Welcome to the Skeptics in the Pub, Nottingham.

Welcome to Skeptics in the Pub, Nottingham. Skeptics in the Pub is about getting people together to have a relaxed and enjoyable evening while listening to talks given in a friendly manner on a wide range of topics.

We usually meet on the first Tuesday of the month at the Fellows Morton and Clayton and the talks usually start at 7.30pm.

The events are free though we do ask for a £2 donation to cover the speakers expenses and other costs.

All upcoming events are listed below and the meetings are open to all whatever your beliefs and views so please, come along.

You can also join our Facebook group here

We also have a Twitter Feed at www.twitter.com/notts_skeptics which we will keep you up to date on up coming meetings and other information.

Don't Be A Dick: Etiquette for Atheists and Skeptics 

Rebecca Watson When?
Tuesday, October 12 at 7:00PM

Fellows Morton and Clayton
54 Canal Street,
NG1 7EH.

Rebecca Watson

What's the talk about?

It's not easy being a rational person in what often seems to be in irrational world. How do you stay true to your skeptical standpoint without sounding like a tiresome know-it-all? This talk will give some helpful life tips using real-life examples and pre-recorded reenactments starring Jon Ronson, Professor Chris French, and Dr Adam Rutherford of BBC's The Cell.

Rebecca Watson leads a team of skeptical female activists at Skepchick.org, co-hosts the weekly podcast The Skeptics’ Guide to the Universe, produces pin-up calendars of scientists and skeptics, and attempts to rock harder each year.

She currently lives in London where she works as a freelance writer in order to fund her hardcore skepticism habit. There is currently an asteroid orbiting the sun with her name on it.

Wheaton's Law and Skeptism

Nottingham Sitp Social event

Tuesday, October 26 at 7:30PM

The Roebuck Inn
9-11 St. James's Street
NG1 6FH.

Any one who wants too

What's the talk about?

I am proud to announce that our first ever-social meet-up has now been organised!

I am starting a monthly skeptical drinking session in Nottingham, and to throw a topic up to get people thinking and talking.  Sticking to the topic is of course not mandatory!

This follows on from Octobers speaker, Rebecca Watson's talk and the fall out from Phil Plait's now infamous ' Don't be a Dick' talk at TAM 8 and wondered what people are thinking?  Are we rude, snobby, know it alls or is this piece of skeptic fluff which we can safely ignore.

When October 26th at 7:30PM

Where the Roebuck Inn, 9-11 St. James's Street, Nottingham

Everyone one is welcome and I hope to see you there.

Breaking the Crop Circle

Trystan Swale When?
Tuesday, November 9 at 7:30PM

Fellows Morton and Clayton
54 Canal Street,
NG1 7EH.

Trystan Swale

What's the talk about?

Almost twenty years after two English pranksters admitted to beginning the modern crop circle phenomenon, popular belief in a paranormal explanation remains puzzlingly high. Drawing from the time he continues to spend studying the subject, Trystan offers an insight into the bad science, poor reasoning and denialism of those who still choose to believe.

Co-host and founder of the popular Righteous Indignation podcast, Trystan Swale spent six years actively investigating Fortean phenomena with various groups in the south west of England. Emerging with little more than a headache and plenty of regrets he has since entertained, amused and enraged a wide range of audiences with his forthright views on the paranormal.

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