Showing newest posts with label Urban 75. Show older posts
Showing newest posts with label Urban 75. Show older posts

Friday, September 17, 2010

Nothing to Braga about

Before you groan too much at my piss poor pun in the post title, get your laughing gear around this tribute to Arsenal from . . . ahem, The Away Boyz.

You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll swear that it's so awful that all involved must be season ticket holders at White Hart Lane.

And did you spot the 'celebrities' in the video? Peter Hugo Daley (Mick the drummer from Breaking Glass); Lee Whitlock (it's a few years since Shine On Harvey Moon); and was that Charlie Creed-Miles on the drums in the pub? I guess Spike Lee was washing Nick Hornby's hair that day.

Hat tip to 'Fedayn' over at Urban 75 for the blood now pouring from both my eyes and my ears.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Crass commercialism

Peter the Painter lives! . . . and he can also sort out your guttering.

File under the Man in the Red & Black van.

Hat tip to 'RedEyes' over at Urban 75.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Different Class

This is probably from the Labour stable - don't the cheeky bastards remember Cocaine Socialism? - but I love it nonetheless:

Whatever happens, May 8th I'll still be singing this, though.

Hat tip to Tricky Mickey over at Urban 75.

Saturday, March 06, 2010

. . . with chips and gravy

I'm thinking of you and the things you do to me

That makes me love you, now I'm living in ecstasy

Hey, it's you and the things you do to me

That makes me love you, now I'm living in ecstasy

How the hell did I forgot this culinary delight? I must have ate enough of them down the years that I'd be sweating the gravy out of my pores on a hot New York afternoon.

Just googled. I can't find them anywhere in New York. Not even at Tea and Sympathy. There's an online store trying to sell them for nearly five dollars! The whole point about Fray Bentos pies were that they were both cheap and nutritious.

I'll need to go find me Brooklyn's Uruguayan community and befriend someone under false pretences.

Hat tip to someone on Urban 75 for providing me with the instant foodie flashback.

Lest we forget:

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Can you name the top 200 Premier League goalscorers?

Too much hair on your head? Can't afford a haircut?

Take the 'Can you name the top 200 Premier League goalscorers?' quiz and you will have torn out half your hair in a matter of minutes. I spent five minutes hitting the table top whilst trying to remember the name of a current Premiership striker who scores every bastard week.

Oh, and word of forewarning; don't go near the various well know Scandinavian and Dutch forwards of yesteryear unless you have the patience of a saint and the spelling chops of one of those geeks from Spellbound.

I scored 77/200. You can do better.

Hat tip to 'kained and able' on urban 75.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Tricots for goalposts

Diplomatic incident between the Republics of France and Ireland over the small matter of Sarkozy and last night's World Cup play-off game in Dublin.

Hat tip to a Urban 75er.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Mellow dramatic

Weekly Bulletin of The Socialist Party of Great Britain 121

Dear Friends,

Welcome to the 121st of our weekly bulletins to keep you informed of changes at Socialist Party of Great Britain @ MySpace.

We now have 1527 friends!

Recent blogs:

  • Market behaviour
  • A girl's best friend?
  • UN World Food Day
  • Quote for the week:

    "Some will rob you with a six-gun, and some with a fountain pen." Woody Guthrie, Pretty Boy Floyd, 1939.

    Continuing luck with your MySpace adventures!

    Robert and Piers

    Socialist Party of Great Britain

    Thursday, October 08, 2009

    'Bob . . . bob . . . bob . . . bob'

    Weekly Bulletin of The Socialist Party of Great Britain 119

    Dear Friends,

    Welcome to the 119th of our weekly bulletins to keep you informed of changes at Socialist Party of Great Britain @ MySpace.

    We now have 1528 friends!

    Recent blogs:

  • New roots of conflict
  • The disease that is capitalism
  • Global Trends 2025: A Transformed World
  • Coming Events:


    Speakers: Gwynn Thomas & Danny Lambert.

    Tuesday 13 October, 7.30 pm

    Socialist Party Head Office, 52 Clapham High St, London SW4.

    Autumn Delegate Meeting

    Saturday 17 October 10.30am to 5.30pm

    Sunday 18 October 11.00am to 5.00pm

    Socialist Party Head Office, 52 Clapham High St, London SW4.

    Wednesday 21 October, 8.30pm

    Community Central Halls, 304 Maryhill Road, Glasgow.

    Radical Film Forum,

    Sundays 6pm - 52 Clapham High Street, London SW4 7UN.

    1st November - The Fog of War

    15th November - Matewan

    29th November - Sicko

    13th December - Earthlings

    Quote for the week:

    "In place of the old bourgeois society, with its classes and class antagonisms, we shall have an association in which the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all." Marx & Engels, Communist Manifesto, 1848.

    Continuing luck with your MySpace adventures!

    Robert and Piers

    Socialist Party of Great Britain

    Monday, September 21, 2009

    'Some people are on the pitch . . . '

    . . . but it's OK, Craig Bellamy's 1500 miles away cuffing someone else.

    Saturday's Moscow derby between FC Saturn and Spartak Moscow was enlivened by what can only be called a 'sucker punch goal' from a fan from the crowd who decided to interrupt his short cut jog to the bovril stand by walluping in a penalty straight down the middle. Sadly, the penalty had to be retaken as his mate in the tracksuit bottoms was encroaching inside the box when the ball was struck.

    Make sure to watch the celebration afterwards 'cos on 29 seconds in the clip you'll have the shock of your footballing life: Paolo Di Canio has really let himself go since retiring from the professional game. Still got a decent left peg, though.

    Hat tip to 'Barking Mad' over at Urban 75.

    Wednesday, September 09, 2009

    Plastic gangster

    One for Reidski.

    From Football365com website, a brilliantly funny pisstake of hoolies and their ilk that might have John King reaching for the phone to ring his solicitor.

    "Work. Same old, same old. A warrior like me should not be caged. And definitely not as a Waste Management Support Co-ordinator in Lewisham Council. Phone rings. Pick it up.

    "Ooo are ya? Ooo are ya? Ooo are ya?" I shout.

    "Barry," says the voice. "It's Mr Stevens. Now what did we say about answering the phone in accordance with the guidelines laid down by HR in consultation with designated union representatives?"

    "Sorry, Mr Stevens," I say.

    "That's better Barry. Now can you please arrange for a member of the cleaning personnel team to go down to the lobby and change the waste paper basket on front desk?"

    "Millwall! Millwall! Millwall!" I shout.

    "No Barry. Waste paper management now. Millwall later," says Stevens. "Honestly Barry. A man of 48 really ought to be able to control himself." [READ ON . . . .]

    From Old Hooligan: A Day In The Life.

    Hat tip to 'Sweet FA' over at Urban 75.

    Wednesday, July 29, 2009

    Whatever happened to Bob Bert?

    Apparently, it's not just MsMacGuff who has issues with NYC's finest:

    "Sonic Youth - how can you be in a band for about 25 years and make about 20 albums and never have a single song? It's just jazz by people who are shit at their instruments "

    Harsh but funny one line career overview from 'isitme' on the enjoyable 'Diss music that everyone likes' thread on Urban 75.

    Monday, May 18, 2009

    Another gem . . .

    . . . via the good folk at Urban 75.

    March 14th seems so long ago.

    Ruffled Benitez

    Inspired . . . and I don't even have that much of a problem with either Benitez or Liverpool.

    Once again, Fergie wins the minds games and Man Utd wins the title.

    Sammy Lee as Uncle Albert is just brilliant. Made my day seeing that. Those Surrey Reds can be creative when they put their minds to it.

    Hat tip to the good people at Urban 75.

    Thursday, May 07, 2009

    Running gags

    Chelski in the Champions League . . . an uproarious joke that just keeps on giving and giving.

    Hat tip to a kind soul over at Urban 75.

    Monday, April 20, 2009

    Not So PG Quips

    OK, this clip is probably old news now but my post title skills takes time to steep.

    Hat tip to a poster at Urban 75.

    Saturday, March 07, 2009

    " . . . leave to do my utmost."

    Weekly Bulletin of The Socialist Party of Great Britain (87)

    Dear Friends,

    Welcome to the 87th of our weekly bulletins to keep you informed of changes at Socialist Party of Great Britain @ MySpace.

    We now have 1457 friends!

    Recent blogs:

  • Child benefits?
  • Marketing the suicide seed
  • 'It's Later Than You Think'
  • Quote for the week:

    "Then 'twixt lips of loved and lover solemn thoughts of us shall rise;

    We who once were fools and dreamers then shall be the great and wise;

    There amidst the world new builded shall our earthly deeds abide,

    Though our names be all forgotten and the tale of how we died.

    William Morris, All For The Cause, Chants for Socialists, 1894

    Continuing luck with your MySpace adventures!

    Robert and Piers

    Socialist Party of Great Britain

    Wednesday, February 25, 2009

    " . . . no match for natural stupidity."

    Weekly Bulletin of The Socialist Party of Great Britain (86)

    Dear Friends,

    Welcome to the 86th of our weekly bulletins to keep you informed of changes at Socialist Party of Great Britain @ MySpace.

    We now have 1454 friends!

    Recent blogs:

  • Prejudice and Equality
  • The end of the market
  • Free money for everyone?
  • Quote for the week:

    "A class of labourers, who live only so long as they find work, and who find work only so long as their labour increase capital. These labourers, who must sell themselves piecemeal, are a commodity, like every other article of commerce, and are consequently exposed to all the vicissitudes of competition, to all the fluctuations of the market." Marx and Engels, Manifesto of the Communist Party (1848).

    Continuing luck with your MySpace adventures!

    Robert and Piers

    Socialist Party of Great Britain

    Thursday, February 19, 2009