Link to GDP.html
Link to Practical politics
Link to 50 Years ago


The New GDP : Gilts, Debts and ‘PIIGS’
We examine the state of what is euphemistically known as the ‘public finances’.

Practical politics
Capitalism is an insane system which cannot be made fair by reform or regulation.

Flying saucers? Alien abductions? We publish an article that may finally settle such mysteries.

Big Society or Little Trick?
Cameron’s Vision Thing is too obvious to fool anybody.


  Contact Details



 Material World

 Cooking the Books 1

 Cooking the Books 2

 Tiny Tips

 Pieces Together

  50 Years Ago

  Greasy Pole

  Voice from the Back


  Free Lunch
Some socialist resources on the internet
In next month’s issue:

• Measuring World Poverty
• Housing
• Slums
• Disability

  Click here for Free sub printout

Subscription Orders

should be sent to

 The Socialist Party,
52 Clapham High Street,
 London SW4 7UN.

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(normal rate)
One year subscription (low/unwaged)
Europe rate
£20 (Air mail)
Rest of world
£25 (Air mail)
Voluntary supporters subscription £20 or more. Cheques payable to ‘The Socialist Party of Great Britain’.
Socialist Standard                          October 2010

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