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History and Revolutions.

History and Mortgages are Forever Connected

The history of mortgages is one that is complex and significant. Any first time home buyer will normally have to take out a mortgage and negotiate with a bank. In many cases, Euro mortgages can last up to 25 years before they are fully paid back.

Mortgages are not the only thing that has had a revolutionary change. Our society in general is full of history and revolutionaries. One of the greatest and most influential revolutions to happen in our world is the American Revolution. I will not debate who won and who lost, as that is insignificant when considering the cultural impact that comes along with participating in a revolution.

For many countries, being involved in a revolution is not by choice, but rather by defensive measures. If our history has taught us anything, it is that countries like to expand their borders, and thus that requires them to take land. (more...)

Become a Currency Broker or a Revolutionist

There are many occupations available in or world. Some people choose to become a Bank or currency broker , some choose to become a police officer or even a firefighter. People choose these professions because they are attracted to them, but in some cases, a profession is placed upon someone.

Our world has a deep history that dates back millions of years. Although we only have records for a fraction of man's time on earth, we do know of certain historical events that are significant. Many of these significant events happen to be known as revolutions.

One recent revolution that occurred in the 20th century is that of Cuban Che Guevara. He has become a symbol of freedom and peace for his victories over the United States. Although Che was eventually killed, he is still a global symbol for revolutionists. (more...)

From Loincloth to Vans Shoes

As humanity has evolved, so has our need for clothing. Modern humans wore cloth garments and loin, whereas today we wear brand name clothing and footwear. The history of clothing is one that is very deep and complex. Just like we have different revolutions, we have different eras in clothing.

When we put on our shoes we can choose between our work boots, sandals or vans shoes . Instead of having one pair of shoes, we now have multiple pairs for different occasions. Unlike our traditional ancestors, we think of shoes as a fashion statement, whereas for them, it was simply a way to protect their feet.

Clothing history has evolved rapidly, especially in the past 100 years. It seems that in our modern day, there is a clothing revolution every few months. This is done to entice people to buy more clothing than they really need. (more...)

The History of Homes and Shutters

There are three main staples of survival. These staples are food, water and shelter. Shelters has seen a drastic change in humanity, what were once simple shacks made out of mud and stone have turned into elaborate structures worth millions of pounds.

In modern society, houses are made out of many different types of materials. There are literally thousands of different materials that go into the making of a building. Some of these materials are essential for a safe house, while others are simply for aesthetical reasons.

Many of these aesthetical features, such as shutters , are not found on our ancestors' houses. Although shutters do offer some shade from the sun, they are mainly for visual appearance. The housing history has changed drastically in the past few thousand years. (more...)

Rome: The Great Survivor of History and Revolution

Rome has been the capital of Italy since 1870. Today the city is a bustling cosmopolitan city, affording a wealth of activities and places of historic interest for the discerning visitor.

As would be expected from a location so rich in culture, Rome is one of the most popular city destinations in Europe, affording accommodation to suit every need and budget.

There is a wide range of places to stay in Rome . For those who can afford it, there are a number of luxurious apartments and hotels, overlooking the iconic Colosseum, the sight of many historic gladiatorial combats throughout the years. (more...)

Manhattan: A Country of History on One Island

For many, when they think of New York, they think of the island and dramatic skyline of Manhattan, the centre of this magnificent and unique city.

Previously New Amsterdam in the 17th Century, today Manhattan is the centre of commerce and culture of not just New York but often the whole of the United States of America. The island therefore attracts a large amount of visitors, wishing to sample the hustle and bustle for which New York, 'The City That Never Sleeps' is famous for.

There are a number of Manhattan vacation accommodation available to suit all budgets. Generally the most expensive line have views of Central Park, a large green space formed in the 1850s. For a more bohemian vibe SoHo and Greenwich Village are popular destinations. For a smaller budget the areas around the Lower East Side offer more affordable accommodation. (more...)

London Affords a Wealth of History

Today, London is the capital and by far the largest city in the United Kingdom, with over 8 million inhabitants.

As would be expected, the city has a long and varied history, which can be traced back for over 2000 years. This makes London a fascinating city for visitors, especially for historians, or for those with historic interests.

To cater for these needs, there are a large number of London holiday rentals available for every budget and taste. These rentals vary from cheaper budget hotels and apartments, to luxurious Five Star Hotels with views of the iconic St Paul's Cathedral, originally said to be built on the top of the Roman Temple of Diana. (more...)

Stay in Prague, The Historical Jewel of Central Europe

Prague is the capital and largest city of the Czech Republic. Prior to 1993, the city was also the capital of the larger country of Czechoslovakia, which included the now separarate Slovakia. The Velvet Revolution, which occurred following the demise of the Berlin Wall, led to Prague and the rest of the Czech Republic freeing itself from the communist influence which had been in place since 1948.

Despite this long period of communist rule, Prague has managed to retain a large number of beautiful buildings, many dating back to the Renaissance and Medieval periods. This makes the city a popular destination for those with historical and archaeological interests.

If this is of interest to you, why not try an apartment in Prague for your next stay in the Czech Republic. An apartment with views of the city’s main landmark, Prague Castle, will usually command a premium. The Castle dates back to 863, when it was the largest inhabited fortress in Europe. An apartment with views of the Vltava River is also much sought after. (more...)

The Wealth of History On The Streets Of New York City

The city of New York is famous the world over. This is due in part to it being one of the busiest, most cosmopolitan cities in the world, hence its motto, 'The City That Never Sleeps’.

As well as the obvious attractions of such a city, such as the shopping and the nightlife, the city also boasts a wealth of historical monuments and biuldings, some of which date back to the days of the American Civil War. These biuldings stand to commemorate the city’s great and often turbulent history.

The combination of the city’s history and its busy pace of life makes it a popular destination for many tourists. As am alternative to staying in hotels, many tourists prefer to have their home comforts and seek New York apartment rentals rentals for their stay in the ‘Big Apple’. (more...)

Roman History and Apartment Buildings

There is one city in our world that lives and breathes history, and that city is Rome. Some people would give up everything simply to have a chance at buying one of the apartments in rome . Living in Rome is unlike living in any other city, you could look out your window and everywhere you look will have a deep history.

Rome’s history is full of political revolutions and triumphs. The empire of Julius Caesar is one that has been studied for hundreds of years, and offers if anything, a real look at what life was like back then.

The Romans have a mythical aura about them that makes them more interesting than any other society on earth. Their lifestyle and culture were on a completely different level in relation to other civilizations of their time. Rome is and will forever be a city of significance. (more...)

A Brief History of the French Revolution

Few world events have had the historical significance of the French Revolution. Quotes like “let them eat cake” or “liberty, fraternity, equality” have been a part of our collective consciousness for well over two hundred years now. But as others have observed in the past, we tend to remember the quotes and forget the cause.

So, what brought about the revolution? While opinions do differ, we know that it had a lot to do with an absolute monarchy. For centuries, France had been ruled by a monarchy that had grown increasingly complacent and less responsive to the will of the people. This last king was a useless faineant by the name of Louis XVI.

Like many domestic insurrections, the causes of the revolution were almost entirely economic. But even though Louis was most assuredly lazy, the financial problems were not all of his doing. It was not as if sell my property signs went up only during his reign. In fact, it was his predecessor, Louis XV, who had nearly bankrupted the nation by fighting a series of unnecessary wars. (more...)

1960s Revolution in San Francisco

Our world is ripe with history and revolutions. Not only is history interesting, it also provides us with a look at how we used to function with one another in the past. We cannot build a better future if we do not know how to correct the mistakes of our past.

One country that is full of historical significance is that of the United States. The United States is comprised of many states and cities, but none may be as significant as San Francisco and the student movement of the 1960’s.

In the 1960’s, vacation apartments San francisco had to offer were full of students and media who were all attracted to the student counter-revolution movement. This was a movement that was anti-bourgeoisie and anti-capitalist. (more...)

The Evolution of Historical Record Keeping

History is all around us at every moment. Everything on this planet has a past, present and future. The reason we know about our past is because it was recorded by the people who experienced it. As time continues, our methods of recording history improve, thus record keeping has become faster and more accurate.

Newspapers and magazines were inspired by historical record keeping. Long before we had the internet and print aids, we had stone tablets with engraved pictures. These tablets and early writings are the foundation for our record keeping methods today.

The evolution of record keeping has also given birth to the internet and other various forms of media. We can search for Amsterdam rentals in a few seconds with a simple keyword search on the internet. (more...)

It doesn't take much of an effort to notice how the population is slightly large and still increasing. Population growth is a strange thing to consider since population growth actually stimulates more population growth and growth therefore speeds up at a continually increasing rate.

Does this sound complicated, yes, it does and that's because it is. Rapid population growth is a very real phenomenon and it will affect the future of our planet.

Whilst you may think this has little to nothing in terms of potential implications for you, it would be wise to think again. Whilst your holiday to Barcelona apartments to rent to rent may be very nice at the moment, housing developments are going up everywhere and your little slice of heaven may soon me overshadowed. (more...)

Heads Will Roll!

Hmm, the Great Napoleon will certainly have his place in history firmly reserved but where would France have been without this man and the events that centred around his reign?

A lot changed after the revolution which saw the overthrow of their long serving absolute monarchy. This left the country in a period of change in many ways: The whole state changed its shape and the social layout of France has never been the same.

That said, if you're sitting in one of the very nice apartments in Paris , and your wondering if this was a change for the better, take a look around you. Things change because they aren't right and a huge movement such as the French revolution would have been a failed endeavour had it not been for the best. (more...)

History Where You Least Expect it

Times change and the path of entire countries changes on a day to day basis. Great events of giant magnitudes aren't always on the front pages but there have certainly been a few defining moments over the course of history.

On the very spot where Warsaw apartments and hotels may stand today, a great historical significance had been played out previously. Very few people realise these things yet every place on Earth could be hiding a fascinating past.

The internet could be a great resource for uncovering this past and a little research into your local area or country may surprise you. Most places have an intriguing history and have played their part in wider history; only most people wouldn't know much in this domaine. Living memory may even be able to unearth a few secrets that you previously thought of as unknown. Our elders could have a thing or two to intrigue us with. (more...)

Time for Change

History has never stood still; if it had done then we would still be living as cavemen and revolution has shaped our present, not to mention the future. Revolution has been fought for, battled over and resisted in every corner of the globe and we can even see some examples a little closer to home.

We can often see some of the revolution and history of a country embedded in its present and many governments seek to preserve their national heritage. It would seem as though it gives a country an identity and something to relate itself to. Many countries offer their history as a tourist attraction and this is seen all over the globe.

You can find a good example of this in Kenya safari vacations and accommodation. where heritage and cultural assets have been retained to showcase the true colours of the location you chose as your destination. (more...)

The Parodoxical Past

There are a few moments in history when the course of events could have been changed forever if the major players had been equipped with a modern invention.

If Harold II had been wearing modern protective goggles in 1066, he may not have received the fatal shot to the eye, and who knows what would have happened? Maybe we would have been taught about Harold the Conqueror at school instead of William.

And what about old King Canute, who tried to turn the tide back? If only he had had a snorkel and some Waterproof Cases to protect his crown jewels then maybe he would have stuck it out a little longer. (more...)

Times of Old

There are many times and events in history that really stand out for various reasons. Some for good reasons such as the bravery or dedication of certain individuals such as Florence Nightingale or Emily Pankhurst; but more often than not for bad reasons such as the Spanish Inquisition or the era of slavery.

One period that really captures many peoples' imagination, though, is the Knights of the Round Table, led by good old King Arthur. This has been captured time and time again in books and on television and it never fails to attract attention. You can always forge a good story out of King Arthur and his knights!

Whether it is Castle Sieges or battles against the invaders, it is a real tale of bravery and adventure. Famous characters such as Sir Lancelot, Sir Galahad, Sir Gawain and Sir Percival spring alive from the history books with their gallant deeds and acts of courage. (more...)

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