Fox News coverage claims Wikileaks has endangered lives in U.S.-occupied Iraq

The war on WikiLeaks

The latest secrets revealed by WikiLeaks show the terrible legacy of the U.S. war on Iraq--but U.S. political leaders are trying to shoot the messenger. Updates

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Justice or attacking teachers?

A proposed legal settlement to limit teacher layoffs in some heavily minority schools in LA is being exploited by school "reformers" for their own ends.

Why should politics be polite?

The Jon Stewart rally this weekend is bound to draw young people filled with unhappiness about the world, but its anti-ideological spirit is a dead end.

Where are the poor to go?

Some 150 tenants packed a meeting of the Chicago Housing Authority board to demand that it keep the Lathrop Homes available to low-income families.

Taking aim at ESPN Zone

Workers at an ESPN Zone restaurant in Baltimore who lost their jobs when the chain shut most of its doors are fighting back.

Time to take it down a notch? Or up?

Lots of people disgusted with right-wing fanaticism will cheer on Jon Stewart's "Million Moderate March." But is moderation what we need?

In depth feature on Election 2010

Democrats scare out the vote

Forget about what we did for two years, and focus on what the Republicans will do--that's the message of the Democratic Party before next month's election.

The change we didn't get

Barack Obama and the Democrats are about to take a pasting not because they were too bold, but because they tailored their policies to Wall Street.

What can we do to stop the right?

More and more people are feeling the urgent need to challenge the right wing and its bigotry. But that challenge will have to come from below.

Antiwar protest at Obama fundraiser

Around 50 people came out for an antiwar march and rally at a Democratic fundraiser headlined by President Barack Obama.

The roots of racism

Racism as we understand it today did not always exist. It came into being as a consequence of the African slave trade and the rise of capitalism.

Karl Marx's theory of revolution

Marx's view of the world is built around the centrality of the struggle between exploiter and exploited--ultimately over whether society will go forward or not.

Day Schools on the Marxist Tradition

Find out more about daylong conferences on Marxism being held by the International Socialist Organization around the country.

New stage in the war on dissent

The president of the Center for Constitutional Rights on the escalating assault on civil liberties in the wake of the FBI raids on antiwar and socialist activists.

Britain’s assault on pensions

The new Conservative Party government in Britain is taking aim at some of the most vulnerable people in society.

The struggle is far from over

Protesters in Paris continue mass mobilizations against Nicolas Sarkozy's pension "reform"

French workers and students' struggle against raising the retirement age has unleashed a general resistance against Nicolas Sarkozy's policies.

The revolt shaking France

Strikes and demonstrations have spread to every corner of France as conservative President Nicolas Sarkozy pushes his proposal for pension "reform."

Viva Palestina breaks the siege

After numerous delays and bureaucratic stalling, a fifth aid convoy organized by Viva Palestina has crossed into Gaza.

Stepping out of the shadows

In France, thousands of workers without legal immigration status are playing a central role in reenergizing the country's left-wing social movements.

Teachers in the crosshairs

A teacher prepares for the school day in Texas (Patsy Lynch)

The rejection of a proposed teachers' contract in Baltimore reflects growing rank-and-file discontent with the failure of unions to confront "school reform."

Not one more eviction

On the heels of a victory that stopped some evictions in Chicago, activists are calling for an immediate moratorium on all evictions.

Manufacturing a terrorism case

Despite having neither the means nor intent to commit acts of terrorism before a government agent entered their lives, four New York men face life in jail.

Why are airline profits soaring?

Wall Street is thrilled because airlines are making big money--but that doesn't necessarily bode well for passengers or airline workers.

The battle at Hilton and beyond

Three-day strikes by UNITE HERE workers at Hilton hotels in Chicago, San Francisco and Honolulu raised the heat on the bosses.

Whittier parents close to victory

After over a month of occupying a field house at Whittier Elementary School, a group of Chicago mothers believe they are close to winning their demands.

Justice for Oscar Grant

About 500 people rallied for justice for Oscar Grant III at Oakland's City Hall in advance of the sentencing of his murderer.

Standing up to the Klan

More than 150 counterprotesters turned out to confront members of the Ku Klux Klan who held an anti-LGBT rally at Augusta State University.

Gainesville punishes the hungry

Dozens of residents confronted Mayor Craig Lowe and city commissioners about Gainesville's "meal-limit" ordinance against the homeless and hungry.

Honest finding in police killing

A Seattle police firearms review board ruled that the deadly shooting of a Native American man by an officer was not justified.

French lessons

On the march in Paris against Nicolas Sarkozy's pension reform law (Rafael Lopez)

The revolt against Nicolas Sarkozy's pension "reform" has transformed French politics--and it has the potential to do the same across Europe and beyond.

On bankers and brains

The bankers and stockbrokers are convinced that they're entitled to their wealth and power--and that this wealth and power reflects their superiority.

I have spoken out for justice

A renowned writer and activist explains why she faces arrest for exposing the truth about India's occupation of Kashmir.

Nothing to apologize for

After two decades, Anita Hill's testimony--and the right-wing backlash against her--holds lessons for anyone who takes sexual harassment seriously.

Hero or unprincipled snake?

The Liberal Democrats--junior partners to the Tories in Britain's government--are abandoning all their election promises.

An alternative for New York

Democrats are telling people to vote for Andrew Cuomo to keep Carl Paladino out of the governor's office--but there's a real choice on the ballot.

Fire Juan Williams? You bet.

Would there be any question about NPR's decision if Williams had expressed similar sentiments toward any other religion?

A Harlem charter takeover

Thousands of people in Harlem are about to lose their green space--to the construction of yet another charter school.

A city's fortunes in decline

Rochester, N.Y., is a perfect laboratory of imperial decline--once a boomtown, now a city whose corporate fortunes are waning.

NFL violence comes to a head

This season, a typical NFL game is starting to look like a triage center, with concussions and serious injuries to players piling up.

Don't kill Detroit's orchestra

Musicians of the Detroit Symphony Orchestra on the picket line

Musicians of the Detroit Symphony Orchestra are on the picket line, fighting for fair wages, but also the future of music.

Hold the lesser evil accountable

If Democrats lose ground in this election, they have no one to blame but themselves. We shouldn't support them out of fear of a GOP takeover.

Building the movement at UW

In the interest of building the most effective movement to stop the cuts, it's helpful to assess the lessons learned from organizing that took place last spring.

Why were they underground?

If we were to really examine the root causes of Chile's mining disaster, we would have to question capitalism itself.