Friday, April 06, 2007

Do They Mean Us? #7


Niall said...

Ha! My flatmate was given the pamphlet on a BBC training course and I read through it. I actually admire the effort and thought that went into it but couldn't resist going for the simplistic route. Hope it didn't cause too much offence.

Darren said...

A BBC training course?

Christ, I'm intrigued. What was it doing turning up at the BBC? Perhaps after all these years the Daily Mail are right about the B standing for Bolshevik? ;-)

Erm, that's not right.

Niall said...

Aye, I was puzzled by that as well, especially as the flatmate in question is a music journalist on a kid's programme of all things. In saying that, I wouldn't put it past the BNP to move on to the kiddies in their quest to brainwash. Either way good old aunty saw fit to include the pamphlet as part of its training course for dealing with enquiries. Nice work.

As for the Bolshevik, surely you're not a Daily Mail reader are you? ;0)

Will said...

Niall is a posh bloke Darren.

Ergo - don't believe a word he says.

Niall said...

Darren, I'm actually as posh as Will. I just have better manners.

Will said...

Oppression tends to come from horse-faced imbeciles with the most beautiful of table manners and language to match.

The manners and arrangement of Niall's thoughts and words correspond to this scenario.

Niall said...

Apologies Darren, I have no wish to conduct a pointless discussion about me being 'posh' as Will puts it. Just for the record, I grew up in a council house where my mum and dad still live, my dad's a factory operator and my mum's a cleaner. I went a state school too. I'm finishing up a PhD which I got an award from the ESRC to do. Funnily enough, it would seem that I have plenty in common with Will, but for some reason he doesn't like me because I'm 'posh'. Which is amuses because I actually quite like him. Oh well, can't win em all.

Will said...

Gerrover yourself Niall :)

Niall said...

I've been had haven't I? Grrr!