Sunday, October 31, 2010
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Welcome to the Weblog of Austin Mitchell

Austin Mitchell has been the Labour MP for Grimsby since 1977.

Austin started out on the right of the Labour Party, but in recent years it has moved so far right behind him that he is now the extreme left. Considered a dangerous revolutionary because of his belief in equality, public spending and state intervention in the economy and in markets and in full employment, which is basic to socialism. Not Old Labour- positively geriatric! He lives in Grimsby, though most of his time is spent driving between Grimsby- London - Halifax.

A former Parliamentary Private Secretary, Opposition Whip, Member of the Treasury, Civil Service Select Committee and Front Bench Spokesperson on Trade and Industry, he currently sits on the Public Accounts Committee. His interests include housing; the economy; fisheries policy and New Zealand. Austin is also a keen photographer and, as Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Photography, organises the annual Jessops Parliamentary Photography Exhibition.

Austin is a member of many All-Party Parliamentary Groups, as well as being the chair of the Council Housing Group of MPs. Previously he was an academic (Nuffield College Oxford and New Zealand Universities) and a television journalist (BBC and Yorkshire Television). He presented 'Target' with Norman Tebbit on SKY from 1989 to 1998. He writes for The House Magazine, Accountancy Age and is the author of various books, some of which are collaborations with the late, great Richard Whiteley.

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General Ramblings

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John McDonnell’s Private Members Bill which clears up legislation which works against the unions was defeated because the Labour Party would not support it. Thus we failed to the 100 MPs needed to...


No. 10 is announcing that the government is ending “secure” tenancies in Council Housing and (presumably) assured tenancies in Social Housing.   Its social vindictiveness.  Don’t...


 I used to love going to Tory Party Conferences. So much nicer and more naïve than Labour’s bloodlettings.   This year I loved ours but the Tories put me on edge. All Fairytales told...



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What motivates 35 “top” business “leaders” to clamour for Tory cuts and denounces Labours plans to halve the deficit.   It can’t be economic sense because the cuts...


The PLP dealt you a poor hand in the Shadow Cabinet shower. No reason for turning a problem into a disaster. You should have consulted me. Alan Johnson is wrong for Chancellor. He’s got a good tough...


Austin Mitchell says: “Whatever Gordon Brown proposes for a quick fix on Pay and Allowances, the issue isn`t going to go away.   We`re in a recession. People are losing their jobs and...



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Boost not Bash

This is no time to threaten Yorkshire Forward as David Cameron is now doing.  We need to build it up and give it more money to help areas like ours which are hit by the recession.  Yet instead...


Helen Clark Speaking at the House of Commons

Helen Clark Prime Minister of New Zealand since 1999 will be speaking to MPs, New Zealand Labour Party members and interested New Zealanders at the end of her forthcoming visit to the UK.


Austin presents children's artwork to Tony Blair

Austin met Tony Blair this afternoon to present him with artwork by Grimsby schoolchildren.


Port Rates Fiasco

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  Don’t be fooled by the Tory proposal to have a moratorium on retrospective rate payments in the ports. Sounds good. Means nothing.   It means they’ve flunked the chance of doing...




  Victoria Ayling, prospective parliamentary candidate for Grimsby announces that a Tory government will end the retrospective rate demands. Hurrah.   Victoria may not be the best source of...


Election 2010

Top Headline

1) Grimsby First - to put Grimsby, and its people, first and foremost and to promote Grimsby.   2) On your Side - to fight for a fairer deal for the low paid   3) Europe - to oppose...


  Suddenly all the talk is about a hung parliament (as distinct from a well hung parliament). Bring it on. I sat in one for two years. It meant hard work and long hours but backbenchers could get...


  Everyone’s keeping their cards close to their chests. Whips don’t know. Ministers won’t talk. We know now the Budget is 24 March.My best guess for the rest is: Dissolution of...


Book Reviews

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    THE SIX MONTH SHAKEDOWN   Martin Bell A Very British Revolution The Expenses Scandal and How to Save Our Democracy Icon Books UK £11.99 234pp   Ann Treneman Annus...


Latest Articles

  • Britain’s Top Twerps What motivates 35 “top” business “leaders” to clamour for Tory cuts and denounces Labours plans to halve the deficit.  ...
  • Top pay levels: obscene or insane? Michael Grade, who failed to turn ITV round, leaves with £2.7 million consolation. His successor, Adam Crozier, is to get £3.2 million over...
  • Tory moratoriam means nothing   Don’t be fooled by the Tory proposal to have a moratorium on retrospective rate payments in the ports. Sounds good. Means nothing.  ...
  • Tory response to the budget   Darling’s budget got a good press, though not from me; he should have splashed out more. Cameron’s reply was marked down by me as...
  • Mitchell innocent say both fan club members   Austin Mitchell today pleaded not guilty and insane to the charge of demanding money with menaces by asking for a pay increase for MPs. Howls...
  • My Five Pledges 1) Grimsby First - to put Grimsby, and its people, first and foremost and to promote Grimsby.   2) On your Side - to fight for a fairer deal...
  • Cut Eurocrap first!   All the talk of cuts to come makes me fear Edward Scissorhand will be the dominant figure in British politics for the next two years.  ...
  • Call me Holey Czar   The budget doles out £100 million to fill potholes in roads. We could spend that in Grimsby alone. But it’s for the whole country...
  • Reaction to the Budget   Alistair Darling is a calm, dour, dependable Scot so I didn’t expect to be excited by his budget. I wasn’t. Good things come in small...
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Austin's Calendar

October 2010
26 27 28 29 30 1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 1 2 3 4 5 6

Austin In The News