Thursday, October 28, 2010

It's hard to think of anything more credibility-blowing than admitting you once owned and enjoyed a UB40 album.

But I bought Signing Off when it came out and unless I'm mistaken the bonus 12 inch that came with it is the first dub record I owned.*

I sold the record a few years later (ah, those student days of restricted funds when to get new records you craved you sometimes had to sell off a bunch of things you liked to get cash...).

But you know what, listening, 30 years later, to the Virgin/EMI reissue of Signing Off that came through the mail recently, -- I can see what I saw in it.

Especially with the first double A-sided single, "King" / "Food For Thought", a huge UK hit.

Bass, drums, rhythm guitar, keyboards--they're all rock solid. The singing too, actually, is fine. What lets the side down slightly is the sax, which doesn't have the Jamaican sound, is a bit smarmy and New Wave/New Pop. More Pelican West on mogadon than rootical.

"King" especially is a great tune.

(I mean, be honest now, can you actually remember an Aswad melody, apart from "Don't Turn Around"?)

Now this one, this one is dread.

Singles off the second album are dreary ("One In Ten"), didn't bother checking out that LP.

Then Labour of Love era, which I think is what UB40-hate is mainly based on (and fair enough). (Although "Red Red Wine" is more tolerable in conjunction with the black-and-white kitchen-sink-drama-esque video).

But what about this late period gem?

I bought this at the time. Massive B-line.

* Unless this geezer's LP counts as dub. That would have come out just before Signing Off I think, summer of 1980. PiL themselves were influenced by heavy roots reggae and dub obviously, but their records never actual sound dubby in the classic sense of all those mixing-desk tricks.
"chips of plutonium/are twinkling in every lung"

both far more effective than "Two Tribes"

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

"Linkin Park create their own genre with A Thousand Suns.... After A Thousand Suns, all rock 'n' roll will revolve around Linkin Park"--Rick Florino,Artistdirect

what a load of cobblers

overwraught and over-wrought

i've listened to the whole album... overall sound-wise it's like Chinese Democracy produced by David Sitek... torrid sterility...

Also, a concept album about nuclear war!

come off it guvnor

the theme of nuclear war is even more retro than doing a concept album

Reminds me, the other day I asked Kieran (eleven now) if he knew what nuclear war was, because it occurred to me there's really no reason he'd ever have come across the notion, and sure enough, he had no idea what it referred to. Didn't know what a nuclear bomb was.

What a weight off young minds's that must be, to grow up without thinking the world's going to get blown to kingdom come. Of course they have other stuff to worry about.

(One of my school projects when I was about 15 was on World War Three including if X amount of megatonnage got dropped on London, then what the blast radius would be... concluding that in Berkhamsted, while we wouldn't get the firestorm, we would get house-flattening 500 miles-per-hour winds followed in due course by the radioactive fallout. I don't think the nuclear winter effect was widely known about at that point (1978-ish), or at least it wasn't in the CND type literature I consulted. But it did featur in one of those early Eighties made-for-TV films about the aftermath of nuclear attack (famine, plagues of insects, etc) and on the back of "Two Tribes" where you have the breakdown of causes of mass death by category.)

I should have posted this on the 70s blog really.

Actually that reminds me further, my brother Tim had a proto-hauntological interest in nuclear shelters. It went back to the discovery of an abandoned one in a cow pasture just up the road from us in Berkhamsted. We actually climbed down in it as boys (accompanied by adults I hasten to add). Bunk beds, sandbags, kinda what you'd expect. Investigating this as a grown-up, Tim discovered that there was a circuit of similar small underground shelters located in the countryside on the outskirts of insignificant-seeming towns, stretching across the country, built during I guess the 50s/60s, for local government figures to shelter in presumably, or military personnel--whoever would form the skeleton of an administrative structure following a full-scale nuclear attack on the U.K. But by the early 70s, when we went down it, this particular one had fallen into disuse and seemed to have been completely forgotten about. The manhole-like entrance was surrounded by thistles and cowpats.

it gets a hell of a lot better than this admittedly does disprove the idea that Ozzy did absolute nothing worth hearing after Sabbath

put it this way: i wouldn't flick to another station if this came on in the car.

indeed i don't flick to another station when this comes on in the car.

(you really want the proper studio version of this -- cleaner riffage -- someone's spliced a live version onto the original video for some reason)
it can get quite a bit better than this

still, pretty nifty sliver of Radio Rock from one of the form's maestros

clean clear and menthol cool

(bit of a blatant rip from Free's "alright now" at the start though)

this is his godhead Moment, right

great synth, you could almost imagine he had an E2-E4 in him

and this one was a David Mancuso Loft favourite

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

it gets substantially better than this

but it's a total charmer, and the musical backing really pumps

Q: Will New Wave ever get hip? Be a resource for ransacking?

Monday, October 25, 2010

it does not get a whole heap better than this

Tom Browne is the Artiste but he barely features on the record!

i mean, that's him soloing right at the start... and then.... he's just part of the horn section, right? who don't exactly dominate the recording

for years and years i just assumed that Tom Browne was the bassist, as the bass was obviously the stellar instrument, the most striking and ear-entrancing and reason-to-buy hook on the record -- of course it's the mighty Marcus Miller

also thought they were funkin for Jamaica Jamaica... i'd never heard of Jamaica, Queens

this was my sixth or seventh single... bought it from Virgin Megastore on a trip up to town, along with "Down in the Tube Station At Midnight"
Melissa Maerz on Sesame Street as friend of gay liberation
"I want someone younger than me to get foolish about pop again, to stop telling me all the things I could be listening to and start telling me why I SHOULDN’T listen to certain things. Reattach guilt to pop, reattach hierarchy, reattach shame, reattach style, remember style’s difference from fashion instead of just adding their void-voice to the general hey-if-you-enjoy-it-that’s-cool numbness of discussion. Stop fucking rehabilitating everything and start locking stuff up and out and AWAY. Out of reach for a reason. Pleasure forced to justify itself again"--fighting talk from Neil Kulkarni in his Quietus jumping-the-gun-a-bit end of year report on hip hop's state of the art (but so much more than that)

Sunday, October 24, 2010

it really doesn't get much better than this

or this

but this is actually my favourite

Saturday, October 23, 2010

it doesn't get any better than this

unless it's this

or this

or this


Thursday, October 21, 2010