Friday, December 01, 2006

Never read Rand but this amused me nonetheless.

I've seen this cartoon before but I can't remember where. So apologies in advance if a reader doesn't get due credit/hat tip for the image. It's not 'cos I didn''t want to.

I also liked the byline for the cartoon:

The Fuck Ayn Rand Discussion Group: "Simplistic right-wing propaganda in the style of airport reading. If you want to impress your friends with the fact you can get through a 900 page book, read harry potter."

It turns out there are plans for a film adaptation of her 1957 novel, 'Atlas Shrugged', in the pipeline. Randall Wallace, the numpty who wrote the screenplay for 'Braveheart' and 'Pearl Harbour' is writing/directing, and Angelina Jolie is pencilled in to play the role of Dagny Taggart. I can't wait.