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Tchotchke's Menorahments

Our Seventh Year!

So, what's it going to be?
Candy canes or chocolate gelt?
Figgy pudding or gefilte fish?
Latkes or fruitcake?
Spin the dreidel or get kissed under the mistletoe?

Well, you've found the one place where you don't have to choose! Here you can have it all. Here we celebrate Chrismukkah- the merry mish-mash, one-size-fits-all, unisex, alternative, non-denominational, non-judgmental, non-polluting, all-inclusive, sustainable, holistic, X-treme hybrid holiday celebrating diversity, religious tolerance, ideological, theological and political freedom, peace on earth and the inter-connectedness between all animals, plants and minerals.

"Deck the halls
with lots of tchotchkes,
Fa la la la la la la la la la.
Tis the season to eat latkes,
Fa la la la la la la la L'Chaim!"


We mailed our first home-made Chrismukkah cards in November 2003 (featuring our "hybrid" daughter Minna) to Grammy Nadine, Pappa John, Nana Rita, Opa Fred and the rest of our mish-mash family. Inspired by the positive response, we launched for families like ours.

Noel Nosh Matzoh House

Free Shipping for $50+

Don't miss the Chrismukkah Store where you'll find our orginal design greeting cards, books and exclusive Chrismukkah ornament. After shopping our Chrismukkah store, check out the Cafe Press Chrismukkah Annex where you'll find blank Chrismukkah cards, T-shirts, hats mugs, hats, kid stuff and more.

Our self-published, limited-edition spiral cookbook "Chrismukkah: The Merry Mish-Mash Holiday Cookbook" is still available here? Invite the priest and rabbi over for nosh! Everyone will be converted when they taste our mouthwatering meshugganah recipes: Gefilte Goose, Fakakta Figgy Pudding, Kris Kringle Kugel, Blitzens Blintzes, Matzah Pizza and much, more!

Kudos for the cookbook:

"Your cookbook makes me wish I had married a Goy instead!" --Shelly Goldberg N.Y., N.Y.

"The cookbook is awesome! I couldn't stop laughing." --Steve G. Minnesota

Today Show Green Room

Michelle and Ron wait in the Today Show "Green Room" before being interviewed.

Oy Joy! New Book

Now in paperback

Watch Ron's KBZK CBS news interview

Listen to Ron's NPR interview

"It's as if Martha Stewart married Jon Stewart, and together they wrote a guide book to the holidays!"

"Ron Gompertz has written a very merry Chrismukkah book. Ho, ho, ho - and oy, oy, oy."
- The Jewish Daily Forward

Chrismukkah-Everything You Need to Know to Celebrate the Hybrid Holiday by Ron Gompertz.

"Christmas meets Hanukkah for millions of mixed-faith families--who deck their trees with Stars of David and spin the dreidel under mistletoe. Hillariously illustrated with over 300 color photographs. An endlessly entertaining guide to the joys--and oys--of celebrating Chrismukkah, the hybrid holiday.

A veritable cornucopia of seasonal delights, this handy (and very funny) lifestyle guide walks us through Chrismukkah events, history, and lore. You'll learn about hybrid holiday traditions in decorating (ornaments, wreaths, menorahs, dreidels); innovative tchotchkes (Chrismukkah cards, stockings, lights); and a plethora of menorah options (Godzilla or snowman, anyone?). Plus, the book includes rollicking games to play and songs to sing, along with easy-to-follow recipes by Kathy Stark of Starky's Authentic (the only Jewish Deli in the state of Montana) for Latkes with Sugar Plum Fairy Sauce, General Saul's Chicken, Mama Mia Matzah Pizza!, Blitzen's Blintzes, and other Noel Noshes. Your yuletide happy hours will never be the same once you start mixing a Yule Plotz, Meshugga Nog, or Manishewitz Mulled Wine!"


Celebrating the Holidays Together

Chrismukkah is the way millions of people experience the December holidays together... with elements of both Christmas and Hanukkah. While you won't find Chrismukkah on the calendar, it's as real as you make it. Chrismukkah is Santa Claus and Hanukkah Harry sitting down at the bar together after a long night's schlep with a Christmas ale and a He'Brew beer. Chrismukkah is a celebration of what we have in common, not what makes us different. Chrismukkah is a state of mind for the season... a multi-cultural, mish-mash of the cherished holiday rituals we grew up with. Chrismukkah is a way intermarried families of Christians and Jews can share the holidays. Chrismukkah has no dogma or rules. It's customizable to suit the individual celebrant and their extended family. Chrismukkah is a global gumbo of flavors from all the December holidays: Christmas, Hanukkah, Winter Solstice, Kwanzaa, Shabe Yalda, Bodhi Day... even Festivus.

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Christmas is Christmas, but how do you spell Hanukkah?

Chanukah is a transliteration of a Hebrew word, so you'll find it spelled Hanukkah, Chanukah, Hanukah, Hannukah and Channukah. With all the attention Chrismukkah recieved last year, they've even added it to some dictionaries. Time magazine listed Chrismukkah as one of their top ten "buzzwords" of the year. Other spellings won't get you to the same place: Chrismukka, Chrismukah, Chrismuka, Chrismakka, Christmukkah, Christmukah, Christmakkah, Christmakah... Chanumas, Hanumas, Chrismahanukwanzakah... there's only one Chrismukkah.