hicks

The election for general secretary of Britain’s biggest union begins next Monday when Unite sends out ballot papers to over a million members

Save South Manchester Law Centre

Deportations to Zimbabwe resumed

The government is planning to resume forced deportations of “failed asylum seekers” to Zimbabwe

OUP battle for fair pay

Warehouse staff at Oxford University Press (OUP) struck on Tuesday of last week and plan two days of strikes this week

Secret new offer at BA

A new offer may be on the cards at British Airways (BA)—but cabin crew have no details of it

Tyneside Safety Glass

The Unite union will ballot workers at Tyneside Safety Glass on a new pay offer

BBC workers vote on new offer

Workers at the BBC are voting on a new offer proposed by management

Protest in Chesterfield

UCU to hold special HE conference

The UCU lecturers’ union will hold a special sector conference in Manchester on 25 November

Socialist Worker Appeal workplace collections

Our workplace collection week has proved a success, with a wide range of Socialist Worker readers raising money for the appeal

Campaign to save Shepherd’s Bush Market

Up to 150 people came to a council “drop-in” session on Friday of last week to oppose the demolition of Shepherd’s Bush Market

Teachers misled at St Aloysius College

Have teachers, parents, governors, the headteacher and the local MP all been lied to about St Aloysius College in Islington?

Tunnock's strike settled

Strikes at Tunnock’s bakery in Lanarkshire have ended after the union came to a new pay deal

Climate jobs can work

Around 50 people came to the launch of the updated ‘One Million Climate Jobs’ pamphlet in the House of Commons on Thursday 14 October

Bucks NHS staff vote for a ballot

More than 200 hospital workers in Buckinghamshire have voted to ballot for strikes

Croydon builds fight to stop cuts

Croydon council, the Home Office and other public bodies are pushing through thousands of job cuts in the south London borough

Protest at police custody deaths

Families and friends of people who have died in police custody will march thorough central London on Saturday 30 October

Manchester taxi drivers may strike

Taxi drivers in Manchester have threatened “a winter of strikes” in protest at council plans to introduce a new penalty points scheme

Back post protest in Stevenage

Postal workers in Stevenage are preparing to march to defend their mail centre, which Royal Mail is threatening to close

Meetings and events

Meetings and events

SWP regional rallies | SWP public meetings | SWP branch meetings | Movement events | Unite Against Fascism | Bookmarks events

SW Appeal advert National anti-racist demo Bookmarks the socialist bookshop

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