Sunday, October 24, 2010

As Rooney cashes in, his adopted city prepares for worst of cuts

Unsettled striker will earn up to £200,000 a week for next five years, whilst in Manchester alone, 40,000 workers are expected to their lose jobs by 2014.

See What you think, click here. If you want to: that is.


Wayne's wages?
£200,000 per week, x4, £800,000 per month, x12, £9,600,000, per annum.
A tidy sum, by any ones standards: a years wage, and he's a multi-millionaire!

I'm sure that Manchester United can afford to pay its players these - compared to my pittance - gross wages, but that's the way the cookie crumbles. Sad, but true.

Workers doing useful social work will be lucky if they can earn Rooney's weekly wage in a life-time, let alone in a year, but of course this is capitalism in action.

And in capitalism useful work equals poverty, and useless work, eg football players, and other entertainers, not to forget the millionaire politicians, with their millionaire corporate backers, means wealth beyond the dreams of avarice.

Oh, and before I'm accused of being jealous, it's not jealousy that motivates me: it's anger. 

Anger at the fact that in the early 21st century we - the working class - are still a subject race, in thrall, - and it seems willingly - to the capitalist class.

So, fellow workers let's all get angry and re-order the world in our own interest. 

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

French strikers step up pressure on Sarkozy

Click to play
Click to play
The BBC's Christian Fraser reports from the scene of a protest march in Paris

More than one million people have taken to the streets of France in a sixth national day of action against planned pension reforms, officials say.


 When are the British workers taking to the streets against millionaire Cameron's cuts?
Let's follow our French colleague's example.

Social housing budget 'to be cut in half'. And who does this affect: I ask myself?

Council and private housing
Ministers are expected to introduce a 'flexible tenancy'
The social housing budget in England is to be cut by more than 50% in the Spending Review, the BBC understands.
Council houses "for life" will also end for new tenants, with their entitlement assessed at regular intervals.
Despite the cuts, ministers are likely to set a target of building 150,000 affordable homes, changing the way councils charge rent to finance them.
If you want to read more, click here. 


Don't be surprised, if, because of this policy, we - the poor - end up as vagrants, being hunted from parish to parish: itinerant labourers looking for work.

Grim, I grant you, but who knows what goes on in millionaire Cameron & Co's minds?

Monday, October 18, 2010

Three peers to be suspended from Lords over expenses claims.

Lord Paul, Lady Uddin and Lord Bhatia 

Lady Uddin, Lord Paul and Lord Bhatia have been ordered to pay back £125,000, £40,000 and £27,000 respectively

Three peers are to be suspended from parliament in the toughest punishment enacted in the House of Lords in modern times after an inquiry found that each had broken expenses rules to wrongly claim tens of thousands of pounds in expenses.


There is no doubt that Cameron and crew are bent on demonising, and pauperising the poor.
Now, Osborne, with his three strikes and you are barred from benefit for three years; and this because the Claimants may make a mistake - some might chance their luck, but it's not up to me to condem them for that - when they are filling out the forms. After all, the benefit claimants are down on their uppers, and they have no fortune to fall back on: unlike Cameron's crooked pals, who fiddle their so-called expenses, ad nauseam.

The benefit claimants have nothing, and Cameron and his crew are determined to make sure that they have even more nothing, or even the jail!

Meanwhile, their lordships will probably get their fingers rapped, or even a fine: but what's that to millionaire?

F**k all!!!

I'm sure all those millionaire christian bourgeois politicians, give thanks to their god - mammon - on a Sunday, and come out out of their church, feeling well pleased with themselves.

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

At least the ducks don't destroy their environment: unlike, you know who?

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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Anxiety and rebellion in ranks but Nick Clegg calls for steady nerves

To see this story with its related links on the site, go to
Anxiety and rebellion in ranks but Nick Clegg calls for steady nerves
Activists told to hold their nerve as leader says party would have lost credibility if it had spurned coalition agreement
Nicholas Watt, chief political correspondent
Tuesday September 21 2010
The Guardian


Well, that's it now! Cameron and Clegg's marriage is consummated, and the dozy Lib-Dems swallowed it all: hook, line and sinker. 

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Last 'sin-eater' celebrated with church service

The Reverend Norman Morris at Richard Munslow's grave The Reverend Norman Morris led the service for Richard Munslow
The restored grave of the last known "sin-eater" in England has been at the centre of a special service in a Shropshire village churchyard. Read the rest here


When I see news like this, I have to ask myself: is Humanity going off its head?

Friday, September 17, 2010

Are you looking - at Me?

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Friday, September 10, 2010

"Fidel Castro says his economic system is failing". Has he just found out? Some have known that for years.

Former Cuban leader Fidel Castro Fidel Castro, pictured earlier this month, criticised Cuba's state-dominated system. Photograph: Desmond Boylan/Reuters It was a casual remark over a lunch of salad, fish and red wine but future historians are likely to parse and ponder every word: "The Cuban model doesn't even work for us any more."

Fidel should have said, that his state-owned capitalist system doesn't work anymore: the truth is that it has never worked for the workers.

Of course all the bourgeois apologists will be cock-a-hoop, about Fidel's admission - suckers.

But, from where I sit, the bourgeois privately owned, "free-market" capitalist system, doesn't work for the workers either.

So, fellow workers. Between, "Free-market capitalism, or State-capitalism, as far as we are concerned, it is simply a choice, between Tweedle Dum, and Tweedle Dee, either way: we are screwed.

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

"GREED IS GOOD". So they tell us?

US Tea Party in London to spread low tax message

In an event organised by the Taxpayers' Alliance and sponsored by US lobbyists, the group will also promote small government
Tea Party Tax Protest, Atlanta, Georgia
A Tea Party anti-tax protest in Atlanta: The rightwing group is in London to promote its small government and low tax message. Photograph: KPA/Zuma/Rex Features
Lobbyists behind the rightwing Tea Party group in the US will arrive in London today to spread their message of low taxes and small government at an event organised by the UK's controversial Taxpayers' Alliance.


Courtesy of Wikipedia

Matthew Elliott[3] is the current Chief Executive of The Taxpayers' Alliance.
In October 2009 Mr. Elliott admitted that another director of the group, Alexander Heath, had not in fact paid any British taxes for several years as he resides in a farmhouse in the Loire in France [4].


Some people has neck for anything, lobbying for "low tax", and never paid any tax for several years: what a fucking hero!!!

Millionaires, Billionaires and maybe even Trillionaires, whose sole purpose in life, is to accumulate more and more money for themselves, and at the same time, happily trashing the poor.

Greedy, greedy, greedy, obscenely rich individuals. 

I won't call them Bastards, because that would malign Bastards, and they really, don't deserve it.