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Osborne’s modern-day clearances

The Tories are planning to cleanse the poor from our cities. But will Labour offer a workable alternative
Osborne’s modern-day clearances

Universities challenged

Society needs to have a civilised conversation with itself about its values. But spending cuts threatening the humanities put that in danger.
Universities challenged

The man’s not for turning

Osborne’s lack of a plan B could prove his undoing. But it is the British people who will pay the price.
The man’s not for turning

The NS Interview: Bill Bryson

“Have you ever seen Glenn Beck in operation? It’s terrifying”
The NS Interview: Bill Bryson

We’ve just jumped off a cliff

George Osborne’s Comprehensive Spending Review is the biggest — and riskiest — macroeconomic experiment undertaken by any advanced country in living memory.
We’ve just jumped off a cliff
New Statesman cover | 1 November 2010

New Statesman cover | 1 November 2010

Sneak preview of this week’s front cover.


Prime ministerial debates belong to the voters, not the politicians.

Prime ministerial debates belong to the voters, not the politicians.

Broadcasters need to insist on a more open set of debates.


Web Only: the best of the blogs

Web Only: the best of the blogs

The five must-read blogs from today, on worthless banks, Grayling’s porkies and housing benefit.

Top 10 absurd things they tried to ban

Top 10 absurd things they tried to ban

In honour of the Italian seaside town that recently banned miniskirts, here is our pick of the best banned items.


BA head questions airport security

BA head questions airport security

Martin Broughton says we shouldn't "kowtow" to US demands as certain checks are "completely redundant".

Indonesian rescue teams battle to reach survivors
An estimated 400 people are missing after a tsunami struck small islands off the coast of Sumatra.

Police in training for 'Mumbai-style' terror attack in UK
Security chiefs order more guns and extra training to prepare for "commando-style" attacks.

Labour takes lead in new poll as cuts fears grow
Tories behind in new Populus poll for the first time since November 2007.

Leader: Down and out in London

WikiLeaks, wealth and Wayne
History the US prefers to forget, confusing coalition policies, football commodities and perennial poppies.

Weekly Briefing

Spill waters run deep

Spill waters run deep

Oil stopped flowing from the Deepwater Horizon rig in July, but the legal wrangling is only just beginning.

The NS Interview: Bjørn Lomborg
“I didn’t want to be the gay guy who talks about the environment”.

Natural Capital: The True Wealth of Nations
Economists have still not caught up with the most important capital of all: Natural Capital.

A world too full of people
Politicians of western countries avoid talking about population control, but if we invest in family planning we might just save our planet.

Sunday Telegraph apologises to UN climate chief
Sunday Telegraph has issued an apology to Dr Rajendra Pachauri

Insurrection on Oxford Street

Girls, tattoos and men who hate women

Your Democracy

Everything you want to know about your MP, the Lords and the UK’s main political parties. Plus, browse debates from 1803 to the present day.

Welcome back to 1930s Britain

Cameron's claims of a new economic dynamism, but with no money, are just more weasel words.

Don’t let the banks break the levy

We’ve just jumped off a cliff
George Osborne’s Comprehensive Spending Review is the biggest — and riskiest — macroeconomic experiment undertaken by any advanced country in living m

Documents reveal Citigroup's plans to take over EMI
Terra Fima took control of the company in 2007 but has been unable to turn around the business.

KPMG under investigation over BAE payments
Investigation will look at the audits starting from 1997.

The Kids Are All Right (15)

Annette Bening's return to the screen warrants a public holiday.

The Secret Life of the National Grid
Beauty is uncovered in the most surprising of subjects

The Arbor (15)
Ryan Gilbey experiences the turbulent family life of a working-class playwright.

The Genius of British Art
Mr Jacobson is a seductive and idiosyncratic art critic.

Store blockaded

Insurrection on Oxford Street

Bill Bryson

The NS Interview: Bill Bryson

Do they matter?

Who are these Skeptics? And do they matter?


Suharto the “hero”?

Fear of China

Fear of a Chinese planet

Video rage

Video: Nick Robinson versus anti-war placard

In this together?

We are not all in this together

What a carve up!

In this week’s New Statesman: What a carve up!

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