Nation Conversations

There are two types of Nation podcasts:

Nation Conversations
Nation Conversations are a recurring series of dynamic public policy forums with policymakers, journalists, activists and thinkers discussing critical and current topics covered by the media. Nation Conversations are The Nation 's current podcast offering. Below you can find Nation Conversations from the Democratic Convention last summer, and from the aftermath of the financial crisis. Linked here is our most recent panel discussion, Progressives and Obama, featuring Eli Pariser of, journalist William Greider, Nation columnist Patricia Williams and foreign-policy expert Lawrence Korb. The Nation will be launching a new multimedia section in late 2009 with expanded offerings of podcasts, videos and slideshows.

RadioNation with Laura Flanders
RadioNation with Laura Flanders is now GRIT Radio with Laura Flanders, a weekly hourlong program culled from highlights of GRIT TV with Laura Flanders, which airs on Free Speech TV and streams live Mondays-Thursdays at Similar in format to RadioNation, GRIT Radio with Laura Flanders is a public affairs and news program which often features guests from The Nation. If you were receiving the weekly RSS or Itunes feed of RadioNation with Laura Flanders, please send an email to to find out how to receive the weekly feed of GRIT Radio. Archived editions of RadioNation and new episodes of GRIT Radio can be heard below.

Radio Nation

  • Grit Radio with Laura Flanders 2/16/09

    As the nation struggles to save and create jobs what can workers and policy makers do to make sure workers aren't robbed. Then, one place jobs are probably safe is in the so called defense industry. Pratap Chatterjee of Corpwatch, filmmaker Eugene Jarecki, and former Iraq weapons inspector Scott Ritter on the American Business of war. Also a commentary from the father of Rachel Corrie, who was crushed by a Caterpillar bulldozer in Gaza in 2003. President Obama visits a Caterpillar plant to stir up support for his stimulus package, Craig Corrie sent him a message.

  • Grit Radio with Laura Flanders 2/09/09

    This week on GRITradio, Creating jobs. What works what doesn't and what about spending is hard for some to understand? Then, Iraqis voted in PRovincial elections and some in Washington claimed avicotry. But those who won in Iraq were those who stood

  • Grit Radio with Laura Flanders 1/26/09

    We broadcast live from Busboys and Poets cafe in Washington, DC during inauguration week.

  • Grit Radio with Laura Flanders 1/19.09

    This week on GRITradio, some things change and some just don't. As Israels conflict with Hamas continues, one side's using deadly white phosophorus bombs taht are operating like Napalm on the civilian population. It's not Hamas.  But shifting US policy towards Israel's hard -- we'll hear from Cynthia McKinney who tried -- she's the former Congresswoman from Georgia. Going into his Inauguration, had Barack Obama solved his Rick Warren problem? Faye Wattleton, Ellie Smeal, Jane Hamsher and Kenyon Farrow duke it out. And did autoworkers trade rights for jobs? It's all coming up on GRITradio. The new incarnation of RadioNation

  • Grit Radio with Laura Flanders 02/02/09

    It's a new administration -- but the same old media. Pacifica's Esther Armah, Air America's Sam Seder and Firedoglake's Spencer Ackerman discuss what has and hasn't changed. Then, George Mitchell isn't America's only envoy to the Middle East. Kathy Kelly, of Voices for Creative Nonviolence is just back from Gaza. Also, a report on the sticky price of food, and living without healthcare in the shadow of the nation's capital. It's all coming up right here on GRITradio. The new incarnation of RadioNation.

  • Grit Radio with Laura Flanders

    Formerly Radio Nation with Laura Flanders.

  • RadioNation with Laura Flanders, 12/29/08

    This week, the year in Radio(Nation).Palin, Clinton, and Bush; Klein, Navasky and Danto. Our most compelling interviews of 2008.

  • RadioNation with Laura Flanders, 12/22/08

    This week: Richard Kim and Sarah Posner on the Rick Warren controversy, Ari Berman on the legacy of Howard Dean, and an interview with reporter A.C. Thompson, author of the nation's recent investigation, "Katrina's Hidden Race War."

  • RadioNation with Laura Flanders, 12/15/08

    This week: Liberal living coast to coast. A look at the forthcoming "Nation Guide to the Nation," with Katrina vanden Heuvel. Plus: Patty Hearst, and Obama's choice for Secretary of Education.

  • RadioNation with Laura Flanders, 12/08/08

    This week: Can the people who broke the banking system fix it? We ask the Nation's national affairs correspondent William Greider. Plus: can we save Motor City while at the same time greening motors?

  • RadioNation with Laura Flanders, 12/1/08

    This week: Imagining a new new deal, with Howard Zinn, Frances Moore Lappe, Andrea Batista Schlesinger, Eric Schlosser and...FDR himself. Plus: Ennis Carter and Stephen Duncombe on the political propaganda legacy of the WPA.

  • RadioNation with Laura Flanders, 11/24/08

    This week: A preview of our Fall Books issue. Plus, Obamacons? Jeremy Scahill on Barack Obama's questionable foreign policy team.

  • RadioNation with Laura Flanders, 11/17/08

    This week: Nick Turse on a scandal that killed 11,000. Plus: Bob Dreyfuss, Patricia Williams and Frances Fox Piven on the nascent Obama policy agenda.

  • RadioNation with Laura Flanders, 11/10/08

    This week, what it all meant. Nation Editor Katrina vanden Heuvel on Barack Obama's victory and the coming battle for progressive change we can believe in.

  • RadioNation with Laura Flanders, 11/03/08

    With two days to go it's prediction time. Nation correspondents Laura Flanders, Andrew Gumbel, John Nichols, Ari Melber, Leslie Savan and Chris Hayes preview Election 2008.

  • RadioNation with Laura Flanders, 10/27/08

    This week: Defending ACORN. Peter Dreier and John Atlas explain the controversy. Plus: Patrick Cockburn on the US Media and the "surge," and Katrina vanden Heuvel talks about taking down a red-baiting Minnesota Congresswoman.

  • RadioNation with Laura Flanders, 10/20/08

    This week: An emergency forum on the financial crisis, with Naomi Klein, William Greider, Frances Fox Piven, Doug Henwood and Arun Gupta.

  • RadioNation with Laura Flanders, 10/13/08

    This week: Green jobs and the green party. Van Jones talks with Laura about his new book proposing a "green collar solution" to the economic crisis. Plus: Vice Presidential nominee Rosa Clemente makes her case for voting Green.

  • RadioNation with Laura Flanders, 10/6/08

    Can young voters stand up to suppression and swing Election 2008? Plus: Robert Fisk on the Middle East, and McCain's Russia scandal.

  • RadioNation with Laura Flanders, 9/29/08

    This week John Nichols and Michelle Goldberg report back from Alaska. Plus: two views on the bailout, the peace movement meets Ahmandinejad, and Howard Zinn on a new New Deal.

Nation Conversations

Convention Audio »


» The Beat

GOP Senators Discover U.S. Isn't Broke, O.K. Billions for Jobs | Republican revelations: The government has lots of money and it can do lots of good -- except when it comes to health care.
John Nichols

» The Notion

Progressive Bible Study | It might be time for progressives to lead our national bible study.
Melissa Harris-Lacewell

» Act Now!

The Public Option is Back | As is Heather Graham reprising her role in a new MoveOn ad sending up the private insurance companies.
Peter Rothberg

» The Dreyfuss Report

Shut Up, Tom Ricks! | The drums of war are beating to convince Obama to stay in Iraq for "many years."
Robert Dreyfuss

» Editor's Cut

Bipartisan Blather | Bipartisanship is back as the next new thing in Washington.
Katrina vanden Heuvel

» Altercation

Slacker Monday | On Tiger Woods, Tucker Carlson and the 1980 US Olympic hockey team.
Eric Alterman

» And Another Thing

Haitian Relief: Shelter is Crucial, Underfunded | Rainy season is coming. You can help!
Katha Pollitt