Saturday, December 02, 2006

The Lost Seinfeld Episode - 'Kramer Becomes A Racist'

Clever, very clever.

Remember, don't fall for his attempt at the Mel Gibson defence. Michael Richards is still a total scumbag, however many mea culpas he does on talk shows from here until the New Year

Hat tip to Total Jim.


hakmao said...

True confessions time ... I never liked Seinfeld. The reason? I couldn't abide Michael Richards. I'd say something about my gut being right, but that would get me a lecture from Wm Rubbish Esq about idealist, obscurantist bullshit, so will refrain from further comment.

Darren said...

I'm not the greatest fan of Seinfeld either, but at least it was never as insufferable smug as Frasier. That show really bugged me.

I'd like to put my hand up to the fact that I like 'Everybody Loves Raymond', but people will think that I'm trying to be ironic, so I won't bother.

Reidski said...

I was always a fan of Seinfeld and the Kramer character was one of the main reasons for that. I don't dislike it now as a result of the racism displayed by Richards at that comedy club. It's still a very funny programme.
As for your remarks about Frasier, Darren, may the comedy gods strike you down - it's hilarious, man! You'll be saying you don't like Friends next?

John said...

I never, ever got Seinfeld. I thought it was just applingly piss-poor.

Frasier, on the other hand, was superb, especially that half-witted Daphne and her hilarious fake-Mancunian accent.

Darren said...

Still sort of shocked that this post has smoked Reidski and John out as fans of Frasier.

Christ, next you'll be telling me that you liked Fry & Laurie.

No, don't bother telling me. I don't know if I could handle it.

Reidski said...

Darren, Frasier was hilarious must-see Friday night TV (when it was on on Friday nights). But talking of accents and Frasier, remember her wedding when her, supposedly, Manc family turned up and her brother (played by Anthony LaPaglia?) had the worst cockney accent ever heard on television?

As for Fry & Laurie - utter pish!

And, now that I think of it, wonder if I really will laugh the next time I watch Seinfeld. Maybe my traditional liberalism will come to the front of my brain and force me not to! And, yes, I know that racism is not something to laugh and smile about!

Darren said...

Fair's fair to Anthony LaPaglia, he doesn't an excellent American accent. Never realised he was from Australia.

Sorry, I can't be convinced about the merits of Frasier. It just didn't work for me.

However for the 78th time on the blog I would urge everyone to check out Lucky Louie if and when it gets shown on British tv.

The numpties at HBO cancelled it after one series, but it's the funniest comedy I've seen since the original Office.

John said...

Fry & Laurie: Comic genius.

League of Gentlemen: An insult to the intelligence.

Still Game: The best programme currently showing in Western Europe.